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That Buddhist Swing

12281228 views77 comments33 favs

We spend life, or much of it rather, chasing epiphanies promised to us by hip prophets and free spirits.

The Cenataur (Part 1)

10321032 views11 comment11 fav

Love needs loathing like cold weather needs warm clothing. And all truths, untruths and part truths need a place to live when a mind gets too sardine-packed with information and cynicism... Some say there was a time when the light was brighter, the ear

Stan Smith

10381038 views88 comments55 favs

Ah we just sat on the flat roof of the school and looked out at what was beyond because sometimes there is nothin' to do but sit on a flat roof of a school and look out at what is beyond. Going up there I had told him to be careful with the bag because if he didn't take…

The Late, Late Show

12121212 views55 comments33 favs

This is my secret source of income, you see....

The Fool on the Hill

10231023 views11 comment22 favs

It is wonderful to talk to Mick Jagger in his hotel room. He is absolutely charming, and the women filling the room seem as natural as the sound of rain or the play of sunlight.

Unintentional Hermits/ Animal Cities- The General Woman

916916 views11 comment11 fav

She lived a good life she told herself. She lived a good life because she demanded little- little materialistic comforts that is- at least this is what she thought- and what she demanded anyway was simple, aesthetic; sophisticated and perhaps even neat. Yes she was a neat…

"Not like a duck"

912912 views33 comments11 fav

with its head cut off

How to travel with your Demons (5)

15201520 views66 comments55 favs

She believes that this started with a phone call when she walked out of the deli yesterday. She believes that it started when it was snowing this morning in Brooklyn, waiting for her car to arrive, but the truth is, this journey began a long time ago.

The Kill

10601060 views33 comments33 favs

I kill because I can’t stop. I kill because I can.

The Farmer's Sons

107107 views1111 comments77 favs


Bukowski in Hollywood and the Collating Party at his Apartment

667667 views22 comments11 fav

They called him Hank. We piled in a car and drove up from Irvine to his little bungalow apartment on DeLongpre near Hollywood Blvd. for a collating party for this Mag he started with Neely called “Laugh Literary and Man the Humping Guns.” No shit, that wa


904904 views1010 comments55 favs

Upstairs, in a room where some years later, the occupant would be murdered by his lover, I sat in my skivvies in an armchair and wondered if I should call my wife.

The Bookshelves

980980 views44 comments33 favs

rows and sections of casually arranged selectionswell crafted but haphazardpretty objets d'art randomly placed as cluesto significant life moments and revealing preferencesmy mother was an interior designershe would have clucked her tongueher head cocked to the sideas she…

Burying the Tramp

910910 views00 comments00 favs

Heaven and hell. Hadley believed in neither. One way or another you’re a meal ticket for someone, best to be the one spending than the one being spent. The worms and insects are getting their meal ticket now, that’s for sure.


871871 views55 comments11 fav

Every time I look at you there are two dumb mouths that slip between stretch marks.

Unintentional Hermits/ Animal Cities- The Bubble Dancer

994994 views00 comments00 favs

Gaston could remember the first time he set eyes on Deno. He'd gone into the back of the house to enquire after a lost order and found himself face to face with the dish washer, a man in his late 20s, dual heritage, tall, staring eyes and dangling useless hands. The…

Three Eights

783783 views33 comments11 fav

He fingered his remaining chips and the usual nervousness tingled at his spine.

60 is the new 20

10291029 views00 comments22 favs

I once saw a TV commercial that showed a group of Anglo retirees laughing around a card table. The slogan 60 is the new 20 floated beneath their fat, fun-loving heads. My parents are bona fide Baby Boomers. Their lives are build on credit and catchy…


12211221 views11 comment11 fav

King's splendid stronghold Pressing down the earth below Broken by the grass

Sycamore Tree

955955 views11 comment11 fav

I love you, I said. A beautiful smile struggled through the pain. But I love you more.

Warning: Literary Fiction: The One-Dollar Minister

13801380 views88 comments22 favs

It was Warren who introduced me to this bouncer fellow named John O’Toole. Warren met O’Toole and his wife, Angelina, through the dark prison poet Eugene Forcer. Forcer and O’Toole were the best of friends until a riff erupted between them one drunken n

Sleeping Bag Whiskey

10331033 views11 comment22 favs

indelicate, as everything arrives at once.

Whale Lessons

14591459 views1717 comments1010 favs

Even if your heart is as large as a small car, your tongue as heavy as two grown men—even then—you will have to carry it with you wherever you go.


10941094 views99 comments1010 favs

Fine gradations of the fractional/ fissure the eggshell whole we crave

Four Days in Singapore

628628 views11 comment11 fav

I’ve lost something at sea / and am at a foreign island to find it.


10731073 views44 comments11 fav

The capsules tumble around, one of them plinking against the crown in my upper-right jaw. I hate the crown… a mute reminder of the first time Brad hit me. Swallowing the capsules, my tongue probes the left side of my mouth, finding the other two crowns…


117117 views1111 comments88 favs



13071307 views1313 comments77 favs

That year, if you asked Al, was truly the best of times, the worst of times.


838838 views55 comments11 fav

It had all been for the children, hadn´t it?


907907 views33 comments22 favs

The retina was burning, the liquid had dried up, and the veins bursting. My eyes bled. But I kept them open. The sound was like nails on glass, screeching endlessly. Coming close to me louder, harder, faster.