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Pretty White Gloves

14771477 views66 comments22 favs

He sits on a folded-over cardboard box, slightly off-balance and without any visible sign of support other than the granite wall of the bank behind him and the few coins in the paper cup he shakes at each passerby.

How to travel with your Demons (5)

14771477 views66 comments55 favs

She believes that this started with a phone call when she walked out of the deli yesterday. She believes that it started when it was snowing this morning in Brooklyn, waiting for her car to arrive, but the truth is, this journey began a long time ago.

The Scientist's Wife

14771477 views44 comments44 favs

You’re ridiculous. Time travel is impossible, Steven.

Good Luck Sailor

14761476 views77 comments00 favs

On a ship twice run aground a sailor cranked a rope round a spool bigger than his head. He could see overboard and also the strip of deck on which he walked down to get to the crank. What he noticed most, as always, were the green echoes in the sea foam against…

Chinese Noodle Soup

14761476 views2121 comments1919 favs

Is: soozly, soggly, 'shrooms and shrimp, chickens and eggs-dropped, skinny brown smooths,snappyish peas and humblestumblingin hothappy broth.
 These flinging…


14761476 views3939 comments1414 favs

Where seldom is heard an encouraging word

Spike. Resonance.

14761476 views33 comments11 fav

Under the Dempster El and off in an alley, the girl taps the vein. The buildings moan. Thirty below wind chill, and the girl's jacket is cast aside. Her pupils dilate. “My mother, my mother, on this night, my mother, she died,” she says. …

Phone Call

14751475 views1515 comments77 favs

I could call him. And be done with this waiting but I refused. I wanted him to not forget me first. To bring himself to remember me first before I'd give him the pleasure of my company.

ER Chronicles (1)

14751475 views77 comments33 favs

Thank christ for feminst theory and fat good natured shrinks and tall men who stand guard over me with real guns, real bullets.


14751475 views2727 comments1818 favs

. . . there is nothing so selfish as sleep.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation... When I Wasn't Drinking

14751475 views33 comments22 favs

This is what my summer has come to: me, out of a job, aimlessly driving around the city looking for places to write, places to read, places to occupy my time.

Call Name Mary Magdalene

14751475 views66 comments22 favs

His hands fumble over my curves like he’s petting his golden retriever. He wears in inexperience on his face like I wear my mascara.

Note from the wilderness

14741474 views2727 comments77 favs

It's a business, after all, all are quick to remind us. True dat, and the sun always rises in the east and sets in the west, and death and taxes...yup yup, we know. We get it.

Out of That Bed 1963

14741474 views22 comments33 favs

My father's hands were huge. His left knuckles gashed as a kid when he rode his bike too close to a moving train. When his fingers fisted around a glass, the scarred joints bulged from his grip like blind eyes.


14741474 views00 comments00 favs

that is a fair description of our family if I add the disclaimer that the girls are whores and we don’t have much in common.

ER Chronicles (3)

14741474 views77 comments00 favs

In the shower she sees that her nipples are large and brown, feels the weight of her breasts in the hot water, and suddenly her hand is between her legs, seeking the pleasure that's always been denied her, always

Hummingbird hearts in a breadbox

14741474 views99 comments66 favs

We married in the ruins of a pachinko hall, the tiny bones in the pocket of your tracksuit luring a pack of wild dogs out from the underpass.

Saint Fred Rogers

14731473 views22 comments33 favs

I am remembering this day for all days. Remembering. All days. Always. This is the day you threw the TV out the upstairs window. I'm remembering. Always. This is the day that started with you shaking the toaster over me so all the crumbs fell out.…


14731473 views66 comments11 fav

"I expect 50% of the agreed fee. In cash.” I dropped the envelope at the designated spot and parked up the street.

Baked Beans

14731473 views1111 comments99 favs

mundane tradition

A Boy Named Suicide

14731473 views77 comments55 favs

Came to admire Kiyoko Matsumoto. Japanese. Aged 19. Lesbian. 1933. Jumped into a volcano.


14731473 views2929 comments1616 favs

"...they ran shirtless like pagans under southern stars."

The Duck, the Clock, and the Condom

14731473 views99 comments77 favs

Every night famous authors read not only to us, but to a duck. A wild female who emerged from the lake just as we were gathering, settled her gray-brown feathers down not three feet from the podium, tucked her head inside her wing, and remained there. If the duck liked…

I've Got a Secret

14731473 views1818 comments1212 favs

There's a man sitting in my room holding a jar of my ashes. That's what he claims.

Razor Wire

14731473 views66 comments22 favs

I flip up my hoodie, pull the string tight across my lips until it cuts into them, pull tighter, saw back and forth until blood warms the hairs on my chin.


14721472 views55 comments22 favs

There was that time he decided to avoid the whole situation by getting off the bus early.

Godot, Go Wait Yourself!

14721472 views99 comments33 favs

a bone-crusher handshake

Scrawls From My Blue Period

14721472 views44 comments33 favs

The following was written under disagreeable circumstances, in that I was present for them.

Death At McDonalds, or How I Learned To Love

14721472 views1010 comments44 favs

"I sighed heavily. 'Goddamn it...' I spat under my breath. 'Every motherfucking time..."


14721472 views44 comments33 favs

The mouth on my breasts is hungry, searching, needing...