"...leafing through the
record selector..."
My first Combat Mobile experience was as the only Specialist in an ATC ("air traffic control") assignment. The rest of the squad were simple grunts lead by the massive Sergeant James T. Adams, Regular Army, the ghost of the Central Highlands. Sgt. Adams m
My name is Mandy and I'll be your narrator today. I'd like to welcome you aboard. You will be reading at the approximate speed of one hundred words per minute. Total estimated reading time will be about fifteen minutes. At this time, I'd like to point out several of the…
I hold down the control-alt-delete keys simultaneously and the screen goes blank, sending Camus into a paroxysm of fear; for a guy who wrote an essay on facing down suicide, he’s kind of jumpy.
the warnings we fear are the selfsame ones of ourselves
of our vertical need to be first to the heights redoubling
its intractable charm of production— our inheritance.
“You have run for your life, Astylos, and won. All Hellenes share in your victory.” The crowd bellowed and thundered as an attendant tied purple ribbons around the winner’s forehead, arms and legs. These would mark him as a victor for the remaining days o
Dexter is a demon. He called me an over-accessorized hot spot yesterday evening and FYI: he didn’t even kiss me. I slammed the door and left my own apartment. I slept in my car.
It was the absence of small sounds he felt most. The clink of a spoon against china, a floorboard’s distant creak, the swish of that old, broken-toothed comb through her hair. A thousand tiny sounds that had proved he wasn’t alone.
Easing her hand with her other hand.
The mid-town bar was loud with neighborhood regulars and Friday night office workers; the bartenders were straining to hear wait staff yell drink orders over a blaring '90's soundtrack. Smokers had been relegated to the patio cafe behind the building. At the long bar, Adam…
1.) Please discuss any real-life problems you may have encountered having to do with the concept of “the look” or “the male gaze” as propounded in some of the feminist criticism readings we've done thus far this semester.
He always felt safe with a gun in his hands. Back home anyway. Russ was from a rural part of South Carolina. A place where you could brush the humidity away from your face with your hand and drink down sweet tea in glasses so big, it cooled your toes. He was not…
While sipping Earl Grey tea in the tent of Princess Citronella, I could hear the nightime burping of several camels outside trying to settle down. A slight breeze entered in through an opened flap and gently vibrated a piece of paper the Princess was handing me. A dog…
Another hard week
tired but
make the effort
If I had one of those, she said, I’d never get anything done.
So naughty.
Now my bones get goose-bumps too.
We were playing in my rock group Spotty Behavior,
and she was lead singer in The Young Vaginas,
fronting for a band called The Cherry
She was fast as the wind and lived on air, her clothes a size 0000.
Newsome glared at the sleeping woman, slumped over the edge of the hard, metal table, her head settled comfortably into the crook of her arm. Over an hour she's been in that position, he thought. Despite the harshness of the room, the fluorescent lights,…
If you can’t consummate tomorrow / you may as well just annul the future
Poets are more like Jesus,/
suffering the cross
We used to find ourselves watching a World War II documentary, but from the periphery of our vision; because our tongues would be swishing against each other, and we’d be breathing each other’s wind; and we wouldn’t be as in to it as we used to but we wou
But the profligate are blameless now
Those who conflate sex and love the way
dumber animals mistake heat for light
have moved freely back to some primal zone
where if I’m felt to be contradictory to the
surroundings it’s because I wanted t
No one told us that the LZ was already hot and the last Combat Mobile Team had already been shot down and killed. No, no one told us that. So when we came in below about 500 feet I began to hear that "pitit" sound of AK-47 rounds going right through the f
bullet points about her soul
...classic rock vibrating the walls...
‘Your writing is terrible,’ she said triumphantly, and there was silence. I wanted to say, no Tara, that’s too much, he needs this – working terrible jobs for years, forever, always feeling the discrepancy between his middle-class childhood and his hand-
"She saw they were absorbed in making faces at each other with a smartphone app that enlarged a mouth."
We are diminished by our desire
for innocence, and we debase those who
possess it.
Ben exited the uptown Broadway Local at 103rd and oriented himself.
Gone he is in his designated place Just resting in peace while I barely move on
The skinny one was kinda cute. He had this little mole over the left corner of his mouth that she just wanted to suck. She kept watching it go up and down as he talked, the way his full lips kept spreading and coming together. She really wanted to kiss…