Your Boredoms

by Darryl Price


Your boredoms are not my fascinations. Your boredoms

Belong to the ice caves with the Mammoths,

Although haven't they been tortured enough by the

Changing winds? Your boredoms are far from twinkling


Objects in the beaks of ancient crows, prophesying

A new age of heartbreak and misunderstanding.  Your

Boredoms, I'll do my best to escape them,

But that means you, too. Your boredoms need


To disappear permanently. Your boredoms send a frightened

Animal into the thorns of no contest, I

Wonder if you could be more gentle? Your

Boredoms have never sung into the wind, have


Always bent themselves towards the death of innocents.

Your boredoms don't love babies. Your boredoms are

Sharing a joint in a back alleyway at

Almost dawn. Your boredoms are like my head


Hurts. Take it or leave it. Your boredoms

Having already used the key, have left the

Door unlocked. Your boredoms like the flu are

Taking a long nap. Your boredoms have set


The wordless table. Your boredoms are upturning the

Waiting guitars with miserable glee. Only the shadows

Agree. Your boredom's pockets are full of damaged

Money. Your boredoms are missing a foot, maybe


A few fingers, certainly a heartbeat. Your boredoms

Are moving noiselessly towards cynicism. Your boredoms, like

The rest of the sheep, are floating with

Nothing to guide them but their stomachs. Your


Boredoms are making me feel sunk, falsely accuse

Every star of failing to shine. Your boredoms

Have thrown my poetry into the bushes. Your

Boredoms have come home minus that impossible kiss. 


a friend of mine who wishes to remain anonymous sent this remix. I love it!

           Your boredoms are not 

my fascinations Your boredoms

belong to the ice caves, 
with the Mammoths,

although haven't they 
been tortured enough by the

changing winds? Your boredoms 
are far from twinkling

objects in the beaks 
of ancient crows, prophesying

a new age of heartbreak 
and misunderstanding. Your

boredoms, I'll do my best to escape them,

but that means you, too. 
Your boredoms need

to disappear permanently. Your boredoms send a frightened animal

into the thorns of no contest, I 
wonder if you could be more gentle? Your

boredoms have never sung into the wind, 
have always bent 
themselves towards

the death of innocents. 
Your boredoms don't love babies 
Your boredoms are

sharing a joint in a back alleyway, 
at almost dawn. Your boredoms are like

my head hurts. Take it or leave it. Your boredoms

having already used the key 
have left the door unlocked. Your boredoms

like the flu are taking a long nap 
Your boredoms have set

the wordless table 
Your boredoms are upturning

the waiting guitars 
with miserable glee. Only the shadows

agree. Your boredom's pockets 
are full of damaged

money. Your boredoms are missing 
a foot, maybe

a few fingers, certainly a heartbeat. 
Your boredoms

are moving noiselessly towards cynicism. 
Your boredoms, like

the rest of the sheep, are floating

with nothing to guide them but their stomachs. Your

boredoms are making me feel sunk, 
falsely accuse

every star of failing to shine. Your boredoms

have thrown my poetry 
into the bushes. Your

boredoms have come home 
minus that impossible kiss.
