Rises monstrous out of the Baltoro GlacierPlaying poker with oxygen levelsPlays leap frog with embolisms.Malice and vanity join forces somurder guns the air even beforethe Death Zone. Down suits, bold and cockyregisters the climber's ambitions. The Serac , a…
. . .and still wild roses star far fields the same.
The question posed a voluptuous riddle. Were these frenzied silhouettes
gestures of Jackson Pollock’s dribble?
Pow! I shoot him through his jelly donut.
I don't want no laugh track
I'm trying to find something that's real
The entire room is waiting for me like an octopus behind a closet door. The monk of the lamp knows he will get his daily turn on if he prays loudly enough. The favorite chair has my dent in its punched around chest like an embossed tattoo. A crushed…
I'll never be a Republican Megadonor or a Doomed Aviatrix. But I'm okay with that.
Residual flashbacks; just tiny bright lightning bolts that flash in front of my eyes, just like standing watching a soaring bonfire on a cold and frosty November night, pinprick sparks flying up into the endless darkness of the night.
The only resolution I ever kept was when I said I wasn't going to create any more resolutions, and now I'm going to break that one.
The woman who lives on the first floor once loved dancing naked for her lovers.
One day, he decided instead to be-pet them,
Oh, gracious mercy, oh...
The goal is to perform along with Jason Lee Norman--who is touring with his book of very short stories called Americas--a selection from my own collection called Country Without a Name. The symmetry excites me.
I know you probably don’t want to hear any more of this nudist stuff about my family and all, but this Reamer guy was a red-faced German boozehound if there ever was one. He married my brother’s ex-wife Beryl, after Harris left her to her cheap red jug wi
What kind of person would she be remembered as if she died over night and someone looked in her freezer? She took out a package of bacon from the freezer that was dated 2009.
The detective imagined the nurse shake the old man’s breath off his coat as he walked to the bus, shuttering the teak and dust world behind him. He pulled a fingertip along a blue hallway vase, brought it to his thumb, rubbed the grit.
From words to meaning― how complicated it is.
We will collapse in a storm of images
of a strangely found desire. I wanted to tell you something important, I'm sure, I mean it's pretty obvious, even in this funny breathing space, but everything has been said to death. More isn't always…
Sometimes I think living in a house with so many rooms /
you can get lost just making your way to the fridge /
should be enough. I chastise myself for wanting more.
In human rights, a man and a woman may marry and bring forth a family. It is a civil right in the U.S. but not a human right (as far as I know) to raise a child singly without the knowledge of the other parent.
She was an easily lit, wide hipped, Stoli-drinking, schemer from Irkutsk that got her claws into an American riding the Iron Rooster from Khabarovsk to Moscow.
Christian Bell can’t sleep in/on the following: airplanes, car trips, couches, first nights in hotels, jury duty holding area, commuter train, work breakroom, tent, park bench, the ground.
Then I found myself in the water.
I could still feel you like horseradish / in the hairs in the back / of my nose
As the music concludes, I'm finally in control of my emotions . . .
“No,” he says. A simple lie. “I -” He pushes the sleeping bag off of his legs. Their getaway reset was a mistake.
"Some Purgatory in order, innit?"
The problem with drinking gin in the desert is that eventually there is no more gin but the desert is still there.