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959959 views33 comments33 favs

the cue & flash

Would You Name YOUR Dog Voldemort?

795795 views33 comments22 favs

So you don't want to give your dog an ordinary name like Fido or Spot. And you love books. So, naturally, you turn to your favorite literary classics when it's time to name the new puppy. The result? This list of actual canine names inspired by literature (from…

Almost Regrettably Useless Advice

936936 views33 comments33 favs

This world is always at least as strange as it seems, but usually far more strange, so many non-repeatable phenomena . . . .

None But The Righteous

12181218 views33 comments33 favs

Susan was twenty-four when it happened again, but she had neither the patience nor the attachment to see it through.

lime shed

899899 views66 comments22 favs

purely fun, humane, scientific, old time religious experimentation

The Shadow People

11741174 views55 comments11 fav

Two summers later, the ritual began. Carol left her house at midnight, having served her husband and daughter a heavy dinner that left them caged in their sleep. She was like a thief working in reverse: she rose from bed with her husband’s first snore,

That's It

12321232 views22 comments22 favs

I am heading to work. It's early and Clare is still asleep. When I hit the breezeway I realize that I forgot my keys. I walk back into the house and start rustling through the junk on the table by the door. After a moment I sense someone standing behind me and…

Monstrous Thing

638638 views33 comments33 favs

It's only just a poem. The good that's in us is us. There's a monstrous thing trying to get out and ruin things. To unbalance everything standing on tiptoe. To end the dance. To grab the moment and burn it down flat to the ground. They are…

Outside Thunder Pallets

11121112 views33 comments44 favs

Carl’s peculiarity of toilet paper rolls is not covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act – he’s looked it up.

Dog Horse Man

25222522 views77 comments22 favs

His appearance had never suggested health, but his body had once been fleshy, his skin pale and soft because he never went outside in the daytime.

The New Dark Ages

12851285 views77 comments33 favs

It was only later, much later, that we would discover that the war we were fighting was a war between ourselves. Melissa and I left the machine, with Carlton lost forever inside. We abandoned the warehouse. Our backs were scalded from the heat, and the hole in the…

Morning Sounds

11721172 views88 comments33 favs

Morning sounds

fake letters in reply

11161116 views77 comments33 favs

I did do one nice thing for you

An Attempt at Reconciling with the Non-Existent

898898 views55 comments33 favs

dealing with an over-aged imaginary friend gone rogue

This is the Day

937937 views44 comments33 favs

"...she became aware of her cold saliva dripping slowly over her bare arm muscle,..."

Not Quite There Yet

923923 views33 comments33 favs

You're not late yet, but if you don't move now, you will be. You close the cover of your mac book, don't even finish the sentence you were working on or close down the file. What had been of the utmost importance, clutching at your…


965965 views44 comments33 favs

You think you are a perpetual motion machine, free of thermodynamic law. I’m telling you, you’re wrong.

Dig That Girl!

14921492 views55 comments11 fav

Leave your dog and your dog-eared lovers at the door. I smile at the bouncer, pay my ticket, and wink at a slasher chick. She gets pumped on heavy metal gods and Kwaito

in that time

920920 views66 comments33 favs

in that time people had gone away and i waited in the inside and looked out on balconies. the ending of the dusk was coming and the details of the railings and brick, the tree branches holding purple plums, the stacked railway ties and a thousand other details became…


12071207 views66 comments33 favs

I am at a wedding with a new girlfriend. The bride is her old college roommate. I don't really know anyone else here. The wedding is being held at a huge estate, located on the edge of enormous cliffs that overlook the ocean. Despite the danger of this precarious…

How the Other Half Lives

730730 views55 comments33 favs

Most of life, it turns out, is pathetic. Very little is funny. We have to generate our own laughter. Canned laughter may have to do. Even if we have to carry the can around our neck like a Saint Bernard or strapped to our hip

Generation Blues

932932 views66 comments11 fav

A Satire We are the Social Justice soldiers, we parrot platitudes and lies, And expect you all to worship the same things we idolise. We ignore Islamic extremism and domestic terrorism too, Because we are Cultural Relativists whose brains are up our…

Black Friday Crime Scene

991991 views55 comments33 favs

Her name was Christine and she was nailed to the cross of their lust and their greed, and their vengeance


915915 views33 comments33 favs

I know who done it. Them goddamn taters. I walked around the yard and started picking up pieces of the camaro, wondering if, from above, they’d laid the parts out into some kinda cult symbols or something.

The Virgin of Last Resort

13201320 views55 comments00 favs

In a little dirt church at the end of the world stands the ikon of an unrecognized saint.


11091109 views22 comments22 favs

Someone set a pig aflame.

How to Get Fans For Your Band (or book, start-up, app, whatever)

932932 views33 comments33 favs

You’re finally in a band that can get through a rehearsal without someone strangling someone with an amp cord over creative differences. No one’s in jail, rehab, or MIA from a multi-day booze binge. The group has laid down a few quality tracks that don’t

Little Red Riding Hood, The Woodcutter, Grandma, and The Big Bad Wolf: Their Ongoing True Story

638638 views33 comments33 favs

Grim though it be Little Red Riding Hood and The Woodcutter, with his hewing axe, eviscerate and skin the Big Bad Wolf, thus rescuing sickly Grandma. Grandma’s a bit worse for the wear after her couple of hours in Big Bad’s overstuffed stomach. But she cl

Frontiers Yugoslavia Thirty Notwithstanding

954954 views55 comments22 favs

Frontiers Yugoslavia Thirty Notwithstanding (after Tristan Tzara) Responsible badly countries,circumstances better to that, powerlessness.Women these gender-determined “pluralist” conditionSoviet as overall the Women societies little countries.Have official…

The Revenge of the Dead Music

930930 views33 comments33 favs

The wind is represented by Miss Abigail Weatherspoon, attorney at law. She wears a pink feather boa and is the spitting image of Janis Joplin as she appeared at the Monterey Pop Festival of 1967.