The dead horse on CNN
was floating there
in the floodwater
It didn't have too much to say for itself
Still, they kept filming / zooming / changing angles
Strictly for our benefit, of course
So we could see just how dead the horse was
And, boy, it was one dead horse
The lady even said:
And here we have a dead horse in the water
So I guess this was for the people
that had never seen a dead horse before
and thought it might be a ham sandwich
or a brown sofa bed with built-in hooves
You know, instead of the dead horse that it clearly was
All in all
I have to say
as far as dead horses go
it was absolutely riveting journalism
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Ha! My kind of poem! Evocative, informative, insightful. Is this what they call iambic pentameter? It's what I call good. So that's two of us.
Me too, I like this. I like the images and the tone of the voice. Most of all, I like the honesty of it.
It was for people who hadn't seen THIS dead horse before. Best to avoid too much CNN.
There's a great Philip Levine Poem about Hiroshima called "The Horse" you should check out if you haven't read it before. Reminds me of your piece.
maybe they zoomed around the horse in case people thought the horse was just sleeping.
not knowing that's not how horses sleep.
cnn is useful for those revelations.