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Luminous Nights, 2

10661066 views22 comments22 favs

The house where my brother lived up in the hills above Hollywood, looked like any other suburban house on any normal street Anywhere USA, except that once you got inside the house — spread out at your feet was a panoramic view over a canyon that was act

Not Everything's Supposed to Make You Think

982982 views66 comments55 favs

you are on a missing boat in the middle Of a fogged out notion of some sort. A no nonsense paddle could be made out Of something as intangible as an Incoming wave. This could also be a Floating thought up map, man. In…


894894 views00 comments00 favs

She could estimate herself around 30, though this was debatable since she had stopped counting years ago. She looked like a person who would be very pretty if she wore make-up, but she didn’t and therefore wasn’t.


23562356 views1919 comments1212 favs

I went out through another cold still morning erasing my steps behind me not because I did not want to be followed but because I did not want to find my way back again.

Melodies with an Octopus

11611161 views22 comments11 fav

The supervisor, sensing the fear in me, pats my hand and says "Never you mind! This is normal in the tomato. Every few days we rile up, make sauce, and regrow again. Have you ever been in spaghetti sauce before?"

Rock and Sushi

10641064 views00 comments00 favs

If I remember him at all it’s because I decided not to flunk him so he could graduate. I had this theory that teachers should be bound by the same oath as doctors, First, do no harm.

Alone Before Surgery

10231023 views55 comments11 fav

I spat in the toilet.

Mentors & Manatees

12521252 views1010 comments44 favs

The loss of my first mentor came as a harsh blow. Roaming the forest with my dog Rosie just wasn’t the same. Her heart was in the right place, but when it came to armed combat, Rosie just didn’t have the goods.

Luminous Nights, 1

747747 views33 comments11 fav

It happened almost overnight. There were long lines of cars at every filling station. There was anger, open hostility. Cars were backing into one another in line, trying to jockey for position. I don't think anyone could believe this was really happening

Please, tell me of the smell of the moon

14561456 views33 comments33 favs

Do you know first hiss of batter hitting groundnut oil in a shallow pan, I ask, on a morning after a long, dream-ridden sleep?

77 Words About Nothing (Tangled)

876876 views00 comments00 favs

You carved my initials into your inner thigh with a jagged stem -

Earthquake 4.0

980980 views11 comment11 fav

I thought the dog was up to someting.

I Remember Kitty D.

13821382 views2020 comments1111 favs

When the car arrived, Kitty bounded out, lipstick-stained cigarette dangling, silver hair tightly teased. We could not escape her hug, smelling of peppermint and Aqua-Net and Jean Nate.

Happy Birthday!

15591559 views11 comment00 favs


All Will Be Well

17821782 views1818 comments99 favs

Jesus will walk on the water. Judas will walk on a technicality.

***Breaking News!***

969969 views66 comments44 favs

FedEx merges with UPS becoming FedUp

Ponchatoula Tulip

949949 views99 comments00 favs

You could call it love.

Wax Lips Opiates

11341134 views22 comments11 fav

The Syringimals were filled to their 60 ml capacity with a gelatinous ocher blood. They fluttered around using sparkly wings stolen from Disney fairies, and attempted language through wax lips that were usually secured with scotch tape.

The Boss

10011001 views22 comments00 favs

When I was eighteenI worked at a convenient storeAnd the owner was from PakistanAnd he dressed well and Smelled of cologneAnd owned two storesAnd was always going back and forthBetween the two of themHe had to make sure we were doingOur jobsAnd whenever some kid…

Soliloquies and Interludes of the Interior Zombies

667667 views33 comments11 fav

As parents watched my skin grow paler, hair/ go raven, and demeanor change from pert/ to smiling calm, they started to complain.

Before The Ship Leaves

610610 views22 comments00 favs

I head for the dock, and brush my fedora with a wad of Pythagorean moss. The captain is a clumsy angel with a stethoscope and a bowl of bouillon. Three months later we arrive in Cartagena. I have a headache the size of China.

Debtor's Prison

13491349 views1515 comments1212 favs

You should have marked that territory like a conquistador, mounted him like an equestrian, left no what-ifs in your wake.

The Bad Things

10741074 views66 comments11 fav

Daddy comes home, calls us to his room, makes us stand in line, tells us to do it again...

Weird Miracles(Exciting New Offer)

734734 views55 comments44 favs

The Eleven Best of Darryl Price, as chosen by Brian W.,dishwasher, music aficionado, tattoo historian,and poetry lover(off the grid but not off the griddle): 1. What I Find 2. The…

All of My Facebook Friends Are Gonna Be Strangers

575575 views11 comment00 favs

I once knew a guy named Ian from Manhattan Who liked looking at New Yorker fey cartoons.

A Journey of Seven Thousand Miles

15171517 views1111 comments99 favs

The taste of / what is denied us is always sweet

Spasms Of Jukebox Summer

686686 views00 comments00 favs

Watch me squeeze this gland until it turns purple and everyone stood amazed at Montmartre.

God Wanted Us to Come Here

10191019 views00 comments00 favs

Betty had been looking for a distraction; the lawsuits were out of control. Her last nonprofit, Faith and Life Children's Organization, had run into some difficulties due to the recession and the obvious result of trying to do more with less. Why couldn't people…

Finger Lost Finger Found

10651065 views33 comments11 fav

Little Roy Farrell'd taken a bite of his fourth grade teacher's ear as she bent close to help him sound out the word “grace.” Doc Felter had sewn most of teacher's ear back on, but by seventh grade Roy still couldn't read and never understood that he'd in

The Neighbors

11701170 views00 comments00 favs

The first apartment Troy and Lynn lived in was managed by an alcoholic former army officer, who lived in the complex with his wife and teenage daughter. He was a lush who didn't do much in the way of management. Lynn had barely noticed him before Troy moved in with her.…