Stories tagged marriage


370370 views1111 comments44 favs

It is New Year’s Day and I feel swollen with sorrow, the way a corpse swells in water. I can almost see the liquid seeping from my shoes when I walk, hear the squish, squish sound of my feet moving across the kitchen floor


14111411 views22 comments22 favs

She would have moved on to the next guy in the next bar, the one who looked like danger on a stick.

Mushroom Like a Pile of Ears

7979 views66 comments22 favs

1979This is what Cheryl Brown thought as she stood out in front of her newly minted Colonial in Bloomington Estates: that her husband Matthew was a beautiful person. If he had been born a cardinal, everything would have been fine, because as the male…

You Only Get One Question

927927 views1414 comments1010 favs

Before the wife knows it, she’s renting motel rooms for us to sneak away. She feels so alive that she’s practically vibrating, like a high-school girl right before a date with the town bad boy.

A Little Fictional Heat

3838 views44 comments00 favs

She owned a restaurant in the desert that had copper kites pinned to the walls. There were other things too that filled the room—flies and couples who sat at low-lit tables on their desert evening date. The three cooks had the same hairdo—stiff little Mohican…


239239 views2828 comments1414 favs

You make all the lists.


128128 views1818 comments55 favs

Our smiles are so much older than photographs suggest.

Texan American Fairy Tale

374374 views5252 comments3131 favs

I'm not a wife but a cipher.

Out of the Question

10271027 views00 comments00 favs

"Then why? Why?" she choked. "Why are you so... so mean to me?"


10691069 views66 comments33 favs

someone left graffiti on the billboard over: "God's a hard act to follow"; the one that made the news

So Comes Love

12461246 views33 comments22 favs

Her students read their work aloud in class, haltingly, sometimes proudly, and their willingness amazed Miriam. They were immigrants and retirees, carpenters, security guards, Indian nannies, Iranian escapees. She loved their odd word choices, the lack of editorial impulse.…

We're The Atwoods

945945 views11 comment00 favs

I remember a time when Calvin, my husband, was like Winnie the Pooh and I was a jar of fine Provençal honey. No amount of my sweetness could satisfy his craving for me. He would spread me on his toast with butter at breakfast and mix me with peanut butter

A Thin Piece of Something

753753 views22 comments11 fav

Last week, Beatrice told Rick she doesn’t want to marry him because why should they need an antiquated religious ceremony to validate their love for each other? But really it is because she does not love him. They both know this, but only deeply. They do

Stuck Shut

476476 views88 comments33 favs

I’m leaving him, soon as these flowers die.


9393 views44 comments33 favs

It turned out they were both children of church men.