Pain is the saddle which rides me
Pain is the cowboy's gun
More morphing, please!
Squeeze the Word into Flesh
The revolution. It found me, and I didn’t even get blown by the bomb.
When his wife left him, a friend told him that resentments were like canceled checks. You weren't going to get your money back.
The sirens didn’t eat the sailors
the constant inner jabber
Maybe all quarterbacks are shitwads.
When her husband left she was not yet thirty
Cinema Verite’ is the best book of poems I have encountered since Matthea Harvey’s Modern Life
I should have known to wear boots on Teddy’s motorcycle, but I didn’t know that when the engine heated the exhaust pipe became hot as a griddle. Teddy didn’t warn me, and I thought there was something wrong with that, but I let it go the way I jumped on h
I was convinced that enemy bombers were on the way.
I wanna make
banana peel poems--
slippery little booby traps
in which creative destruction holds the heads of entire populations beneath the surface of the water in bathtubs until the bubbles stop
You would think when a bowl hits a tree the sound would be fierce, a loud clatter as stoneware explodes on birch bark dispersing shards in daffodils and grape muscari, but the noise is gentle, a thudding clink like empty bourbon bottles rattling hollow in…
"Perhaps a divorce?" she continues, thinking of his thin, long hands and how they almost, not quite, but almost, made their usual pattern on her body, remembering having queried many men on what their most erotic sexual encounter was and found that the an
One of the drunk men, a dear friend, hunk, as he updated me, now living the existence of a poet, called from San Francisco to say he would take the plane to Minneapolis, do it, then leave me to raise the baby.
Your cairns/
are litter in the streets
Maybe tonight, maybe next week,/
maybe only in my waking dreams,/
I’ll teach another lesson-
I decided to cheat on my husband the day the washing machine broke. It was Darrell's fault, anyway. If he hadn't tried to wash the dog in the Maytag, none of this would've happened. It just goes to show that a man who forsakes the normal use of a househol
Christine comes back from the future looking tired, which is the opposite of what I expected. For some reason, I imagined the future as being invigorating. But she walks into the apartment and abandons her suitcase by the front door, collapses into a heap on the couch next…
It would be another difference a building has from a “sculpture”. It would be something that even photographers would have difficulty in disguising, since many modern buildings, even many modern photographs of buildings, place such emphasis on symmetry. For both…
Wake up, stretch. Check the curtained windows for sunlight or
that dreaded grey frame that forces the covers to come back up
and the alarm clock to be set to ‘Snooze’.
Your boredoms are not my fascinations. Your boredoms Belong to the ice caves with the Mammoths, Although haven't they been tortured enough by the Changing winds? Your boredoms are far from twinkling Objects in the beaks of ancient crows,…
I want youto remember me. This the placewhere I'll always be, if you're looking hard enough.This is the place I've letgo of all expectations, no regrets, and nomasks. This the place my heartbobbs about like a…
In his inexpert mouth they drone/
mechanically along without the lilt/
or cadence of an Irishman/
or Englishman or German.
the / future is now incomplete
Two-way conversation with God.
They discovered the baby in the grass, under the snapping cotton sheets.
Bloop. Velvet's paws hit the carpet. The new man of the house is on the prowl for food, a walk. Breakfast was Rice-A-Roni; for lunch I'm serving Ring Dings. Perhaps he'd like a bite?
but all I can give them now are air hugs