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Epithelial Sample

16061606 views99 comments55 favs

I found my black dot nucleus. School got me in the 10th year with the numbers spilling outta my head, but now I got the cell on my mind. Everybody's floating around this joint all pink and green college clean, yellow face Japanese, or the jet-headed Greeks with their…

Quitting Smoking

21292129 views2525 comments1111 favs

After the affair was over, she told her husband she’d been smoking. Obviously he didn’t know, but he knew. One can never hide the fact that one has been smoking. He said he could smell it on her.

The Devil in Converse

10181018 views00 comments00 favs

In se'enties style serenading strut A passin all the pretty birds in kin', The feathered Stetson ‘clipsin crimson suit, A whistlin Dixie blues ‘cross county-lines.

Things Found In The Wreckage Of Angel 1508

11561156 views33 comments11 fav

A canister of unused laughter taken from the mouth of a baby not yet born A splinter of wood from a cross, perfectly preserved in dark tea taken from the belly of a dead Irishman A milky vial of smog taken from the air of Los Angeles circa 1965 A

Birthday Music

11911191 views1010 comments00 favs

It’s been stored away in the cedar chest since my mother put it there in the early 60’s, well, 1962 to be exact. She was a careful woman, but over these many years the bow has flattened, and the wind-up parts have corroded some from non-use. Oh, the

Three Facts

11091109 views1010 comments11 fav

These are the three facts of my life.

Not Tired

13551355 views99 comments44 favs

Three hours isn't that long.

Inventing Games

13421342 views00 comments00 favs

As children we invent games and we're really creative. We concoct ridiculous rules and enjoy making adaptations to them. And everything makes sense. Then you grow up, lose creativity. You don't invent games anymore. Recess is replaced with a second…

The Damned Thing Out

14701470 views00 comments00 favs

Something was there. It was undeniable, and he turned to face the padre, whose eyes were now clenched shut. Without asking for further permission, he moved his hand in-between the intestines, which felt like curtains of tightly—wound chorizos. Suddenly

Off the record

19051905 views2020 comments88 favs

Writers, hopeful ones, hopeless ones, poets and petty penmen, worked as bartenders, librarians, substitute teachers, anything.

The Lookout

10311031 views44 comments00 favs

I had never seen anyone die. For first time in my life, I was afraid, even more than when my step-dad got drunk and roughed me up. When Dale Franklin got shot last year standing on the corner outside the laundry-mat it took the ambulance forty-five minu

Conversation on Thanksgiving

10831083 views88 comments00 favs

“You always use that as a crutch. You, a sixteen year old girl. The way you were…” She looked at me, shaking her head, looking at my body as if remembering some wrong, some thing that should not have been.

I Am Quantum

995995 views22 comments00 favs

He had a lean build, except, remarkably, his midsection was perfectly barrel-like. As if he kept an alien lifeform in his belly, cultivated by years of Pabst and Yuengling transfusions.

Woman Gives Birth At Cafe, Refuses To Leave Until Latte Finished

10401040 views11 comment00 favs

There was a man crying, walking his dog and a woman drove by on a flat tire They brought coffee to the tables in large glasses on white saucers There’d be long silver spoons with which to stir in strong

A Facebook Love Story

18681868 views44 comments11 fav

This is a story about Jim and Robin. They are strangers. Or at least they were. They are at the same party, but standing on opposite sides of the room. Robin is standing near the door thinking, “I wish there was someone here to talk to,” when she sees Jim. …

Complicated Game

12421242 views11 comment00 favs

Peggy woke up in the bedroom smelling burned pumpkin and she instantly knew her husband Tim had remained unconscious and insensible on the couch again and let the candle burn down. She and Lennon had watched him the previous night take control of the…

Our Closet

12391239 views11 comment11 fav

I was enchanted with the suppleness and intensity of her movement and slowly edged to hide myself askew from the jam as not to disturb her.

Some Nature Haiku

14021402 views44 comments22 favs

The proud, burly tree / Rests on the now crashed TV / Thanks a lot, nature

How to Make Love to a Woman

34283428 views88 comments22 favs

There's just no pleasing her.


20302030 views44 comments00 favs

“Are you afraid?” he asked. “No,” she said. “I’m thrilled.” “Thrilled?” “Yes, I’m thrilled that something is happening to me. It’s been such a long time since anything has happened. I was getting really bored, but this is great.

Mother Tongue

21592159 views2323 comments66 favs

And when at night you stare at dark walls and one pair of lips comes closer, whispering in perfect German Ich bin deine Mutter -


15561556 views22 comments33 favs

The reaction had started, the hives and respiratory swelling. Maddy huffed for air, each inhalation rattling her throat louder, more hoarse.

A Blow to the Possible

15021502 views00 comments00 favs

Tombstones are only granite symbols of a man’s life, Gus thought as he changed lanes. Children, they were the ultimate epitaph.

Responses to a writing prompt on story structure, filled out moments after learning of my girlfriend's affair

18661866 views88 comments22 favs

1. Main character: Promiscuous girlfriend. 2. Main character's goal: Wants to have a lot of sex. 3. Obstacle: Has boyfriend. 4. Character's idea of a solution to the goal: Cheats on boyfriend.

Flossie’s Bordello and Bar-B-Q Shack

15441544 views22 comments00 favs

The women of Bixby, Texas, united in their frustration and general thirst for arson, cheered as Flossie’s Bordello and Bar-B-Q Shack burned to the ground.

To My Children, With Apologies

991991 views22 comments00 favs

My apologies also for those crowded roads you and your families have to drive on. My generation would have built more public transportation but, in all honesty, we just didn't give a damn.

Last Night, I Had a Beer with God

11461146 views11 comment00 favs

"So" he started, which troubled me enough to turn back around and make such focused eye contact that I did not even notice his glass was again full, "you wanted to talk?"


11381138 views00 comments11 fav

Laurel's new bike is powder blue, with silver tassels on the handle bars. Jenny's mouth actually waters at the sight of it, as though it were a fresh loaf of bread or a perfect, juicy orange. “You can ride it if you want,” Laurel…


849849 views00 comments00 favs

My name is Op. That is what they call me, because everything anyone says, right away I think the opposite and head that way. So I am Op. I spent the War in Georgia, a section of southern Russia near the Black Sea, which is how I survived that whole mes

Dear Poetry Editor,

13011301 views55 comments00 favs

I like to think of my poetry as fungus, sprouting out of the dank and fertile soil of my imagination.