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The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 59

915915 views44 comments22 favs

When I returned to Brooklyn, I discovered some explicit nude paintings of a former student of Francesco's from the Art Students League.

No Dogs! No Dogs Allowed!

980980 views22 comments22 favs

the impression I had gotten of him was that he was fifty percent yuppie and fifty percent drug dealer from Marin.

Disappear Everywhere

955955 views22 comments22 favs

heroes and monsters

At the Jube

12351235 views44 comments22 favs

I started walking around the Jube like any other sheep, lemming, or penguin: passing plate glass windows, one after another.

The End of Coffee

13151315 views55 comments22 favs

I am getting twisted like a cruller into the mess I have made of this morning and I am stretching the meaning of morning to way past its boundaries.

Head Holding

11211121 views11 comment11 fav

"...a head dizzy from my abuse."


875875 views22 comments22 favs

A likeness borne in silk, rich contours of canvas giving life to the seascape.

Dick Be Gone

14731473 views33 comments22 favs

One thing about being a musician—more specifically a drummer—struggling against the cost of living—more specifically the cost of living in the Bay Area—is that I will do just about anything to earn money.

Mercury Unbound - 6

12981298 views88 comments22 favs

Liszt, Piano Sonata in B minor. I don't like it but I can't stop listening. It doesn't fit my mood, or the high plains landscape, or the early evening, pink and blue, pastel colored sky.


13821382 views22 comments33 favs

My T-shirt read BOO HOO.

Adultery and Africa

14161416 views55 comments11 fav

“What would you think if I committed adultery?” She pauses very briefly before replying. “What, you got time on your hands?”

Trailer Park T'ai Chi Brings Wisdom of Orient to Midwest

10241024 views44 comments22 favs

He adopts a stance known as Part the Wild Horse’s Mane but calls it a different name--the Part the Hair of the Skanky Barmaid for a Bleachjob position.

Those Counterfeiting Cats

236236 views99 comments11 fav

Help me escape from this cold high peak and explore a galaxy unparalleled by synthetic pear alleles that make colors deceive. Cats like us don't like to go to the top of snowy mountains, for we melt into hairballs and roll all …

The Ghosts in the Meeting

12301230 views22 comments22 favs

No one had told the newer tenants that the dead would be given votes, and they were in an uproar: it wasn’t legal; it wasn’t fair; it was creepy.

The Duck Economy

10321032 views33 comments33 favs

It's early spring and rains leave miniature ponds not deep but attractive to a Drake and Mallard pair moving into the neighborhood settling quacking down. Not sensing transience in their comfortable puddle they get on swimmingly bottom…


10441044 views33 comments11 fav

i ask you what i taste like and you say "not much."

The Light In My Arms

11921192 views33 comments22 favs

I asked him his name and here’s the kicker, Leiby. It means lion. You know what? I said mine is Levi, how do you do. That means to accompany—like in the root of the word, it’s got that meaning. As in levayah, funeral in Hebrew. Does that only

The Power

998998 views44 comments22 favs

the silence of the hardwood floors blisters into fragments

Dead Uncle

10861086 views33 comments22 favs

When Roy had seen the first of the movies in his dorm's weekend double feature that night (the University of Maine at Orono — as Stephen king once quipped, “that crossword-puzzle favorite”) …


12891289 views44 comments11 fav

In mid dream, mid journey, there's a barrier we must cross, flat and vast like an ocean. We're told the barrier is a monster. To cross the barrier we must maim one of its eyes. There, rising to the surface is half a large…

Prologue (excerpt from a novel)

10171017 views55 comments11 fav

The clip-clopping of footsteps now echoes from the opposite end of the alleyway, and as you turn to face the figure who appears behind you, the figure wearing a fierce Noh-drama mask, you determine that this time you will enlist its aid in decoding this r

Miracle of Life

12541254 views22 comments11 fav

We received the news unexpectedly. The suspicion was true. The nausea and fatigue were caused by the honor of your presence in our lives. We had waited for you for years. We had prayed endlessly for the universe to bless us with your gift; with you as our gift. And…

Three Thirds

14291429 views44 comments22 favs

"I was hit by an Amtrak train and dragged a hundred feet, and I'm going to die from smoking cigarettes."

Like Five O'Clock

10231023 views77 comments22 favs

She pulled the book off its shelf. It meant something else now. He'd quote her in the mirror, at the backs of buses that kept her moving, something she'd said without saying. He would remember for them. She'd forget, without him, the way she wanted. Garland and lights were…

Birth and Death of a Concrete Icon

12461246 views77 comments11 fav

Homer relaxes in his tan, faded recliner, remote in hand, and watches death unfold on his television.


991991 views33 comments33 favs

my pilgrim tongue on the map of your body seeks sanctuary

Under New Management

899899 views44 comments33 favs

You always liked the color of your nose, raspberry red. It matched the glittery dazzle of your rainbow hair when the neon lights hit it just right, and man did they always hit it just right, the vibrant honey-yellow big-bird frizz and feathers, swaying to and fro as…

Confessions of an Impersonal Spectator

935935 views33 comments22 favs

This is why I’ve decided to assign myself a position in life similar to that of Stuart Sutcliffe with the Beatles.


538538 views22 comments22 favs

“Have the tomatoes come in yet?”“Dottie…”Mrs. Dorothea Tilden pointed a trembling finger at Harriet.“You promised me tomatoes, Harry.”Harriet put her hands on her hips, a stance Dorothea knew well. One more sharp word meant fight; two…

God and Man at Yale

11271127 views22 comments11 fav

“Well, of course I served in the CIA . . . everybody did, back then!” he says with a grin. “Two goddamn bloody well years . . . I was a regular Nayland Smith, I tell you. …