For instance, my sister's husband. If I say brown socks, yellow boxer shorts, fishnet undershirt. If I say plastic bag and two tepid beers. And a voice that glides to falsetto when he: you're a tad too obscene for my taste, Julia, while he tries to light the filter end of his cigarette.
55 words
All rights reserved.
Author's Note
This microfiction was originally written in Swedish at a workshop. Years later I sent it, in English, to "Short, Fast and Deadly" (ed. Joseph A. W. Quintela) where it appeared.
Lots of characterization is 55 words. Good job.*
I haven't used the word "nifty" in years but it just popped into my head. Nifty :)
I like this. (I'd like to read it in Swedish, too.) There is a whole family story in those lines.
Yeah, love this, especially because it's such a shard of life.
This slipped by me. The fishnet undershirt is the kicker. The detail does all the work. Splendido!
Great glimpse of a world here. *
So much with so little.*
Very funny. Fave*
What a doofus! Fav.