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I Dreamt I Was Vermeer

521521 views66 comments33 favs

I dreamt I was Vermeer For just a little while I took this photo of a criminal A mugshot really And claimed I had painted it From memories of a previous life He looked just like a Vermeer With the light coming in From the side of his fac

Our Time as Men

12281228 views44 comments44 favs

Rhonda looks guilty as it is, don’t you think? That hair! And the unhappiness smeared across her face like war paint after a war.

A Dialectical Digression

11141114 views1010 comments33 favs

It performs the dialectic that intertwines real and ideal through her mounting concern about being choked to death then eaten by a very large pig.

Hitler's Angel (A Meta Christmas Carol)

18391839 views77 comments33 favs

Christmas is here and there's work to do.

London Calling

810810 views55 comments44 favs

Bloomsbury crowd

The Search

11601160 views55 comments44 favs

“Sixty-seven responses!” Al Edelstein announces at the first meeting of the search committee. It has been just two weeks since Rabbi Feldman dropped dead of a heart attack and just a week since the congregation ran the ad: “Help Wanted: Orthodox Rabbi. Im

Fugitives of more than the whole Earth alone

211211 views66 comments44 favs


Note To Self

10061006 views55 comments44 favs

Along with Bad Bunny comes the reckless dancing the ambulance chases and the long, drawn-on faces

a few of my favorite beacons of hope and tenderness

10511051 views77 comments33 favs

life is a lucky thing, bountiful among the drugs and flowers


881881 views33 comments44 favs

Estonia wore a liver milagro charm on a thin piece of rawhide around her neck and slept with her teeth in a jar. She was dreaming as she often did of the four children she conceived in Mexico. They had  been born in bright colors and dust. Her first child Nina…

Lazy River Blues, or Stuck Between a Couple of Exposed Roots and an Endlessly Restless Shore

906906 views44 comments44 favs

Our Sun bites down on the eager yet pouting lips of the softly puffy looking moon, but a jealous & runny cloud interferes with this story line just long enough for a little bit of fun: a young dancing tree washes her gold and…

The Power of Bad Words

12511251 views77 comments33 favs

Her skirt is so short, said the teenage girls to each other. I was 7 years old. I said: she looks like a slut. They laughed; I blushed. Later, the slut smiled at me. I tried to find the teenage girls but they were gone. I wanted to say: it's actually a pair of…

The Case of the Incinerated Spinster

934934 views44 comments44 favs

There by the opposite doorway opening onto the thinly carpeted kitchen lay—well, what seemed to be all that was left of Miriam Flagellporte . . .

Silent Minority

891891 views44 comments44 favs

She smoothed her hair with a hand that should have been the turning pages of a cheap dime-store novel. I watched her from under my eyebrows but kept my head fixed downward, pretending to pay attention to the 6 ½ narrow stiletto heeled black alligator pumps. Not easy to do,…

Hollywood Sugar

10971097 views44 comments33 favs

No pain is private. How can it be?

Bums of the Bird World

809809 views44 comments44 favs

Yeah, okay, so pigeons are the bums of the bird world So what are a flock of crows working over a wheat field while the artist Vincent is desperately trying to live with his bleeding ear or to sell at least one painting during


10071007 views55 comments33 favs

What is golf?

My Plumber

765765 views88 comments33 favs

It sounds so good.

The Opposite of Fear

970970 views66 comments44 favs

The rocks were pillows around her shorn head, the crimson stream running from her ears the only sign she had not chosen to lay down on them. Behind us, the rockface stood stoic; below us, the water lapped our feet.She held my hand in hers, giving me succor as I…

On A Trans-Atlantic Flight

23732373 views55 comments33 favs

I used to think I could see God in the clouds. Not in an indefinite expanse of clear blue, calm and crisp and quiet, desperate in its infinity, but somewhere up there, among the water vapor masses between us and eternal sky. Not in gray and grumpy nimbostratus, nor fine…

The Trapper Boy at Work, One Mile Underground

947947 views88 comments44 favs

The coal carts come and go like the seasons, never stopping.


989989 views55 comments44 favs

So, my wife got fired from her job for being three minutes late five times. But he had it in for her, the fatty boss. He was lazy and she was smart, in line for his job. And she had a workman's comp case against the hospital—she'd slipped in pudding in the cafeteria…

You Don't Take Names

19761976 views1515 comments33 favs

You want to know what happened to him and your curiosity is a cat pawing at the edges of your impatience as you roam aggressively around your old haunts.

Armitage Shanks Checks Into The Hyatt

15731573 views1010 comments33 favs

I scowl at her through an opioid haze. "Armitage Shanks is my real name." The clerk snickers. "You mum must have really wanted you to be pissed on from cradle to grave, eh?"

Dinner in Mexico

13021302 views66 comments33 favs

If he had not just decapitated a chicken, he was a man I could have loved.

Touch Me

10521052 views99 comments44 favs

The blood from my palm runs across the rocky surface of the shell. I push the knife into the crease again, searching for a weakness, the one space where the two sides will gasp and then separate. You tell me it doesn’t matter.


463463 views44 comments22 favs

Imagine this: One day you are walking down the street (wearing your protective mask, of course, the cloth one you bought the other day because you liked the color and design) when, by chance, you happen upon a strange sight.

Gang Bangs, and My First Time, Almost

13691369 views66 comments33 favs

Glen always had to be the first to fuck his sister, especially before that big galoot from down the street, whom Cheryl really liked to fuck, otherwise Glen would get violent. She had just started having her periods then, I remember. We were all there one

Star-eater; a poem

359359 views55 comments44 favs

Star-eaterHere lies the star-eater.Tilting on the ancient wheelof summer-glaze-breath,you speak the oceans. Fire's the mealfor you, the star-eater. You defy death,and out of your mouth, a universe openspouring forth, as fleet as the starslight on your tongue. Space…

Tinkler Man

764764 views44 comments44 favs

As the light changed and exhaustion set in, Suzy and Molly batted back and forth one more knock knock joke to avoid going home.