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It's Not Paranoia

9999 views99 comments55 favs


A Walk Down Delancey

16951695 views55 comments44 favs

my exposed flu-ridden head

I Don't Know Why I Bother With You

986986 views22 comments33 favs

I think we had parties with cats before— you were Mr. Gallant, and I Madame Sunshine—we would drink tea laced with toilet spray, and you would complain:…

Miss Ang Has a Very Comfortable Life

893893 views00 comments00 favs

"Is all life suffering?" Miss Ang asked as she parked in front of the brothel. The concrete monstrosity stood humble and lost in appearance, but the locals knew what transpired there, as did the truckers and businessmen that frequented the Phetkasem Highw

Actually I Train Woodpeckers for Al-Qaeda

919919 views55 comments11 fav

Now that Spring has sprung I am reminded about the day a former neighbour complained about my squirrel collection. I love to feed the black squirrels that gather in my yard and she became convinced I had trained several ninja squirrels to enter her garden

The Test

9595 views99 comments66 favs



12141214 views88 comments44 favs

You don't want to knowthe details of my lifethe gossipthe boring moments strung togetheracross the lap ofmy sense of responsibilityit drives methrough the daysdoing this and thatchore, check on the listi am tired and need to stop for a drinkand then, i am filled up for a…

How to Travel with Your Demons (2)

17771777 views1313 comments1313 favs

The love of hundreds of people, seemingly, rain down from the sky, but its not like when the cock hits the good spot inside you. And everybody who is reading this knows this is true. We all know what that feels like, that aha moment, that eiphany, like,

Bible Stories for Atheist Babysitters

10401040 views22 comments11 fav

What the five-year-old I baby sit for wanted to do yesterday was torture his Barbies. “Why would you want to do that?” I asked.“Because we're bad guys!” said Hanina. “Can't we be good guys?”“Not today. Today we're bad…

Don’t Ask Me to Collaborate

10811081 views1111 comments77 favs

Except with the language I was born to./ Occasionally, with painters and collagists-// dead now, typically- who can’t voice/ opposition to my misappropriations.

Assiduity Twenty Seven

10111011 views66 comments44 favs

" . . . with twinges of dread and pangs guilt, I worry . . . "

Reciting Paul’s First Epistle to the Corinthians Aloud Word for Word to Distract Myself From a Panic Attack

959959 views22 comments33 favs

I hold dreams made of iron / that tip my spear of regret—

Snake and Duck

13991399 views11 comment00 favs

Gloomy night slippery as snake and duck.


118118 views1414 comments1010 favs

Celia was born with another baby's head atop her head and everyone in the village thought her cursed. It was because Celia's mother had been too young to be intimate with a man, twelve only, and the man, important in the village,…

A Story from the Diamond

745745 views00 comments00 favs

A sweltering heat sits on the field like a fog failing to move. From the diamond, you were able to see the Chicago skyline poking above the apartment buildings like antennas, sending signals all throughout the world.

Mastery of All Thangs Including Sonatas and Piledrivers

11371137 views55 comments44 favs

My old buddy Snoop Dogg saunters into the room, and we go through a handshake routine that takes over ten minutes, ending with double-backflips and some brotherly penis swordplay.

The Study of Professor Herbert Hand

847847 views00 comments00 favs

They say he started the study on February 26, 20—. Ever since that day, no one has seen or heard from him.

Luck Dragon.

249249 views1212 comments88 favs


“Honestly, I’m Not a Fan of Your Poetry”

10141014 views22 comments33 favs

I will admit it. // I cannot write poetry / to save my life—

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.3 - c.5

11431143 views00 comments00 favs

The sound of the crowd’s excitement, their smiles, and laughter started to turn Mayumi’s thoughts about life in the Magi world.


14081408 views99 comments55 favs

So, I rough her up with sand paper, and hit her with chains, making dents. She examines her surfaces, tidily and efficiently, indicating the spots most in need of filling in with scratches and scrapes.

Craigslist 2014

867867 views00 comments00 favs

Craigslist 2014?

Hard Time

108108 views1919 comments55 favs

Obesity in America is now considered a felony, thanks to Michelle Obama's biceps and weight obsession. They've sent me to couch potato prison where I'm doing hard time in a dark corner of an unfinished basement filled with cobwebs that…

Two Cents a Bale

621621 views33 comments11 fav

“Price has gone up,” Jim said. His head and his body were still, like a deer’s when it hears something. “It’s three cents a bale now.”

rag water echo

953953 views22 comments11 fav

It was in the good and strange middle spring and the rain kept announcing itself on the doorsteps and the railings of the town. As it bounced off of infrastructure and the top of eighteen wheeled trucks, rather than die little deaths, the drops found their way into the…


13221322 views1515 comments1313 favs

I am eternal/ as long as the power holds

The Poet

911911 views66 comments22 favs

It dawned on herthat her imagination hadswollen beyond belief


12181218 views77 comments44 favs

There is a rock somewhere with the truth of the sky in it, the glitter of otherworldly charms that falsify the ugliness of the literal.

How to Travel with your Demons (1)

15231523 views88 comments66 favs

Someone's shaking powdered sugar on the tree limbs. Someone's turned out the lights. It's a beautiful morning.

Confessions of a Cursing Librarian

12851285 views88 comments44 favs

Under no circumstances can you say "fuck" when you're working in a public library. Especially in the junior room.