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Nervous Energy

803803 views00 comments00 favs

This is what you have to do to keep the unruly parts of your brain from open revolt.


10041004 views00 comments00 favs

What a hoot men are. For years I tried to get Jim to share the cooking. This is how that worked. One Monday night I'd whipped up a meal of steak, tossed salad, two veggies, and dessert with coffee. The next day was Jim's turn to cook and he came home

'Introduction' to LETTING IT ALL HANG OUT

19811981 views00 comments00 favs

Was Sligo an unfeeling privacy-violator or an uncannily-feeling empath, privy to the deepest longings of those whose lives he came in contact with? [...] Sligo's grave is as silent as these pages ultimately would be if they were left unread.

The Messenger, Chapter 1

13721372 views00 comments00 favs

It's hard to say who was the first to point a finger towards the sky. Maybe it was the cherubic overall-clad toddler perched on the shoulders of his father's worn brown leather jacket. Maybe it was one of the teenaged girls, their long straight hair whipp

Can I Take My Gun Up To Heaven?

12961296 views00 comments00 favs

I thought of Ruth burrowed deep in the nest of her closet and quickly jumped into the footlocker. I nearly stopped breathing as he entered his bunker.

One Sentence

840840 views00 comments00 favs

The summer we were fourteen we snuck out of our houses...

IDtPS a2 s55-57: Of His Soul Defraud

10901090 views00 comments00 favs

This to remembrance keep: heed my call that you may avert wasteful woe, lest in fury I impregnate the earth's womb with still-born corpses.


12731273 views00 comments00 favs

Once upon a time a queen was blessed with twin sons, which she named Nosch and Amiaivel.

Vivian Considers Vivian

774774 views22 comments00 favs

She's been considering her breasts more now.

The Baptism of David Swimmer

10511051 views00 comments00 favs

The church pews were straining at the crowds who had come to see David get saved. There was no salvation in the water really, but the Baptists preached the gospel of immersion. There was a certain Baptist church in Kentucky that pressured a man who'd been sprinkled to get…

Story to Forget

936936 views00 comments00 favs

The white Boeing 747, all three hundred and sixty eight seats of it, prepared to depart from Johannesburg Airport. Mild conditions on a clear flight path coupled with the soothing voice of the first officer didn't allay my unease. I offered a friendly nod to the…

stoplight - (haiku love series - #2)

913913 views00 comments00 favs

stoplight - (haiku love series - #2) eyes lock in a gaze glimpses of my future spark then you walk away

Call to Action

841841 views00 comments00 favs

Everybody wake up and hold to those dreams you had of greatness and prosperity. Bring forth the hopes you had as a child of progressing to that ultimate goal of self-sufficiency. You are prepared for what lies ahead, the future belongs to us. Our finest…

space mountain in ghost region from absent-minded continent of misshaped planet

900900 views00 comments00 favs

Cody had a face, a still and shivering dark basement of a face, one with a negative intake that seemed like it was leaning at a downward angle, as if falling off of itself, or committing suicide, jumping off the edge of the world and leaving behind the su

The New Main Stream

10111011 views00 comments00 favs

An hour later, we're no closer to the tunnel. In our rental car, we're just two in a school of a thousand fish skimming the edge of the island. Go with the flow, we keep saying to each other. We're just going with the flow. …

Early One Morning at Denny's

10561056 views00 comments00 favs

Throughout breakfast Quebec kept watching this investor fellow, John Lytle. She tried remembering something about him, about when they'd first met. Her first impressions were very nearly always correct. But all she could bring to memory now was that it

it’s possible that i’ve given this some thought

820820 views00 comments00 favs

“Our legs are touching. Our legs. Touching. The light from the screen illuminates your eyes. Off and on. Even in night scenes. Maybe it dances in the eyes of other people there too. But I doubt it. Not like…

Spiders on the Wall

909909 views00 comments00 favs

Her eyes creaked open in the misty morning sun seeping through my dusty window. From her facial expression, I could tell she thought I was watching her sleep, but really I had just woken up and coincidentally looked over at the exact moment she did. I decided against …

The Shopkeeper

10861086 views00 comments00 favs

“There goes that slut Kerri Stanton,” the immense woman behind the counter chuckled to her patron. “Who the hell does she think she is?”


12811281 views00 comments00 favs

By the end of the evening, a dark circle of sweat stained the overstretched satin over her dome of a belly. José told her to take it easy. “When people come to a tango bar, they want to think about sex, not babies.”

Rev. Jasper Pickery and Three Manifestations of the Devil

16081608 views00 comments00 favs

I shall simply give you an account of the Devil's own attempts to thwart my godly work and the three forms in which he came unto me.

True Romance '66

13231323 views00 comments00 favs

First thing each morning, Miss Murgy, a tall witch of a woman, cornered both of us like she did every day. "Girls…" with that she clinked a tea spoon on a shot glass, "do I have your attention?" "Yes, m'am," Vicky said. 6 a.m., six…

The Beethoven Delusion

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"It is my argument that a pious fraud has been perpetrated so as to subject mankind to the most humiliating of intellectual enslavements."


13941394 views11 comment11 fav

His name was Atticus. Yes, exactly like that other Atticus you’re thinking of. Though it was more to do with his mother’s unnatural obsession with Gregory Peck and less to do with a love of classic novels (because Lord knows she scarcely read a thing

The Death of Your Brother

36843684 views00 comments00 favs

Suddenly a downpour erupted again, just like it did earlier in the morning. Clouds came out of nowhere, and it became a deluge. It felt like things including our tiny trailer were going to start floating around the nudist camp. Gina held back the little c

They didn’t read Pitchfork or Stereogum or Gorilla vs. Bear or Hipster Runoff

23322332 views00 comments00 favs

They didn’t read Pitchfork or Stereogum or Gorilla vs. Bear or Hipster Runoff, only glanced at them, not enough blaise in reading, but skimming kept your credibility, thank god those sites now posted more and more videos. They didn’t subscribe to VICE


15011501 views00 comments00 favs

It seems every time we get together, Seiko is there. She just started working in Keiko's department and now they're always together. I think Keiko feels responsible for Seiko. Like if Seiko's not getting any, it's bad manners for Keiko to do it.

The Devil in Converse

10181018 views00 comments00 favs

In se'enties style serenading strut A passin all the pretty birds in kin', The feathered Stetson ‘clipsin crimson suit, A whistlin Dixie blues ‘cross county-lines.


10651065 views00 comments00 favs

Leaving another seemingly pointless day at the office. 4:55pm. Winding through the office parking lot; turning right onto SE Convenience Blvd; inevitably pulling up to a red stoplight at the Orlabor intersection.My windshield is dirty. Speckled with thrown-up slush from…

a random thought

846846 views00 comments00 favs

They shake, shake, while mouths say the words.