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16221622 views88 comments77 favs

On a visit, Jesus sees bracelets with WWJD. What does that mean? he asks. What Would Jesus Do? they respond. I wouldn’t wear that, he says.


12721272 views1010 comments77 favs

She can never say why, but guilt rides her bones like the spirit. She rubs worry raw.

Valentine query

874874 views11 comment11 fav

Did I flirt first?

Bait Shop

10351035 views1111 comments1010 favs

They wanted to go fresh water fishing, so I had to buy worms. None there in the saltwater town. Drove about 10 miles over the long bridge to cross the bay. I'd been there before. Walked in and a crusty, little skinny man got up from his chair. He: Watcha need? Me: Fresh…


15161516 views1414 comments1212 favs

...but still, when she whispers that going out now might put her in the mood later he unties from his mooring and sets them both drifting toward the gin-splintered latitudes

Stop Sign

900900 views00 comments00 favs

Made sense then, should have written it down - But I fell back to sleep instead

Man on the Moon

977977 views22 comments33 favs

I even listen to the Ugly Kid Joe version. I fall asleep perplexed and disheartened.

With Ann Coulter on the Jewish Conversion Tour

15141514 views22 comments22 favs

A little bony for my tastes–I wonder if she’s on the Lady Di diet. I wouldn’t kick her out of bed for eating crackers, but it would be like sleeping with Eva Braun.

Cactus Subconscious

16901690 views1111 comments88 favs

The voice in the sand: "If it has soul you must funk it."


10121012 views33 comments22 favs

How does a mixed couple come together in the Troubles?

The Murder of Crows

886886 views44 comments33 favs

The one-legged crow was back in the yard again. It was there yesterday and maybe before, but yesterday was the first time I noticed it. I've been using my binoculars lately. It is interesting to bring things closer. And it's not just birds, but other things like the…

Four: Of Moths, Poets, and Streambanks

936936 views11 comment11 fav

“And what kind of man would prefer all these dusty old books to my physical form? Who would memorize archaic incantations, when he could be whispering in my ear? Why search for the ancient splendors of metaphor, when one could be searching for the ...


751751 views44 comments11 fav

Her heart is the color of fuck. Not the color she'd imagined; the soft pink of parting lips, the fading hand print on steamed—up windows, like Leo and Kate in that fancy car the night it sank. His car was a dented jeep…

What They Heard

530530 views33 comments33 favs

There's nothing so new in the doing that it needs to be talked about in just spooky or secret ways, by you, me or anyone else tonight, but it might feel real good sometime and perfectly fine to hear…

How Light Loves You

11881188 views1212 comments1111 favs

The cataclysm of all those photons/ mad to be a part of you


12991299 views1111 comments77 favs

I am so happy to see winter almost gone

The Class of '61

10461046 views66 comments44 favs

My head is nailed to yesterday.

Eve's Curse in Silence and Sorrow

13101310 views1515 comments1212 favs

To touch our skin was filthy, to spread our legs a mortal sin. You closed the keyholes to keep us apart, so we used them to keep you out and keep our secrets to ourselves.

Not If, But When

11881188 views77 comments66 favs

She tells me I have to face the fact that I have the heart of the Tin Man. I know the story. He had none. She is very sensitive and I have to measure my remarks because words bruise her so easily. So, I…

Rubber Chains

982982 views22 comments11 fav

He turned metal chains to rubber with the force of his mind. He prepared tacos for the paperboy.

Land's End

11801180 views55 comments66 favs

Wearing Land’s End clothes at life’s end Driving around in circles in your Codgermobile with 3 good hubcaps. Who wouldn’t want to steal that?

The Anniversary

18531853 views3333 comments3030 favs

I don't want you like a tiger doing homework in the circus

The Small of Her Back

677677 views22 comments11 fav

The small of her back, where the downy hair stands upright like wheat in the summer light.

Poem: Admonition

11251125 views33 comments22 favs

"Why, before the summer has passed You won’t remember her name. . ."


10751075 views1313 comments99 favs

The sauce is you

Three: A Heavenly Mansion

12641264 views33 comments33 favs

She went up first, I followed, a respectful three paces behind. Now, I know what you’re thinking: I was perfectly placed to steal a quick, if innocent, glance, and she would never see. The house is a center hall colonial, and there are no mirrors on the s

Beach Tale

853853 views11 comment11 fav

I should have worn shorts.

Parking Garage

16121612 views1717 comments1818 favs

It's that quiet comfortable darkness. One should feel it often and necessarily.

Feeling Marlene (from OPEN CITY Magazine Number 16)

17521752 views33 comments33 favs

I got your card in the mail via my ex-wife in Saskatoon. On it you wonder where I am, if I am still writing, and if I have any stories I would send for you to look at because you think I should be published, too.

Death by Dinner

10981098 views22 comments00 favs

I can't believe it's Frankie, but there he is at a table on the far side, just in front of the big picture window. I hold the menu close to my face and peek again over the top, watching as he reaches under the white linen tablecloth to plant…