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Soon, and for the Rest of Your Life

15751575 views1414 comments1010 favs

. . . and the last thing you’ll smell will be new-cut pine.

Assiduity Six

12131213 views1212 comments66 favs

"Every generation is a new generation, isn't it? What's so different about your generation?"

Sticking My Head Out of the Car Window

895895 views66 comments22 favs

Standing on the beach, watching the waves crash onto the shore, before the storm. It is easy to understand why dogs like sticking their head out of the car window. Standing on my favorite part of the beach, merely feet from the beach house. The house you weren't…


831831 views11 comment00 favs

Your words broke meLike a china vase dropped to the floorAnd though the pieces were recoveredStuck together with love and compassionThe cracks are there for those who lookI was happy to be there, content in that placeYou wanting to be somewhere elseNever telling me where…

In The Place Between - Part 2

948948 views22 comments00 favs

One day a girl with blond hair was walking along the fence on the other side. There were just a handful of us left and I was the only one to notice her. I watched her. She did not see me. The next time I saw her, I went to the fence. I thought she might y


13061306 views2727 comments1313 favs

It’s beautiful to look at and to hold/ though true musicians would be appalled/ by the black plastic

to a gregarious stranger

10851085 views33 comments00 favs

Three lines.

From The Files Of Mitt Romney, Bounty Hunter: Genesis

881881 views22 comments00 favs

Mitt looked at his one-time running mate and took a deep breath. He was beginning to think that throwing all of his money and belongings into the ocean and eloping to Key West with Paul Ryan was a bad idea. Paul had turned out to be more needy than a danc

Waiting for Hurricane Dennis, Florida 2005

10371037 views33 comments33 favs

WAITING FOR HURRICANE DENNIS, FLORIDA 2005 With soft eyes, she quizzed, shivered, said: “Where's Dad? Where's Ric? Will you leave me here alone? Are you all going to leave? Where's Peter? Do you feel all right? We're…

Internet Hole (an excerpt from Psychopomp)

12151215 views11 comment11 fav

Seventeen-year cicadas are the sometimes-singers that surprise spring with the ugliest mouths of all.


963963 views11 comment11 fav

It matters little who thought of it first, what mattered was the schism. Or, to be more accurate, those on the opposite sides of the schism. And, of course, you are a part of this, dear reader. You are of one side or the other.


827827 views00 comments00 favs

"Excuse me, ma'am? You wanted the mayonnaise on the side, right?"No one ever called her ma'am again.

The Man Who Defied Gravity

11601160 views33 comments11 fav

Let us be stranded in the Andes and have to eat human flesh or at least toothpaste to survive! Let there be an earthquake! Let there be a flood! Let there be a tornado, a new ice age, an invasion from Mars. Only: let me survive.

Holocaust Car Wash

823823 views44 comments00 favs

There was always something about the air in the deep south. The summer air. It was always so thick. So heavy. Joey didn't notice. He didn't know any better. He had lived in Savannah all six years of his life. He did remember the one time his father and…

In December, 1998, we dropped more bombs on Iraq

821821 views00 comments00 favs

This is between the two wars, so it surprises you when TV screens light up with this in the hotel breakfast room. You are in Delhi, you were supposed to fly home last night but fog canceled everything.

The Mother Kidnappers

784784 views22 comments00 favs

We kidnap mothers of all sorts: old mothers, single mothers, young mothers (rarely), but we never do it for ransom. As a society we are adamantly opposed to the use of violence. Our mission is to remove mothers from environments they are not appreciated in, whether by their…

evening cigarette

11431143 views88 comments55 favs

It's short.

20th Century Boy

10421042 views33 comments11 fav

The night I screamed you out of my life for good, I fed your confettied photo to swirling toilet, a ticker tape parade and dead fish burial rolled into one. Later I found the box, a jiffy…

Assiduity Five

11741174 views1414 comments44 favs

. . . my situation.

Five Million Yen: Chapter 21

881881 views00 comments00 favs

Some friends of mine took him for a ride out to Broad Channel, you know that enclave of crazies that live in houses on stilts on the island in Jamaica Bay on Cross Bay Boulevard. He might find that when the tide comes in, the water might be a little deepe

Your Last Rooster

11701170 views1616 comments88 favs

But his muscles fluttered and off he flew leaving the stink of barnyard on the sheets.

His First and Only: A Love Story for Halloween

923923 views00 comments00 favs

It was the woman, Mary Lou Compton, that he cared about. They would've been happily married by now if Bryce hadn't killed his Uncle Ned.


11011101 views22 comments11 fav

A person is entitled to what she thinks and feels. A person can have all the thoughts and feelings she wants.

What I know about love

937937 views55 comments44 favs

There are many forms of impossible love. For example when the rain soaked streets are littered with yellow leaves.When a fine mist hangs in the air, and it is twilight and you are not here

Arcana Magi Memorial Vol.3 - c.4

11651165 views00 comments00 favs

Their faces covered in shadow, smiles so relaxing, a tall woman approached her, gently rubbing her face. Her lips moved with no sound, but Sora subconsciously understood what she said.

The Sapaat Swarm

906906 views00 comments00 favs

About three dozen people, the doctor told him, dwelt in the small village until there had been a dry spell—a drought the likes of which no one in the region had ever seen before. Theories abounded as to the cause of the drought as theories do: a curse by

Haliburton v US: Fallout

921921 views99 comments55 favs

Immediately following the landmark decision, Justice Roberts departed Washington for a six week, thirty state tour to educate and inform the Citizens of the United States regarding the judiciary and its fundamental role in the American Way.

The End of Coffee

12091209 views55 comments22 favs

I am getting twisted like a cruller into the mess I have made of this morning and I am stretching the meaning of morning to way past its boundaries.

Fast Food (with side of religion)

544544 views11 comment00 favs

Man wolfing banana in his car on University Place Chinese girl walks by and his head follows her all the way until his head is twisted 180 degrees

Dream World

11301130 views33 comments22 favs

I don't mind being dead. It's ok. Really. I've discovered a whole new way of being based on non-being. What else can you do? I like being invisible. I like groaning and rattling chains. I used to be a writer. Still am. In fact, it might be more accurate to say that…