A Hall of Mirrors

by Darius McCaskey

My face in your face

The light in your eyes

Dancing and twirling

Growing, alive

A hall of mirrors reflecting me

Shards of glass

Silver and black

Injure and cut

Years of bad luck

A hall of mirrors protecting me

Wrinkles and bags

Time's been unkind

Disease and old age

Inevitable fate

A hall of mirrors infecting me

Circles and rings

Forever's the thing

Betrothed and betrayed

You gave me away

A hall of mirrors rejecting me

Faces of friends

Lovers pretend

Once long-lost

And now again

A hall of mirrors connecting me

Merging of id

Conflicts within

Shadows and glass

Handful of ash

A hall of mirrors inspecting me

Playing of games

Avoid and evade

Questions, no answers

Marvelous tack

A hall of mirrors deflecting me

Slap on the hand

Sterner rebuke

Slap to the face

Farcical truth

A hall of mirrors correcting me

Lust in my eye

Love in my heart

Could be the end

Rebirth, renew

A hall of mirrors selecting me
