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759759 views00 comments00 favs

If you don't want to die, go fetch me a pie

The Box

787787 views00 comments00 favs

It was just after lunch when they found the box.

Arcana Magi Memorial Vol.7 - c.2

866866 views00 comments00 favs

Polo observed Madam Mayweather’s demeanor. The concern in her eyes for the students and faculty under attack by the Nocturne.

A Love Letter to Norwich, England

14501450 views00 comments00 favs

The number 25 double-decker bus threads its way through the narrow two-lane streets. Coughing and burping without a hint of embarrassment, it carries us from the train station, with its cheerful round clockface and neat front of red brick, over the weepin

The Morning

10191019 views00 comments00 favs

Early in the morning I wanted to send you something for when you wake;

the leisure to walk about sweetly

879879 views00 comments00 favs

You seemed to have that leisure to walk about sweetly when I was with you, honey-singing the reward for the intensity of emotion you lunged about in. Nothing seemed like it was going to hurt or harm anyone, even while I was going nuts between the legs.

A Lei for a Sailor

761761 views00 comments00 favs

Petroleum products leaked from her shattered hull, still stinking of a battle its leaders not only lost, but forfeited.

No One

833833 views00 comments00 favs

No One The city he abandoned lies below him. It's been years, so many tears. He admires the remains of the White City, The Shed, rooted ahead. He jaunts through Roosevelt Train station, hassled by the acrid stench pollinating the area. I…

I am the Ship

739739 views00 comments00 favs

I'm the vessel that'll sniff out the wharf's of old,they call me bold for bounding seas,they whispers rumors of my unstable ease,what's a life without vanishing into the falling pink fold,Ululating tides spray brisk bounties of water on board,squabs with new wings…

Musica en La Habana

10341034 views00 comments00 favs

Mayra heard the bell ring and opened the door to her small home in downtown Havana. Mayra was in her 50's and had the beautiful dark olive skin of most Cuban people who have a mix of Caucasian and Negro in their blood.

Avec le Corps de Ballet du Boston Celtiques

892892 views00 comments00 favs

A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Also a thing with bodacious knockers.


11211121 views00 comments00 favs

We crept to the edge of the cliff and stared down at Lake Travis. In this alcove, out of the churn of the speedboats and pleasure craft, the water shimmered, impossibly blue. “Didn’t you used to jump off here back when you were getting high?” Ryan said

Cloudstopper (poem)

721721 views00 comments00 favs

She was Clementine Cropper and didn't you know She's the one you remember when there's talk of the blow.

Short Cuts

744744 views00 comments00 favs

Her through the phone line, a pause, a hold in her voice. Mom. The things we miss as adults, the turns of phrase, the little pauses. The in between of conversations are opportunities are avenues, five lane highways where we can be…

cities like sepia and the second half of the dusk

707707 views00 comments00 favs

The source of things has broken open and that is why everything is around and about. I keep trying to tell you that but you don't believe it. No worries. If you are self-actualized and going in a routine, well, such is well enough. But I am telling you that I…

Wild Dreams of Reality, 13

906906 views00 comments00 favs

At 7:30 that evening my brother knocked on Parker's front door. When I went to let him in, sweat was running off Darrell's head like he'd been hit by a water balloon. The air was absolutely unmoving, and there was the smell of tar from the asphalt in th

Kissing Cobras

11371137 views00 comments00 favs

She administers the alkaloids slowly, soaking the muscles in blight, the body tissue beneath into corrosion.

The Magic Treehouse

784784 views00 comments00 favs

It was an unseasonably warm day in early spring when I first saw the man in the treehouse. The boys had just climbed onto the school bus, the older with shoulders hunched, weighted down with the gross unfairness of his early adolescent life, the younger still scribbling…

Sweet Dream

774774 views00 comments00 favs

you are in Faulkner’s dream -a lost pilgrim in cheap shoes

And in Chicago Yet, and It Was 108*

633633 views00 comments00 favs

It was the middle of the night when she started hearing voices. She thought the voice was saying, “Hello Dolly, Hello Dolly,” and that was when she called the building manager. It was the middle of the night, but he came up to her apartment anyway, be

Opposites Attract

771771 views00 comments00 favs

It was the same table they met and fell in love.


11571157 views00 comments00 favs

THE LAST THING I WANTED, expected, or needed was to be standing in the doorway of Carly Ray's room, watching her clutch a picture of her father, my old friend Beryl, up to her face. She is so tiny, but at the same time there is something very adult about the way she looks.…


10381038 views00 comments00 favs

I'm in awe of her frankness, how she takes my breath away, how I wish to rush off with her to a splendid hideaway where only the two of us touch the grape-stained mountains and the cerulean sea, wild blades of grass quivering with the breeze. Sometimes th

The Mouse and the Cat: A Beast Fable

16091609 views00 comments00 favs

Pussy’s eyes narrowed, her dark, luxurious fur quivering on her back. “How can you say such a thing! It’s not true.”


10591059 views00 comments00 favs

Ireland - her beauty is like a drug.

Up at Night

751751 views00 comments00 favs

made of meat and born to breed

Personal Time

796796 views00 comments00 favs

“I”, fuck it. I, I, I, I. It has always only been about me, this voice of mine, indivisibly me. selfishly and pompously. I shall not dispense with the false pleasantries other writers will offer, those writers that say, “Reader, look here, look at the…

Uncertainty Principle

749749 views00 comments00 favs

Aleister Crowley walks in and all of a sudden the bar's filled with angels and demons and pagan things. Wood nymphs and stuff like that. Wittgenstein, to his credit, keeps cool. He just stands over there next to the dart machine, pointing at things and naming them. Like…

Tin Girl

916916 views00 comments00 favs

Like some beautiful yet macabre puppet, she was suspended on strings of wire, painstakingly threaded tubing flowing into her cavities, through her chambers, around her mechanics.

your notorious youth

632632 views00 comments00 favs

By what fictitious rib were you ever pulled out of your notorious youth, ever? Out of the early flower of your flesh, once on fire like a little vibrant reed with pure air, like a flute with wind getting up inside it? But already there’s a lon