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906906 views55 comments33 favs

you look like the insides of my cheeks chewed.


10641064 views44 comments00 favs

blueberry tea and vodka on a Friday night

Early One Morning at Denny's

10561056 views00 comments00 favs

Throughout breakfast Quebec kept watching this investor fellow, John Lytle. She tried remembering something about him, about when they'd first met. Her first impressions were very nearly always correct. But all she could bring to memory now was that it

The Piss-Colored Man

14121412 views77 comments55 favs

His open door was interpreted by the neighbor as an invitation to all but place a mirror under his nose. She demanded opportunities to fluff his pillows and coerced him into accepting gifts of food, more than he could possibly eat, and sometimes ate with

Arturo + Lourdes, 2005 and 4ever

14621462 views44 comments22 favs

Here’s the story as compiled from the scantest of clues: The writing on the back of a stall door in the restroom of a twenty-four hour restaurant under the Gowanus Expressway.

Begonia {part four}

11701170 views00 comments00 favs

Mezereon smiled his biggest smile at the princess, but to her it looked quite frightening; rows of gleaming, pointed teeth were what she saw, with wispy tendrils of dark gray smoke still wheedling their way out between them.


29252925 views1212 comments1212 favs

He was starting fresh, starting legal.

Why They Cried: Ted

18721872 views88 comments11 fav

Ted did not understand turn-of-the-century costume dramas, and because he didn’t understand them, he often referred to them as "chick flicks" or "English crap." Even when the principals were not British. Even when the principals were Winona Ryder.

Love's Hinterlands

831831 views22 comments11 fav

Sit down at night and stare into the fire. Consider if Cupid is just another liar.

The Jig is up

11801180 views11 comment11 fav

The next time I woke up there were several guns pointed at me. I opened my eyes to see my mom and dad watching as the local cops arrested me.

Story to Forget

936936 views00 comments00 favs

The white Boeing 747, all three hundred and sixty eight seats of it, prepared to depart from Johannesburg Airport. Mild conditions on a clear flight path coupled with the soothing voice of the first officer didn't allay my unease. I offered a friendly nod to the…

The Death of Childhood Heroes (or "Roadkill")

10461046 views44 comments00 favs

We were pushing ninety down the highway through a stretch of what rightfully should have been called the Badlands. We were both absorbed and coping with the rapidly escalating stages of desperation and so neither of us noticed when the yellow figure stepped…

Lunar Hypnotism

10621062 views22 comments11 fav

You sleep. The time is soft and slow. Your dreams are covered with the snow.

Semiotics For Sale

847847 views00 comments00 favs

Buy random DNA on the open market and drive a poisoned stake into the heart of darkness.

No Pretty Boy

16951695 views99 comments55 favs

Janice liked me being in the closet while she brought dudes home from the Mack. We both liked it, but sometimes, sitting on that folding chair for that twenty minutes among her clothes, all perfume-stanky and leather-smell, it felt like the whole world wa

A Body Divided, 3

12061206 views00 comments00 favs

A group of nuns arrived in the middle of my first night at Hinsdale Hospital. I guess I must have dozed off when this odd noise, like curtains being moved, woke me up. At first I couldn't make out what that rustling sound was in the hallway outside my doo

The Night We Saw Shehenshah

16021602 views1010 comments55 favs

‘In terms of relationship, I am your Father – my name is the Emperor’.


13231323 views99 comments22 favs

I won't fail at this like trying to fix a leaking sink without mud grease or washers tinier than Cheerios.

Lips that Touch Liquor: The French 75

15101510 views00 comments00 favs

The French 751 1/2 ounces of cognac1 ounce of lemon juice1 teaspoon of sugar6 ounces of champagne For the rest of that night, everything Mickey looked at appeared to have a halo of music, something nearly visible that he could almost …

IDtPS a2 s55-57: Of His Soul Defraud

10891089 views00 comments00 favs

This to remembrance keep: heed my call that you may avert wasteful woe, lest in fury I impregnate the earth's womb with still-born corpses.

You Know Who in The Hell You Are Not Playing That For (We Are All Performing At Being)

15941594 views1111 comments77 favs

I've been avoidingyour beautiful fact for years in just the past few hours it seemslike it was the scariest plague on earth.Andit worries me becauseit's something so new that Idon't know what to dowith myself.Yes I wouldn't knowwhat to say…

Can I Take My Gun Up To Heaven?

12961296 views00 comments00 favs

I thought of Ruth burrowed deep in the nest of her closet and quickly jumped into the footlocker. I nearly stopped breathing as he entered his bunker.

Begonia {part three}

11741174 views22 comments00 favs

Now, the Kingdom of Begonia was known for its serenity and virtue. But just like any other place, there can sometimes be dark and mysterious inhabitants.

The Strange Edge: Have I Stumbled Upon a New Idear? (Blog)

15361536 views66 comments00 favs

Slipstream features strange events in a typical world whereas New Weird features typical events in a strange world.

What I Am

11631163 views33 comments11 fav

I am a happy cog

Harry, Giselle and Joyce

17141714 views22 comments11 fav

Harry Reed does not want to die in this room, in front of Giselle, who has been his wife for exactly six months, who has slept beside him for twelve months.

A Body Divided, 2

16971697 views33 comments00 favs

I came down with polio on September 15, 1953, a mild, smoky day drawing close to autumn outside of Chicago — which also happened to be the exact date of my parents' twenty-first wedding anniversary. Only six months later the Salk vaccine was already b


13701370 views1515 comments55 favs

Quiet. You sit quiet as a mouse in the corner. Push a little doll around and hum la-la-la so they forget you’re there while they have the cocktail hour. That’s how you find out they’re killing Grandma.

Cinnamon Doughnuts and a Neenish Tart

12001200 views22 comments33 favs

Mr Robertson chuckled gently as he caught the aroma of freshly cooked cinnamon doughnuts and watched the oil leave its fingerprints.

Bobby Fischer in Budapest

25942594 views3232 comments1515 favs

Bobby Fischer hates anyone using his name. Movies, books, stories, news articles, games. Kasparov, Spassky, even Deep Blue—he cursed them for ever having thought of his name. Whoever's thinking my name right now—burn in hell!