Stanley presses his pointed nose against their tent's screen. He hears a cardinal singing its morning chorus. He knows the bird without seeing it. He's proud. “Cardinal,” he says.
“You didn't say goodnight,” says Gwen. “Are you seeing someone?”
“No,” he says. A simple lie. “I -” He pushes the sleeping bag off of his legs. Their getaway reset was a mistake. “Finish your damn thought,” she says. “I'm going for a walk,” says Stanley.
He unzips the tent and pokes his head outside, and he grabs his worn Leatherman and water bottle. “I'll be back.”
Gwen unpacks camping gear from her CRV. Her neighbor waves from his porch. “Where's Stan?” he asks.
“Went for a walk.” She closes her trunk and walks inside.
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149 words
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This is part of Porch Stories. Every morning or evening, when most are still sleeping or just closing their eyes, I sit and write. Trying to keep them micro.
Simple lies and consequences. Good micro.
Thanks for reading, Matthew.
Good shift at the end. The piece works well.
I like micro ...
Nice work.
“You didn't say goodnight,” says Gwen. “Are you seeing someone?” Love that turn. Works so well.
And that ending!
Good micro.
Thanks, all for reading and commenting.
Yeah. Nice. LIke the shift from Stan to Gwen.