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A Start

801801 views22 comments00 favs

I don’t like telling stories. I’m far too honest and give far too many things away.


10821082 views00 comments00 favs

“You look strangely familiar,” he said, taking a drink and swinging his leg over the horse, landing on the ground beside me ...

The Jade Rabbit, Chapter One

11431143 views11 comment00 favs

Even when the sun is gone and things get dark, usually the moon comes to reflect some light of hope until a new dawn can emerge

Five Million Yen: Chapter 51

841841 views22 comments00 favs

Sounds like something a woman would do. —You think so? said Ben. What woman would do that to me? I don’t know any women in Nice.

The One Day Internship

15381538 views00 comments00 favs

Poppy de Witte was content to spend her summers in Cape Cod, where her family owned a small beach house considerably less stifling than their spacious apartment on Park Avenue.

I Dated A 50 Foot Woman

11891189 views11 comment11 fav

There was no need to drive. She could travel ten miles in ten minutes. She merely had to be careful not to step on any cars or trucks.


764764 views11 comment11 fav

I felt I should write a song To tell you what you meant to me Something I needed to find inside That surprised even me I was blinded by myself And couldn’t see that well What did I do to deserve you? I never knew I’d been through h

Ashes (for RC)

986986 views11 comment00 favs

Floating along the ebbs of the ocean,toward the horizon, where time has no say,an end that will never be reached.

My Daughter On Wolf Hill Farm

10071007 views11 comment11 fav

I survived as a brave thought,

Watching the Clock

957957 views11 comment11 fav

Benjamin did everything by the clock. He ate when the little hand pointed to five and the big hand pointed to six. He danced when the little hand pointed to three and the big hand pointed to seven. He slept when they both hit twelve.To be more precise, he did everything…

HUSBAND (opening door & shouting): 'Hon . . . WHAT'S FOR DINNER?'

20482048 views11 comment11 fav

WIFE (calling back from kitchen): "Dick Cheney's penis!"


10171017 views11 comment00 favs

kindergarteners sent to class with Uzis

Keeping a Picture

855855 views11 comment00 favs

Michelangelo's David will gird his loins, Rodin's Thinker will look up in wonder, because you are a Pygmalion; a Hermione.

Moments in the Community of Women

962962 views11 comment00 favs

It’s the small stuff. Always. A conversation with a stranger, brief yet so connected it overwhelms you. These encounters can move me beyond my reality, little reminders that, if you just crack the window a little, something very special can blow in.

The Palace of Nansi

10951095 views22 comments00 favs

It's advertised as a romance. The poster shows a Sudanese woman with a child at her side collecting gum from Acacia trees.

The Museum

10981098 views11 comment00 favs

Flicking through the sheets on her clipboard, Evelyn double checked the address with the mismatched numbers on the letterbox. Its mouth was a rusty, gaping grin like it had lost its dentures.

6.5 in Eureka

765765 views11 comment00 favs

Everything moved. I ran outside.

The Gentleman on the Train

11661166 views22 comments00 favs

The gentleman is discreet, but his eyes wander from his paper at intervals as we travel together from London to Manchester. We happen to be on the same train and he happens to be sitting opposite me. I happen to be a size 34C.


10911091 views22 comments00 favs

When he got to the office, he opened the drawer with the new can of fish food and realized he’d forgotten to buy a fish tank. He hated fish, hated the thought of a “hobby” but his girlfriend’s therapist had suggested it. Hobbied, hobbled, whatever

The Poetry Section

839839 views11 comment00 favs

In the poetry section, no one talks except to say, "excuse me," or, "wow," or, "amazing," with the second 'a' stretched out like a blacktop highway. But mostly they say, "excuse me." and that's only because someone dressed in a corduroy jacket is …

My Recycled Soul

16881688 views11 comment00 favs

Forever Implies To my recycled soul That it is achievable If only I stretch myself Towards it

Wild Dreams of Reality, 5

21892189 views22 comments00 favs

That was the night that everything began to happen. It must have been past 3:00 a.m. when Darrell came down from the attic right into our bedroom. I lay nearly paralyzed with guilt beside my wife, trying to get to sleep. Elizabeth had staggered to bed


13571357 views11 comment00 favs

There were literally thousands of criteria that got people of every stripe and strata on the list, which had been maintained since before the very first human fingers scrawled crude images on blank surfaces. 

Foo Fighters

15591559 views22 comments00 favs

Without a charge on the skin of the plane, we were struck by the bronze colored orb. Contact was brief, and it seemed as if the orb passed right through the aircraft. Despite the shielding of the equipment, most of it failed. We managed to land by "dead s

and I am not with you, anymore

918918 views22 comments00 favs

Dancing at the pavilion leads to sex. A nectar builds up around the heart (damp curl of hair at the neck.) The heart does not know what it cannot have. It is dumb and does not know. But I, for one, hope that it never learns and becomes numb. There i

The Longer

831831 views22 comments00 favs

The longer this goes on the worse it gets.

Hot Weather

839839 views33 comments00 favs

I would like to invite the public to an open-air, environmental art piece called Hot Weather. The exhibition will take place this summer. It will not begin until the temperature reaches 90 degrees. This demonstration is available free of charge


768768 views22 comments00 favs

God love him, she used to say. you never noticed it much at the time because it is just something like a habit. a benevolent habit. around through the years and decades she went like that. God love him, she used to say, if she saw someone resting peacefully, of if…


755755 views11 comment11 fav

The boxes were unusually flaccid that morning, because of the humidity and the bad weather. The glue wasn’t sticking, and the integrity of the boxes, no matter how thick, were beginning to fail.

Beach Tale

900900 views11 comment11 fav

I should have worn shorts.