Stories tagged marriage

In the nude

39053905 views4242 comments3838 favs

The Italians live on top of the ruins of Roman cities and medieval settlements, of the towns and villages of the Visigoths and the Vandals, gesticulating, fornicating, craving poems, like all of us.

Our Neighbors

12991299 views00 comments11 fav

It was with the departure of their last child that the Beazleys became grotesquely petty with each other.

The Last Lion

12791279 views99 comments88 favs

He stood for a long moment just watching with his hands in his pockets. He felt as he had been delivered from the intention of the holy one, blessed is he and into the hand of what had been gripping him for years; about to arrive at what had for so long

Mommy's Sick Heart

122122 views1313 comments88 favs

“You’re my daughter and I love you but I don’t understand this. I can’t understand how you could walk away from your son.”

Spiritual Barbecue

6565 views44 comments22 favs

I got nothin' to help me out. No whiskey. No beer. No pet. Just a wife sittin' in the backyard like a tickin' time bomb.


13261326 views1010 comments55 favs

If it were known that I am as stupid as I am, if the press were to open that page on TV, if the laughter shot itself like fireworks out into the road--


8888 views77 comments33 favs

"Mommy is going to learn how to clean the oven," I said to my son. I was really talking to my husband. Unhappy spouses do that. They put on a show in front of the kids.

Wedding Day

22442244 views99 comments55 favs

A bride, dressed in white gown and flowing veil, totters in high heels down the uneven pavement past Simone’s Café. She holds a bouquet of red and orange chrysanthemums. Three men, wearing black tuxes, accompany her; one of them holds up the hem of her dr


12581258 views33 comments33 favs

People ask me sometimes what it’s like to meet your wife when you’re six years old, and I have to admit now that I don’t really understand the question. Marla and I, we were just friends for most of that time. She made me laugh. I let her crib off my math

Rain - a poem

184184 views1111 comments55 favs

Often I'll open a door to the rain Twist the key till the lock gives Feel the night cool against my face And let the water wash me clean I'd like to cry, I'd like to But that would mean my body Knowing my mind was in pain Sticking …


9797 views99 comments66 favs

He stuck her in a shell and she became the shell, reeked of shell, his powerless accomplice with seeds in her hair.

short novel excerpt

7272 views00 comments00 favs

On the edge of the bed steam rises from the teacups on the top of the SuperSer. She scratches at her stockings where the heater element points and folds her legs sideways. Somehow I cannot stop staring at her. The changes in the years since we last met ar


118118 views2222 comments1818 favs

Your husband falls asleep on films which do not make him laugh.

The Dummy's Guide to Marriage Proposals

23582358 views1010 comments44 favs

She first asked him to marry her when she was five, when 'marry me' meant 'I like you more than anybody else' and she loved everybody around her who was nice to her. And he was so very nice to her. …

Ideas of Her Own

115115 views00 comments00 favs

She took the train to Brooklyn with her sister, Kitty, to watch the Royal Giants play. She said it was to show solidarity with the colored players. I asked her, “Is this some protest thing Kitty dreamed up over at NYU?”