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Under New Management

869869 views44 comments33 favs

You always liked the color of your nose, raspberry red. It matched the glittery dazzle of your rainbow hair when the neon lights hit it just right, and man did they always hit it just right, the vibrant honey-yellow big-bird frizz and feathers, swaying to and fro as…


10411041 views88 comments66 favs

and, once in a rare while,/ actual pearls.

Tomorrow in Tonga

14201420 views1212 comments1111 favs

What would you do today if you knew your time was up

Memoir 2.1

12011201 views77 comments66 favs

Anyone thinking they aren’t alone on life’s journey has their head up their ass.

Yellow Pages

13991399 views1010 comments1010 favs

Yellow Pages season is on us now, and Jimmy's drivin' a contract route. He'll head out to the San Joaquin where they print, and load ‘em in the back of his Tundra with the high side walls until the whole damned rig sags low,

"What It Means to Exodus" Or, "Brrrraaaawww"

10641064 views22 comments22 favs

"I have consulted the Internet," the man remarks, squatting low, sorting through a mountain of tablets. He snags two and stands slowly, confidently, and I realize suddenly that he is Moses. Two iPads, cradled surely in each wrist, glow with lists.

A Day in the Life of a Public Transit Mime

788788 views22 comments11 fav

We got a lotta people ruinin' the public transit experience. Talkin' loud on cell phones, clippin' fingernails, even flossing their teeth.

Osmotic potential

10261026 views55 comments44 favs

Guttering semiotics, The jeremiads of delirium; Drinking lukewarm tea over a late candle Like Hamlet in a power-cut; Affecting his own audience of himself, Hastening soliloquies through gritted sophisms, Withered and spun to intentional…


965965 views55 comments55 favs

i’m trying to remember don’t all the best apples happen in September?

If The Fire Is Not In Your Apartment

14001400 views99 comments88 favs

If you get crushed in New York City that's your own problem.

Wet Moses Cement

788788 views33 comments33 favs

If you’re trying to carve wise sayings for eternity to read in a newly poured sidewalk you don’t want to be struggling for meaning while the cement is wet.

The City of Lights

11691169 views1111 comments1010 favs

Paris is a great place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.


896896 views00 comments00 favs

1A voice scratches her ear: Come here, petal.Later: …


10121012 views33 comments33 favs

I’m well aware of the shadow stalking just to my left, her mannish voice flirting with my sensibilities.

Alpha Three

852852 views00 comments00 favs

Jerry turned away from the window to face the box on wheels. Its camera would scan his face, looking for the answers.

Moon Boy's Love

12491249 views11 comment22 favs

Moon Boy sits atop the hill's crest and watches Moon Girl.

Drinks With Jeffrey (adult content)

12941294 views33 comments22 favs

He pours both of us another drink and I take a gulp, even though it seems to be half vodka. My body slows, the alcohol confusing my nervous system. I rest my head on his shoulder. He doesn’t reach out to me. I wonder if this makes me the aggressor, but, a

Faces of Death Revisited

10551055 views1010 comments99 favs

He looks outside, sees everything disappearing like crumbing cookies into what appears to be a giant mouth.

Cancer Always Calls Collect -- Part 20 -- Stuck on the Pitch of a Roof

990990 views33 comments22 favs

Little things that kept me going are no longer doing the trick, and venting to someone eventually drives them away. People around you know what is going on, but there is little they can do. They stay away at more than an arms length and you understand. Tr


12821282 views66 comments55 favs

I dragged you that last half mile Me such a slip of a thing, one bite mark visible You the bear, your growl now only audible When you furred from kerb to road to kerb The December snow followed us Dragging Christmas red behind you As I ignored my…

Prisoners (edited)

12611261 views1515 comments44 favs

This cell the sole certainty, all else steeped in mystery. Why should we be here?

What the Dark Matter Says

16031603 views2121 comments1818 favs

There can be no convergence./ There is only the talking that talks about/ an angle of sight nothing else can share.

black friday

11951195 views33 comments11 fav

She is laughing, watching me spit out a mouthful of seaweed. It's a soft kind of laugh: small gasps between small sounds of her eyes closed, curling with the corners of her mouth. Her left eye curls a little less, closes a little more than it did when she laughed a year…

Once upon a time.

12481248 views33 comments22 favs

"Tell me a story."

The Confession

10601060 views55 comments44 favs

I can trust you with my secrets, can’t I?


13651365 views88 comments77 favs

Tender veterinarian, even if you weren't so tall, or your eyes so warm, or your fingers so long, or if you didn't bend over my sick cat with such astounding grace, or shoot those quick, intense glances at me, I'd have woven dreams while in your uncommon presence. Vulnerable…

Nude Ascending the Stairway to Heaven

935935 views33 comments33 favs

Whoever told us that truth-telling was so wonderful, when we can plainly see that lying is the way to get results?

Thirty Word Stories

11551155 views1111 comments77 favs

When Uncle Bob got sent to the Alzheimer's ward, the ladies licked their lips.

I and a Friend Eat Burritos

862862 views11 comment11 fav

My friend and I were talking while having burritos (some days, it is as if all we ever eat are burritos, existentially speaking) and I was looking at the way he inserted that shaft of meat in his mouth and thought him prodigious for his technique

Down Here I Drink Alone

13571357 views66 comments55 favs

The tapestry of time gets another stitch. The countdown clock rolls forward. The whole crazy picture gets a little bit clearer.