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The Dog's Familiar

862862 views00 comments00 favs

The county sent two crews, one to get Mr. Meyers, the old shut-in, tall and affable, but quiet and bent, like a crooked coat rack with a porkpie atop, the other for his dog, an english setter whom he shadowed like a familiar. I say he was the familiar and


842842 views00 comments00 favs

The devil ran in my blood.Scars chase each other on my skin.One year old, I fell down the stairs in my walker.Five years old, I fell out of a tree while convincing my older sister to climbthe outlawed tree.At six I rode my bike down the biggest hill in the…

Starmen Live in Stars

925925 views00 comments00 favs

Giant stars are beautiful, when you stand directly in front of them.But touching them, is a whole other story.Junior had touched one. A strong burning sensation flew through his arm and down his spine. A feeling of electrocution and burning at the same…

Sonnets III-VI (The Ishtar Sonnets)

782782 views00 comments00 favs

With porc’lain hand she writes thy thankless verse/ Like Proserpina, strapped to eb’ny throne,/ Eternally paying the six-month purse/ For hunger once soothed with but seeds alone.

The Roman Twin

925925 views00 comments00 favs

Reverend Peter Roman could stand it no more. He stopped his speech. He felt a fire burning through him, a hatred for humanity and all the weaknesses of beings not perfect before God. He stood a long while, staring at the congregation. Then, he slowly spok

Inner City

10431043 views00 comments00 favs

This time he was dressed in a snap-brimmed hat, zoot suit with a gold chain and two-toned shoes; something out of a sad, lost Los Angeles past. I had no choice but to follow him as he walked down stairs that led to the Metro. We stood near one another,…


11521152 views00 comments00 favs

Morning time had come again. Kojo felt the beginning of the day, but couldn't know it yet. Awareness came first: the temperature of the room, the light behind his eyelids, how much of him could feel a draft. Then, before it was taken from him, he recalled the memory of a…

Arcana Magi Memorial - c.3

12141214 views00 comments00 favs

Despite the light of the torches, the darkness around them was overwhelming. They could not see the walls unless they leaned the flames close.

The Torture Never Stops

968968 views00 comments00 favs

Who is the torturer and who is the tortured?

Five Million Yen: Chapter 16

713713 views00 comments00 favs

He looked for Arris among the patrons. There were a few artist types and professional drinkers at the bar. Only two tables had customers. Arris was not among them.

Novelas (interstice from Black Swans)

907907 views00 comments00 favs

Insterstice: Novelas Four Sonnets Since …

When Horses Fly

15231523 views00 comments00 favs

Gerald's law practice wasn't new. He'd worked on the law review and finished near the top of his class thirty years ago. After earning his J.D., he'd gotten a master of law in taxation. His favorite cases required researching legal precedents, and he…


927927 views00 comments00 favs

Loving himself. Loved by no one. Loving no one.

A Thousand Words

992992 views00 comments00 favs

Photographs can create, both good and bad. They can create a way to make a living, but they can also create opportunities for black mail, divorce settlements and most of all they can create power.

Unsuccessful Assault Upon a Prey Thought Unsuspecting

573573 views00 comments00 favs

The fox sees a duck he thinks he can catch. I stop to watch: I could intervene with a shout but I let him play his gambit out.

One Billionth of a Lifetime

12481248 views00 comments00 favs

Bill was queasy, short of breath, his chest tightening. He was next. How he hated this game of confession. It was harder than going to a priest, which at least allowed a measure of anonymity. True, these were friends, yet, in terms of the game, he was vastly…

The Ruined Person

14331433 views00 comments00 favs

The pit of my stomach was bottoming out, this lurching sort-of feeling one experiences when one has coasted WELL OVER an abyss and has no way of finding one's bearings . . .

Atonement Circle

5252 views00 comments00 favs

When Roger opened the closet door, several guns fell forward at his feet. Most of them were rifles, weapons his stepfather had collected over three wars. Wooden bolt-action carbines, with worn leather shoulder straps, of this caliber and of that caliber. Both…

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.6 - c.2

915915 views00 comments00 favs

As Mrs. Saito put on the helmet, the copter got off the ground. She focused her Mana and placed her hand on the window, bracing for the birds arrival.

In black velvet

715715 views00 comments00 favs

I can't show you the territory- not quite yet, not how I see it. But I do have a map, a glorious and vain construction. It gives you a glimpse, a sight. I wish you could see it all.

Spirit Voices Saying Yes

972972 views00 comments00 favs

some are cameras, some are daggers, some are sauces pans, others are swords, and some will run off and others will burn a hole into the spot which they land.

George H.W. Bush

843843 views00 comments00 favs

George H.W. Bush took his cock out and began stroking it. “The Reverend Sun Myung-Moon, of course, is a good friend, and the Washington Times[1] is an independent source.” He…


763763 views00 comments00 favs

Hold my heart the child in your arms The roses of April blooming, I bend down before you cracked and broke Spilled out like albumin.

Sex Coma

13391339 views00 comments00 favs

If you were the ozone, I’d want to leave you gaping.

A Museum of Numbers

10861086 views00 comments00 favs

At street level there is a small arrow on which is printed “Museum of Numbers” that points up a long narrow staircase. There is a restaurant on the first floor. All the way up the stairs, the air is permeated with smell of fried foods

Arcana Magi Memorial Vol.2 - c.1

12291229 views00 comments00 favs

No matter the guidance and support she received from her parents, her psychiatrist, and her friend; no matter how hard they tried to remind her of her humanity, Azure believes this chimera form is her true body now.

How the Species Began Again, I

13591359 views00 comments00 favs

Tina saw a tear escape from beneath the frame of the man’s broken glasses. It followed the contour of his cheek until it quivered along his jaw line.

Beowulf in Hell (in Anglo-Saxon alliterative verse)

885885 views00 comments00 favs

They strung him up,…


897897 views00 comments00 favs

From outside it looked abandoned. We lived at the top of a dead end hill. The grass was high and brown, the bricks in the driveway were crooked, caved in. The winter was mild; rotten crabapples, half-frozen, lined the end of the road. This was my house.

Bohemian Grove

830830 views00 comments00 favs

“Why, that's the faggotiest thing I've ever heard of!” Richard M. Nixon actually said. But how could he say that? Henry went there. …