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Rhapsody On The Edge Of A Knotted Finger

321321 views1010 comments33 favs


Three Times, If I Count

11141114 views44 comments44 favs

Once or twice, it was only once or twice. Three times, if I really count. And I wasn't giving or loving. And my self stayed hidden and I kept most of my clothes on.

I Wish There Was A Way

915915 views77 comments55 favs

To still make Emily smile. Even Today. On the street where Paper lives and works I'm Making this small effort out Of a few stray letters and An attitude like a chip On the kicked about shoulder. I don't Know, I think she deserves it. …


11041104 views1010 comments77 favs

Once you descend, the third rail/ hums its invitation


10511051 views44 comments44 favs

Robert Frost told me that life goes on, but that’s just not good enough for me and for God’s sake it shouldn’t be good enough for you either, should it?

A Babe in the Mirror and Another in the Woods

11521152 views00 comments00 favs

“Would you look at that one!” my father said. “Who did she know?” my mother asked. “Who did she blow?” my father said loudly, and burst out laughing. I laughed too, although I didn't know why. My mother shot him one

When Hadrons Collide

11561156 views88 comments44 favs

When hadrons collide they’re not always Swiss. They may be cheese or neutral but that isn’t of my concern. Look at them, touch them, feel them, the quirks of the antiquarks, masonic mesons, baron baryon.

Shira Dances

12721272 views1414 comments99 favs

She feels the music deep in her belly,her hips swaying, she looks out through lids no longer guardedand sees you, Her knees bend, her eyes close, She is moving back and forth,a pulse in time,Her arms snake around her head,She does not ask,may I enjoy myself?…


810810 views22 comments11 fav

Naked chest, Naked nipples...

Rose Gold

14161416 views77 comments66 favs

He hasn't had a wedding ring in years. When George's knuckles began to swell — a little arthritis — his ring dug into his finger so bad his wife Loren took him to the ER and had it cut off. The ring, not the finger. He never knew there was a tool to cut rings,…


937937 views44 comments22 favs

conflicts in time

The Dance of Cowards

264264 views55 comments33 favs


The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 30

11071107 views44 comments22 favs

Anatoly Gringovitch took a swallow of beer, thoughtfully put the cap on his Ferrari da Varese custom fountain pen, and launched into his story:

The Andy Warhol Experience

722722 views22 comments11 fav

Whenever I go shopping, I am trying my best not to be overwhelmed by an Andy Warhol experience. This is not like your typical Orwellian Big Brother experience, like when enormous Chairman Mao posters appear out of nowhere, keeping an eye

The Literary Savant

20742074 views4343 comments2727 favs

"I would date a dog," she says.

Halfway Out The Door

13481348 views55 comments33 favs

She asks if I only write about men, which I tell her is redundant. I also answer, “Yes, but sometimes I write about them as race cars, hyenas, vaginas, or God.” She smirks like she wants to smile, but it’s stuck halfway out her door. Her happiness has

The Mate

861861 views11 comment11 fav

It sits there, watching, waiting, multiple cycles over.

Post-apocalyptic Fable # 8

977977 views1212 comments66 favs

Crouching like little children in a game of hide & seek, we entered the old house, slowly

The Cosmos as Gerunds

11091109 views1919 comments1111 favs

There is no there or where but rather/ trajectories of probability

His house

993993 views77 comments55 favs

His house incubates memories. As he sleeps, they hatch.His house is neither here nor there. It occupies a space between watchfulness and insomnia. Grey birds nest on its roof.His house is a refuge from everything except himself. The floor, walls, roof are fat with him.…

Centuries of Falling

10801080 views88 comments66 favs

I am falling, falling out of my body, falling like midnight onto mice.

Postcard from the Asylum of the Nameless

270270 views77 comments33 favs

Hi,thought I'd drop you a line or 2I haven't seen all the sights yet,saw numerous tidespretend to come in,sat under some monuments,visited a few museums,rode a couple of donkeys.The weather isunpredictable, made me thinkof what you said the other dayand a thought occurred…

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 29

860860 views11 comment11 fav

The funk of wet wool, stinky feet, reeking armpits, stale beer and fried food created a bohemian fetor.

Our Dreams Were Their Feathers

948948 views11 comment11 fav

The white moon is dangling by a thread tonight. I close my eyes and listen to it undress. Your halo fell around your ankles and you became see-through, but there’s a vast gulf between being pretty, and pretty dangerous. Still, I’ve s

Listen To Our Birds

13951395 views99 comments88 favs

We know a poem isn't going to stop you From invading our town. It won't get you to Listen to our birds any more than to our Sunsets. That's not why we do it. We know A poem isn't going to break the blade of Your knife like an…

A Change in Plan

11401140 views1313 comments1212 favs

Times were tough back then. Just a few jobs. This was in the late thirties. It's the story of how Albert hooked up with Iris. Their unlikely meeting took place when they met out on the Highway 61 right-of-way just outside of Natchez, Mississippi, each trying to hitch…

The Painter, the Actor, the Piano Player

12421242 views1313 comments1414 favs

1.As fast as that I wake to astonishing desire. I'd met you at my parents' house just the weekend before but for them (them the drained students trying to relax, refill before their afternoon sessions) you are the stranger in the room,…

After Grief

13861386 views55 comments22 favs

Within a day, she had a scummy apartment which belonged to the government. It had cockroaches, which she was not used to. They churned her stomach, repulsive little things. Not even creatures. Two brains, she'd read: one in the head, one in the ass.

Passing by Pallanteum

10851085 views66 comments22 favs

Passing by PallanteumOr ‘Dido's Song' Form: Double Sestina, iambic pentameter, rhymed Who knows of hell, knows less of paradise? I've known them both, when vanquished in your eyes, When draws the kelp where lost men had their graves Below…


10071007 views88 comments66 favs

My table offers up the gutted calf/ with carrots and potatoes yanked / alive and whole