A man, a woman,
a room, an hour.
I'm not sure…
Shhh! His finger on her lips.
A bulb, a moth,
a kiss. A silence.
I'm thinking that …
He kisses her again. Shhh!
© Nora Nadjarian
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46 words
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An old poem of mine, from my second poetry collection "Cleft in Twain"
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...sensuality in words. beautiful.
This is a powerful, compressed read, Nora. Every word essential. That's how it should be in writing. The reader is in the setting. Wonderful form & closing.
All I can do is echo Doro and Sam. This is lovely and complete.
beautiful. brings up the richest imagery in my mind. this piece shows, again, how less can be more.
indeed, brevity works here
great new piece in LITnIMAGE
Short but sweet.
thanks guys, lovely comments.
david, you were always the bearer of good news...:-) i didn't even know my piece was already up in LITnIMAGE. i shall now go and check it out.
Sparse and elegant. Bravo.
Nora, a great last line, that.
secretive, but so sensual and lovely.
this is a really interesting poem, there is quiet mystery all around it and then the POW ending
Each time I read a piece of your works Nora, I am reminded about the interesting places that you explore I adore deeply and absolutely. This piece holds such a sensuality that doesn't bekons for any type of faux pas sentiments. Provacutive and alluring, I want to visit this realm within my own being. THanks you Nora.
gorgeous writing.
thank you all so much for commenting, faving, making me feel like i'm doing the right thing. i wrote this a while back (2003) but it feels like it was yesterday.