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The Devil’s Troubadour

966966 views00 comments11 fav

The Devil’s laugh was the screech of wind. Ignacio Carillo heard Him as he dug the grave that would hold the body of his beloved wife.

Best Left Unsaid: intro and ch.01

999999 views11 comment00 favs

“Evil is not always clothed in scales and horns,” the son frowns, “but it does wear a most unfashionable hat. To continue, what do I offer as collateral? My soul? Or is that too heavily mortgaged already?” The devil named his terms, congratulating

In The Middle of the Night

5454 views11 comment00 favs

The kiss is long, excitement builds, her surrender incremental, the seduction approaches a shattering peak... and you awake to find yourself tonguing a wet spot on your pillow.Back to sleep, and you are flying without wings, sharing face time with old heroes and role…

What Exactly Does Heaven Look Like?

596596 views11 comment00 favs

So what exactly does heaven look like? They asked. He first found himself floating above clouds before witnessing “transparent, shimmering beings arced across the sky, leaving long, streamer-like lines behind them.” An unknown female companion esc

Lake Erie on a Monday Night

960960 views11 comment00 favs

As if I should have expected better of it.

You Shine Brightest Under the Starlit Sky

960960 views00 comments00 favs

You shine brightest under a starlit skyThe moon reflects your beautyAs the wind sings your name sweetlyIt was under the heavens that we promised togetherThat I'll hold your hand and you'll be mine forever... You glow brightest when the sun is at its highestYour radiant…

Fast Food (with side of religion)

545545 views11 comment00 favs

Man wolfing banana in his car on University Place Chinese girl walks by and his head follows her all the way until his head is twisted 180 degrees


561561 views11 comment00 favs

My sister walked in the room while I read Ginsberg / reciting the lines to Jaweh & Allah Battle to myself /sweating in the heat contour of my ugly body on the bed / the room the stench of rottenhumanasscracksemen

Present Conditions

613613 views11 comment00 favs

Our love used to be so artless, / unstained by a knowingness / that perceives time in minutes

Leaving Home

993993 views11 comment00 favs

it is heavier than it looks with edges smoothed by the passage of time

Zip 75248

919919 views11 comment00 favs

A stroll along the golf course rim reveals Polo-logoed litter. Could this be what they mean by white trash?

The Runt of the Litter

512512 views11 comment00 favs

Little Dave, I thought--what's he doin' drinking coffee? Then I figured out he must have been 18 if I was twenty. He could drink coffee if he wanted.

Their Day

874874 views11 comment00 favs

The lace fell through the fingers, wrinkled and nimble they had become too used to avoiding the finite objects in life which needed attention. The white cotton sat loosely on her shoulders, the collar exposed the skin which had become dry and her shoulder

Arcana Magi Memorial - c.2

13491349 views11 comment00 favs

Azure shook her head and stood to her feet. Staring at her wrists, she knew that she would have to endure this until they found help.

Ordering Chinese

858858 views11 comment00 favs

And I'm usually soft-spoken.

Whole Day Off

871871 views00 comments00 favs aggregation of physical nature with the abstraction of 'applicabilty,' more than just a word, but a magickal spell that conjures technology out of ecology.


17671767 views00 comments00 favs

Like gymnastics, shoplifting is a discipline of youth.

The Greener Grass is a Little Lofty

734734 views11 comment00 favs

*a drunk amid worldly boundaries*


804804 views22 comments00 favs



887887 views22 comments00 favs

and as in real life, occasionally sneezed on.

Everything that's Gone Wrong, has Gone Wrong Because of Football

954954 views11 comment00 favs

I’m not ready for football. I’m not ready for it, but I live in a southern town that worships at its altar more devoutly than those suicidal beauties in James Wright’s great poem.

77 Words About Nothing [02-02-2013]

821821 views22 comments00 favs

Connecting the dots the past two weeks, I’ve concluded you’re pregnant again.


676676 views11 comment00 favs

It must have been twenty years before I first heard Willie Nelson’s voice without the accompaniment of my mother’s crying. She liked to listen to country music on the radio while she cleaned dishes, ironed shirts, watered plants, and whatever else the hou

Slightly Damp Clothes In the Morning

937937 views00 comments11 fav

It begins with his positioning.

Posted for Non-Payment of Dues

509509 views22 comments00 favs

The little notice talked its trash, a J’accuse! “Posted: For Non-Payment of Dues.”

Tragedy, Ecstasy, Doom

655655 views00 comments00 favs

John 1.46 "Berkeley! Can anything good come from there?" Bilbo asked. "Come and see," said the ring.


16141614 views11 comment00 favs

A shoelace should know its place in the world.

October Day Salute

931931 views00 comments11 fav

The duty of a student can be summed up in a sentence To benefit the race of man with thoughtful independence

Humberto Figueroa Urquiza

207207 views11 comment00 favs

Humberto Figueroa Urquiza woke agitated and unsure why.

The Wind in the Woods

11911191 views00 comments00 favs

Ralph Simpson looked as though he wouldn't last through the weekend. His skin, yellowing from the cirrhosis, covered his hands tightly enough so that the veins looked like they would burst from the pressure.