114 8 7
I would like to credit St. Mary's and St. Joseph's for my decision to become a Buddhist nun. The day after I sacrificed my virginity to Johnny Delaney, St. Joseph's star quarterback, he dumped me for Fiona Kelly. That's when I decided to…
1554 39 14
Where seldom is heard
an encouraging word
1121 1 1
I first saw her about a year after I moved back, when I went to Dairy Queen. I know. Dairy Queen!? Ever since I was a kid, I have had a love for the dipped cones. When I used to visit my father on weekends, we would always stop at Dairy Queen on the way back to…
853 2 0
830 0 0
I was reading The Transmission of Doubt by Adi Da, and since it was just shy of five hundred pages, I had become tired and needed air. It was funny because Eglington Square Mall had only one floor and was more like a mini mall than anything, with a beer store on…
1075 5 3
Somewhere between the bleating of sheep
And the laying of eggs
Comes the licking of frosting
And the eating of the cake
We’re not young enough
To know everything anymore
And you may think there’s no rush
But I know this
There’s a limit t
952 1 0
nope. no excerpt for you.
130 3 1
Pass frame.Avert eyes.If Ido look,I'm stillnot there.
998 6 5
I texted a wickety-split, tax-declaring New York-based international escort, a moonlighting, all-pro Kit, whose day job on Wall Street yields no bonus.
131 5 4
it rained so hard it flooded our tent and our sleeping bags were floating
1239 11 5
In the darkness, as I awaken, an orange glowing 3:45 greets me . . .
986 7 5
I don't think I minded so much watching the trucks hit him, one breaking his spine with a decisive snap, and the other finishing the job by splitting his skull. I don't think I minded watching as much as I did watching those two boys poking around at his
1202 13 9
Remember the equatorial heat, the flies,/
the lurking hum and scream of jungle,/
the squalor? Remember the functionary.
868 0 0
The sky was painfully blue that day. So bright, so cheerful that attempting to look at it, to probe its depths would cause one's eyes to tear up. There was not a cloud in sight, just miles and miles of blue as far as the eye…
1085 1 1
On a cold November afternoon I stood in the foyer of Sampson and Sons funeral home and paced silently back and forth across the purple carpet. They have that deep pile and rich color of carpeting that you only really see in a small town…
1297 3 0
The Snowman grinned malevolently as the Sugar Plum fairies shook in their tiny powdered boots."Santa has one more hour and then you're all marshmallow toasts!" the Snowman said. He laughed and he laughed. His evil plan? He wanted the key to time delivered to him personally…
1131 1 0
The following is a true story, or rather it is a true experience from the story of my life. Some say that just because something happens doesn't really make it "true".
778 1 1
Twig arms,
Send me back then back again.
The skeleton of our home
Lives above the town
1238 1 1
He laughed – pictures traveled across his mind of bodies and mouths and the sex and the liquor, he could taste the flesh and the alcohol right then, strong, immediate.
1354 3 2
Just let anyone else lay a finger on me or say the wrong thing when Victor is around... He is very protective. I am only to be beaten by him.
1295 6 4
Luke was in the gutter, his face in stagnant water littered with cigarette butts, condom wrappers, and green shards of glass from broken beer bottles. A man was kicking him in the face with a boot the size of a U-boat, over and over and over again. Blood
1275 7 4
Mythical Itch and the Unicorns
Working Late
Jacuzzi Floozy
One Erection
Diego Rivera’s Poncho
Frieda’s Moustache
Babushka Dolls
Photographic Mammary
Sir Gruntsalot
Uber Rubber
Iota Pie
Elder Geese
1215 11 6
A pinprick breaks the black/
and pins the spin of constellations/
around its still point.
1320 2 2
The mother was happy, though. She was happy because she could make him some soup and then she could feed it to him in bed.
1065 0 1
Ben gagged after shot-gunning the scotch. He hiccupped and it came back up through his nose. He grabbed a napkin and caught most of a shot and a half of Whyte & MacKay as it poured out his nose.
140 7 4
“Is that what six million looks like?” I wondered. I easily grasped the six part. I'd lived that many years. The Star of David had six points. So did each snow crystal.
1132 2 2
3622 6 6
596 0 0
So many ingenious traps for catching and hamstringing female poets have been invented that it is a rare editor who ever really sees one. H.L. Mencken
1484 19 8
Evening was drawing nigh and Mosby's horse had tired from the daylong ride.