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His name was Atticus. Yes, exactly like that other Atticus you’re thinking of. Though it was more to do with his mother’s unnatural obsession with Gregory Peck and less to do with a love of classic novels (because Lord knows she scarcely read a thing

Senior Center

12511251 views1414 comments66 favs

"Are you all right?" I ask. He blinks. He sits up. I help him stand. He looks sorrowfully at his coffee cup, which is on the floor.

For Later

864864 views11 comment00 favs

. . . lightening for their jars

A Pair of Allowances

830830 views44 comments00 favs

“Your mother enjoyed apples and made you wear unfashionable pants; she was a bitch. From now on we eat only candy bars and we wear only shorts. But first, four hours of video games!”

The Shit List

11831183 views55 comments11 fav

I have a tablet called, The Shit List...

North of Center

12111211 views44 comments55 favs

Paulette lived on the east side on Paulette Avenue. Mama dropped me off when we wanted to play Barbies. Her neighborhood was a little green lily pad in a swamp of blight and disrepair. A ghetto moat ringed around those three fancy blocks like a first line of defense,…

Read Chinese (from The New Yorker)

18041804 views66 comments44 favs

Roy Orbison, Roy Orbison, Roy Orbison, Roy Orbison, Roy Orbison, Roy Orbison—right now that’s all I can say.

Barking at the Moon's Silhouette

10171017 views55 comments33 favs

We took our turn at the younger stage. One good turn deserves another and all that crap. But does it always have to strong-arm the world's latest lovers apart with so much pushed and shoved ultra violence?So far…

Late Bloomer

810810 views11 comment00 favs

It was ridiculous. We were only in 3rd grade. How can anyone know at that age, only eight, that Judy F. was the girl he was meant to be with for the rest of their lives? But that was how Stephen O. behaved. As if they both already knew this, and they


16601660 views88 comments33 favs

After like forever I remembered Seth was there, too. He was still on the levee's edge, but had drawn his legs up and crossed them, Indian-style. All of a sudden he was laughing.


873873 views00 comments00 favs

He will spread peace like wet blood on a sheet.

Only losers reminisce about their show & tell days

14511451 views55 comments33 favs

Somehow I always had to sit behind him. I remember because he had a constellation of skin tags on his neck. I thought about drawing stars on him; I thought about creating a new galaxy I would rule. I should have been learning math instead. I still can’t

(3) Country House

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At one point he’d said: Don’t you have work to do? And she’d said: I’m doing it now.

My Date With Satan

1043310433 views1414 comments1515 favs

My date with Satan commenced at the Sanrio store by Union Square where we went to browse through two stories of miniature Japanese school supplies and grooming accessories.

The Art of Removing a Wedding Band

19821982 views55 comments22 favs

If I was going to liberate myself from my marriage to Rosie, the first step ought to be to liberate myself from my wedding band. That wasn't going to be easy. Along with the more prominent rolls of fat I'd been accumulating, my ring finger now bulged over the upper…

Gold Digger

11531153 views11 comment00 favs

Sophie hoped that Ryan would just stay in the bathroom and never come out. Her stomach turned just thinking about him, but wealthy nerds were easier to work than wealthy regular guys. No self-esteem, no experience with women…no problem.

Tabula Rasa

10051005 views44 comments11 fav

When I was younger, I tried very hard to be myself, but it never worked. I'd close my eyes, wait a beat, open them and slowly bring them into focus. This is the new me, the only me. Never worked, not once. It could only last a minute or two, so I…

White girl/boy angst

11571157 views33 comments11 fav

I’m secretly hoping for a huge bouquet, a fruit basket, a pickle jar of urine in a lunch bag on my doorstep, even.


18691869 views1414 comments33 favs

He pounds the roof of the Pontiac with the side of his fist and it rumbles like a timpani. He raises his head to light and wipes the sweat from his forehead. There's no sense in fighting it. He will go back and knock on Peter's door.


960960 views00 comments00 favs

look at the shape here / is it not pleasing to the eye?

Hoss Men (continued)

13381338 views66 comments44 favs

"Fax the Beaver" was its last, secret title. The beaver is a dirty trick, and it belongs on the index card.

Annals of the Naked Rowdies #22

10621062 views33 comments00 favs

As they left, Roddy kicked over a statue of a blindfold and half-naked goddess of justice. "I piss on you Justice!" he yelled. The bailiff pushed him out the door as he continued his rant, inaudible.

Cheese (train writings)

11981198 views88 comments44 favs

"This tastes like goat cheese," I said.

Frederick (from Unsaid literary journal)

12431243 views66 comments33 favs

It started like this: just him saying, "Nice to meet you, Marie," and me, while I just said his own name back to him, at the same time thinking, "I want you to take me to a hotel room someday, Frederick. I think I’ll like the way you’d make me feel...


24982498 views1111 comments1212 favs

I combed the ocean for my minnows while Hattie's giraffes multiplied like spider plants, all yellow and brown on the dry yellow savanna, propelled by their gauche necks, awkward in their bodies, bodies rooted to the feet of the humming planet.


14691469 views11 comment11 fav

{Chapter iv of Undermind} "What do you think of the light in our city at night?" It spreads out in every direction, following the hills and valleys of the city, visible into the far distance from the Penthouse party room on the 44th floor. "Gorgeous!…

Following Questions

12291229 views44 comments11 fav

4. If the property line is a symbol, what about the neighbor girl's window, the flickering candle in her room, her black cotton panties?

Hoss Men (divided)

10131013 views66 comments44 favs

Agents I have little idea. Woiwode partly supported his family in the 60s by publishing in The NYer (his friends were De Niro and Barthelme) so perhaps there was little trouble in his finding one. E.W. met his at a bar. He publishes in Paris and Texas.

Snap, Crackle & Pop!

852852 views00 comments00 favs


Never Said

10551055 views00 comments00 favs

We're at the Park Diner. My dad Tommie is sitting across from me. He looks haggard, tired. His skin is pasty and washed-out. He's not talking, so I'm not talking either, but it doesn't matter because it's hanging there between us.Cancer.Motherfucker.“Don't look so…