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Geek Squad

955955 views66 comments66 favs

Big hair shoulder pads hell no.

Kegel Exercise

862862 views99 comments66 favs

1.It was unfair to my time and my small kitchen rug that it took me two days to finish reading Meg Pokrass' “The Big Dipper,” pp. 10-12

Anchored Leaves

15171517 views1111 comments55 favs

i.More and more, for Megan LeMaster, each beginning was its own end. She couldn't bear to buy flowers or dresses that seemed too beautiful. Friendships formed, endured, gave out in a handshake. Each deed in life had an immediate, inescapable…


14631463 views2020 comments55 favs

He tells me that only a few things had happened in his life but some of them he had felt deeply.

For My Sons, a Poem

11711171 views1212 comments77 favs

In time, I will forgethow he said "smooshie" for "smoothie"and "eyebrowns" for "eyebrows,"how his upper lip dimpled when he laughedin that uproarious, wild toddler way.How he wheedled to be wrapped and rocked,after a bath, even at age five,his long calves uncovered by…


13101310 views77 comments77 favs

The whole thing is broken. It's like an egg. I'm not saying this to get you to say something else in the sunny opposite direction of the tattooed scar upon my painted backyard scene. I don't really care. It's only on me. Not on you. I'm glad as…

A Good Boy

12771277 views77 comments77 favs

...I had a string of Sunday School medals that knighted me a warrior for Jesus Christ of Nazareth...


10151015 views1111 comments55 favs

You burnish what is left until it shines and call it your own.

Teenage Wasteland

17371737 views88 comments66 favs

He winked at me and said Let’s get Harris and Klebold on these motherfuckers.


14781478 views77 comments44 favs

Things aren't going to get better are they? Would you like a sugar cube? No. Are you sure? I put acid on it. Oh, well yes, I guess then. Cool. Things might get better for a little bit then. Or horribly worse. Ha. Awesome. They taste like an orgasm…

Fish Eye

150150 views1010 comments66 favs

The only way to get better at this writing thing, thought Melvin...

Down on the Street

13171317 views88 comments77 favs


before Creation

11461146 views88 comments66 favs

Before Genesis, digesting the primordial soup.

Let me tell you about the smell of the rain.

18211821 views99 comments55 favs

You are lonely. Let me tell you about the smell of the rain.

Scrabbled Sensitivities

15641564 views1010 comments66 favs

It was fun, until he started winning every time.

About Poems

11661166 views1313 comments66 favs

They often leave me dulled/ and wanting back my time.

Changing a Flat

14091409 views99 comments77 favs

Dark, green grass covered the pasture like millions of tiny fingers swaying in the heat.

My Church

12141214 views1212 comments66 favs

My ChurchThe white dressThe bridesmaidsThe friends, the familySadnessMy church knewno music

Things You Probably Should Know About New York City

937937 views99 comments77 favs

It is a misdemeanor to fart in NYC churches. In 1857, toilet paper was invented by a man living in NYC. No one knows how long it took for the idea to fan out from there. God only knows why it took so long, or why NYC was at the epicenter of it all

Modern Teleology

11901190 views77 comments77 favs

little curly moustaches

Where Has All the Laughter Gone?

744744 views77 comments55 favs

The despair that comes and goes is here again I saw a woman who was holding herself As she walked past, as if a fire were about to Lunge out of her parts She was in such great need of being held The despair that comes and goes is here again

Lunch Bird

13891389 views66 comments44 favs

The bird studies me, we lock stares, with no care for who blinks first, birds don’t do macho stand-off.


12781278 views88 comments77 favs

I usually idle by Spades Check Cashing on 8th Ave. and catch folks that way. The Homestead cops, they moved stations from a little up Amity to down on 7th, which is closer to Spades, but they leave me alone. I've drove jitneys almost ten years. Only been cited twice,…


114114 views88 comments77 favs

I would like to credit St. Mary's and St. Joseph's for my decision to become a Buddhist nun. The day after I sacrificed my virginity to Johnny Delaney, St. Joseph's star quarterback, he dumped me for Fiona Kelly. That's when I decided to…

Puppet X, 2

941941 views99 comments66 favs

It’s important to sound Human, I know To get fragile Near your Mother I myself Get glimpses Now & then Once, Eating chicken, staring At the inside Of a muscle Once During a bad thunderstorm While running down the stairs


14881488 views1515 comments55 favs

Quiet. You sit quiet as a mouse in the corner. Push a little doll around and hum la-la-la so they forget you’re there while they have the cocktail hour. That’s how you find out they’re killing Grandma.

Don't Be Difficult

11851185 views77 comments77 favs

maybe eventually time / will erase our time together

Segment from a Documentary Film

13911391 views99 comments77 favs

the array of regularly spaced wavering human forms floating upright seems to extend endlessly in all directions.

The Queen of the Underground

11671167 views88 comments77 favs

Study decay, says the Queen of the Underground.

A Country of Husbands

15701570 views1010 comments77 favs

The first husband was young and lovely. He had a little nose and long fingers he used for things like planting begonias in my clay pot. I did not do flowers. So that was nice.