"The Nuremberg Principles says that we in the military have not only the right, but also the DUTY to refuse an illegal order.”
Based on the above, I contend that
should some civilian order you to initiate a nuclear attack on Iran (for
example), you are duty-bound to refuse that order. I might also suggest that you should consider whether
the circumstances demand that you arrest whoever gave the order as a war
By Colonel Bob Bowman (USAF Ret), Caltech PhD in Nuclear Engineering and
Aeronautics,decorated combat fighter pilot (101 missions in Vietnam), and former
head of Presidents Ford and Carter's 'Star Wars' program. Sept. 2007
We pace.
We are used to naked. We are used to being amber
In the firelight, licked by flames, staring into them,
Going into nothing nothing nothing
Coming out the other side with visions
Answering the future, visions
Beyond nations, visions beyond corporations,
Visions beyond the mass illusions
Of our televisions, of our politicians, of our false
Religions. Instead of secrecy societies
We see see see, telepathically, holding nothing back,
Indulging instead in radical honesty.
Celebrating instead a world made of consciousness
Vibrating as love that flows between us all
Including plants, rocks, birds, water, air, truth.
Truth, we say. We drum for truth. Naked truth.
We drum drum drum. Te dum te dum te dum
Rub a dum dum. Rat a tat tat.
Ban the bomb. Plant a tree of infinity.
We stalk. We crouch. But when we come
To public view, we straighten, hold our heads
As high as we can, our drums strapped on
Covering our privates, large drums,
Sinewy drums, African drums, athletic drums.
And so are we. We move our legs
and see the muscles taut.
We feel the power of the earth against our feet,
Bare against it. We wear nothing but our drums.
The military base can sense us coming. A few
Soldiers stand and watch, gather more.
No one knew. They smile, jerk their heads,
Call their friends to come and watch.
The sound revives them. Reminds them.
There is hope. There is truth.
We stand as one, 50 of us, naked, drumming, louder,
Slower, more precise, and stop.
One of us moves forward, takes off his drum.
Ta dum. He says to them:
We want to tell you naked facts about the WTC.
The rest of us drum. And stop.
Several of the suicide hijackers
Are still alive.
Ta dum.
And one by one,
We move aside our drums
To show our naked bodies, strong
In the sunshine, say a line.
No steel building has ever fallen
Just like a controlled demolition
If it wasn't a controlled demolition.
Physics proves it was not a fire.
Ta dum.
The president's brother and cousin
Were in charge of security for the buildings.
Ta dum.
Bomb sniffing dogs in the buildings
Were taken out of service
The week of the attack.
Ta dum.
Lots of members of the Bush
Administration had said before--
We need a new Pearl Harbor
To justify the transformation
Of the military.
Ta dum
WE are calling for a different kind
Of transformation
Of the military!
Bam ba ba BAM!
Where truth is revealed
To all, transparency
In policy, including
The REAL reasons
We are at war.
And we drum. We stand beside
Our drums. Tall and proud.
Ta dum.
And the soldiers say:
We know. We're not dumb.
They're getting ready
For another. A new attack,
A new excuse, another country
To falsely blame.
Ta dum.
But we won't go. We're in the know.
We are planning to fight for truth
Refuse another inside job,
Stand down, salute our military leaders
Who are coming forth
To ask us all to look
At what is happening,
To see, to see, to see.
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649 words
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published in Unesco's journal
censored on Facebook
cause taken up by Artemis Asio who made FB performance art out of it
delicious work.
Standing by.
spectacular stuff
"We pace.
We are used to naked. We are used to being amber
In the firelight, licked by flames, staring into them,
Going into nothing nothing nothing"
I like the form. Good piece - and read.
Wonderful piece, an explosion of percussion in every line!
The rhythm, and invectives, and poetic prose leap from the page with all the explosive of dynamite. The clipped sentences imitate the brevity of life, the eclipsed heart. Bravo, Tantra, this is amazing work.