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Car Alarm

12911291 views1919 comments1515 favs

That’s the body for you.

The Form of a Cyclist

936936 views88 comments44 favs

His legs were pedaling hard and his heart was beating fast, He's got his scars; He can't outrun his past, Down the hill he goes, wind whipped his hair, a new style with each draft. He broke his brakes long ago; He cut the cable and ripped off the pads. He cried…

Tia Alvarez

12211221 views22 comments11 fav

Penny followed the woman into the warm, dark interior of her home, which smelled strongly of cumin and other familiar spices she couldn’t name. Penny noted that the tia’s hair had turned almost completely white and had grown very long since Penny had last

What We Talk About When We Talk About Photosynthesis

913913 views55 comments22 favs

Minimalist/realist short-story writer Raymond Carver was fired from his job as an editor of science textbooks because of his inappropriate writing style.

Marion, Texas

10581058 views22 comments22 favs

Marion had decided to stop whenever she came upon Amarillo. It was close to two a.m. when she pulled into the motel parking lot. Momma, read the nametag on the woman at reception. Her face was illuminated by a TV. Her hair curlers were illuminated by the lone desk lamp…

Miguel's Fence

12241224 views99 comments88 favs

Miguel's mom told everyone if you pressed your ear against the knot, Jesus would tell you special secrets.

Perdita in pieces

984984 views55 comments55 favs

Perdita's confusing profusion of parts makes it impossible to know which way up she goes.She flutters beneath the camera's shuttered stare, …

But She Means Well

941941 views55 comments55 favs

My wife said she’d only be gone 10 minutes. 10 minutes. She left me with the 2 boxes we couldn’t fit into the car, and went home to unload the 5 others. She’d be back in 10 minutes. I got a call after half an hour, she was on her way back to get me. I


10371037 views77 comments66 favs

Maybe it was a trick of the gloom.

gravelortian part 10

767767 views11 comment11 fav

We have been down here before

The Blush of Rose

997997 views33 comments22 favs

Rose was the easiest lay in the Fletcher Memorial Home For The Aged.


914914 views77 comments55 favs

Lucy entered the open door next; she had been inside the cat litter house before: Brother Fran didn’t bother to cover turds he’d laid. He spoke of the outdoors: lizards he’d separated from their heads, world of work.

Young fool

12391239 views1919 comments1717 favs

my lawn, get off of it

The Apartment House

10881088 views99 comments88 favs

Everybody called her The Crier because from time to time we would hear her crying.

Phenomenology as Snapshots

16451645 views2828 comments2222 favs

The fluffed-up clouds, darkish in spots,/ are moving fast, opposite the wind/ where I stand and look. Equations// could describe the multiplicities


12881288 views66 comments66 favs

Driving up to the Palisades after 9/11 for a meteor shower

Halfhearted Objections

11061106 views88 comments66 favs

The old man behind the counter recognizes fear and anxiety in the boy's face, and sees the brown paper bag clenched in his other white-knuckled hand.

"Oh, what's this?" she

15581558 views1212 comments1111 favs

"So, like the Goldilocks thing…"

Papadad: a portrait

12911291 views1212 comments1313 favs

Papadad has one good eye. The other fell out during a rant and has since been replaced by a rifle scope, which he uses to scrutinise enemies.——Papadad is an authority on everything, even topics he has not researched. He expatiates on these at the dinner table,…

I'm Face Blind. Who The Hell Are You?

12001200 views66 comments66 favs

The real problem with being face blind isn't that you can't recognize faces. It's that people expect you to be able to.

Frankie and Alice, 2013. Brooklyn, New York

16231623 views99 comments1010 favs

1.)At the corner deli, sweat dripping down my face, I ask for black, but Frankie adds milk. Just to spite me. Because I won't sleep with him. As if. Wonder what his wife would say? Punch me in the jaw, right? Like maybe the rules about holy wedlock vary…

gravelortian part 9

10741074 views33 comments33 favs

Unhook the newsfeed

Picked Up

910910 views22 comments11 fav

Tucker walked the long and lonely stretch of highway in front of him. The loneliness didn't matter; he had his own way of handling that feeling. The walking, however, was wearing away at his mind. How…

Five Million Yen: Chapter 71

897897 views22 comments11 fav

It was that awkward time when one didn’t know if the night’s lover wanted to see you again.

Myself in Opposition to You

851851 views11 comment22 favs

The Sunday sunset slowly simmers the sea.

Suky Tawdry's Cab

11511151 views77 comments77 favs

yet fiction, despite contrary reports, from two ends of the American spectrum, does not mean lies, in my HUM


11681168 views55 comments44 favs

--So, why are you here?


11691169 views99 comments88 favs

When our kids were very young, my wife and I believed it was important to give our children traditions that they could grow up with. One such tradition that we shared each Thanksgiving was to walk down by the cliffs along the ocean. We'd all go, our kids…

Saturdays with Satan: Satan Falls in Love

10071007 views44 comments44 favs

“I'm in love,” Satan said to me cheerily. I could tell he was in a good mood. He was whistling as he came up my sidewalk. There was a spring in his step. He carried his mail tucked under his arm.“I'm in love,” he said …


11361136 views1212 comments1111 favs

a human hand/ looks sadly/ naked now