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The Power

918918 views44 comments22 favs

the silence of the hardwood floors blisters into fragments

Dead Uncle

10531053 views33 comments22 favs

When Roy had seen the first of the movies in his dorm's weekend double feature that night (the University of Maine at Orono — as Stephen king once quipped, “that crossword-puzzle favorite”) …


12031203 views44 comments11 fav

In mid dream, mid journey, there's a barrier we must cross, flat and vast like an ocean. We're told the barrier is a monster. To cross the barrier we must maim one of its eyes. There, rising to the surface is half a large…

Prologue (excerpt from a novel)

892892 views55 comments11 fav

The clip-clopping of footsteps now echoes from the opposite end of the alleyway, and as you turn to face the figure who appears behind you, the figure wearing a fierce Noh-drama mask, you determine that this time you will enlist its aid in decoding this r

Miracle of Life

11631163 views22 comments11 fav

We received the news unexpectedly. The suspicion was true. The nausea and fatigue were caused by the honor of your presence in our lives. We had waited for you for years. We had prayed endlessly for the universe to bless us with your gift; with you as our gift. And…

Three Thirds

13021302 views44 comments22 favs

"I was hit by an Amtrak train and dragged a hundred feet, and I'm going to die from smoking cigarettes."

Like Five O'Clock

933933 views77 comments22 favs

She pulled the book off its shelf. It meant something else now. He'd quote her in the mirror, at the backs of buses that kept her moving, something she'd said without saying. He would remember for them. She'd forget, without him, the way she wanted. Garland and lights were…

Birth and Death of a Concrete Icon

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Homer relaxes in his tan, faded recliner, remote in hand, and watches death unfold on his television.


897897 views33 comments33 favs

my pilgrim tongue on the map of your body seeks sanctuary

Under New Management

817817 views44 comments33 favs

You always liked the color of your nose, raspberry red. It matched the glittery dazzle of your rainbow hair when the neon lights hit it just right, and man did they always hit it just right, the vibrant honey-yellow big-bird frizz and feathers, swaying to and fro as…

Confessions of an Impersonal Spectator

843843 views33 comments22 favs

This is why I’ve decided to assign myself a position in life similar to that of Stuart Sutcliffe with the Beatles.


465465 views22 comments22 favs

“Have the tomatoes come in yet?”“Dottie…”Mrs. Dorothea Tilden pointed a trembling finger at Harriet.“You promised me tomatoes, Harry.”Harriet put her hands on her hips, a stance Dorothea knew well. One more sharp word meant fight; two…

God and Man at Yale

10821082 views22 comments11 fav

“Well, of course I served in the CIA . . . everybody did, back then!” he says with a grin. “Two goddamn bloody well years . . . I was a regular Nayland Smith, I tell you. …

Parabolic Turns

11521152 views22 comments22 favs

There was a man dressed in stately attire. His name was Abacus, which maybe you find strange, but then keep this in mind: it is, after all, just a name.


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“I was just dreaming about you,” he said, sleepy-voiced. “What's for breakfast?”

That Which Does Not Kill You (Only Postpones The Inevitable)

11101110 views33 comments22 favs

Harold Smithe awoke that Tuesday morning precisely at 6 am. He did this every day for as long as he could remember. Even on the weekends when his schedule varied. Well, varied slightly. He lay in bed trying to wake up and mulled over the things he needed to accomplish for…

Black Hole Me

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my fingers vibrate magnetic/ a humming void/ where my brain was

December and a Former Cotton Field

778778 views33 comments22 favs

In the sad suburban subdivision with its cul-de-sacs and broken curbs

Residual Sulking

19201920 views44 comments22 favs

I know I know how many times you want me to tell you I’m sorry, okay?

Thank You Economy

795795 views33 comments22 favs

It started out small: just a cup of coffee, purchased, and an extra one that I gave away.

Walt's Frozen Head

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What if Walt Disney had himself turned into a cartoon?

Free As A Bird

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The cell was crowded, barely enough room to swing a cat.

Naked Coffee

971971 views55 comments22 favs

My wife makes coffee naked. Didn't used to. Back then, before the accident, she hated her body. Says that's why she gave it to me. She's serious about it too. The coffee, I mean. Developed a whole ritual around buying, measuring, pouring. Every day it's the…

A Paper that Changes Things

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The dowdy woman in fart nailed the vim.

Where Breakfast Went

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Larry’s unwashed hands held a cardboard sign. Two largely printed words that would, every now and then, elicit a thumbs up. “Got Pot?” was the only question he really wanted an answer to.

The Thrill of Sky Diving

16771677 views99 comments22 favs

It's not that you want to be silkworm all your life. That's what I'm telling my on-again-off-again girlfriend aboard the plane. Her name is Phoebe as in that song about a girl who lived in her own world within the shell of another. Phoebe, I'm saying, to bridge distances…


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Eddie Dorsett was a dumb kid. Nobody could dispute it. More than that, Eddie Dorsett was a fat, slothful, whining, shilly-shallying, phlegmatic zero of a kid, the lowest of the third-graders for certain and a prime contender for the lowest of the entire R

The New Poetry

896896 views77 comments11 fav

The new poetry comes in shining metal boxes covered in glass so you can peer in.

Homecoming King

12301230 views55 comments22 favs

John Lipkin took a drag off his cigarette and rummaged through his desk drawer looking for pot. There wasn't any. He remembered looking last night, but he looked again now. There wasn't a damn thing, just some stems…

(we can only hope)

787787 views22 comments33 favs

And you should know, every woman smiles at a man buying flowers, because … we can imagine. We can only hope.