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The Supporting Oscars

579579 views00 comments00 favs

Weekly game night for the Oscar Family. Winning is secondary.

You Better Quit Your Runnin' Around

579579 views44 comments33 favs

I remember it was late at night I was with Johnny Appleseed’s younger brother Bruce Bruce Appleseed He was the lead singer for the band Fake Moustache Turns out he was just a bum Set on vibrate Who’d bought a 10-gallon hat once But h

There Were Giants In Those Days, and the Wickedness of Men

579579 views99 comments66 favs

We laugh at them, parading two-by-two, the elephants rolling tail to trunk across the makeshift gangplank, wide slats flexing under their sway. A pair of snakes contemplates gulping a pair of frogs and their clandestine movements stun a cricket and his mate. Birds squat…

our measured treads

578578 views44 comments33 favs

—and the god presiding over all / a four-faced, double-Janused clock / its equal seconds clickt away / ticking us our steps and breaths . . .

nestled in swirling chaos; pineal pinecone

578578 views55 comments44 favs

Both my Nana and my mother have blond hair…as a child I thought most women of European descent tended towards this color, this particular hue of straw, and threads of gold woven together. I had been somewhere as a nine year old, I…

Apocalypse in G # Minor

578578 views1010 comments1111 favs

"What's it like?" Like everything else. We all do it, so how bad could it be?


578578 views77 comments66 favs

If she weaves words that are true enough


578578 views44 comments00 favs

I saw two men trying to help a pigeon with a run-over wing in London,

September 26, 2016

577577 views1010 comments66 favs

I lack the intellect, discipline, and faith in anything but our ultimate erasure.

Yuppies Fight Callous Image With "Tap Your Laptop" Day

577577 views22 comments11 fav

"When I knocked my laptop over,” he says, "four years worth of muffin crumbs shook loose on my desk. It got me thinking about those less fortunate than me.”


577577 views44 comments44 favs

When Alex says “sorry” in that barely disguised Canadian accent, we call him an asshole.

More New Bands I Have Known and/or Been In

577577 views11 comment00 favs

Uber Rich Spongecake Caca Mimi and the Autre Merdes

Even The Air Has Fingers

576576 views11 comment00 favs

Fingers amaze me. They uncoil from a fist into a star of infinite capacity.

Wind Enough in your Sail?

576576 views22 comments11 fav

Don’t think you can play God with me There are enough songs To fill the heavens already I don’t need you Whispering in my ear Gone virile, are you? That’s what they used to say About me too

“What will I do if I run out of stories,” she asked?

576576 views22 comments00 favs

You better not come home drunk, you shithead, or you'll be sleeping in the yard!


575575 views00 comments00 favs

to think of him looking at me / for he to be I and I to be he / it is almost unbearable / to occupy two bodies at once—

.38 In the Glove Compartment

575575 views22 comments00 favs

I accidentally opened the glove compartment and stumbled upon his snub-nose .38 caliber. He saw me looking at it and smirked. “Protection,” he said, picking his teeth with a wooden toothpick after lunch. “In my line of business, you hafta have it.” “Wh

Jimbo’s Wish

575575 views88 comments55 favs

growing up fumbling for excuses your fingers, clumsy littlepads of flesh you don't recognize a scatter plot of acnethat won't erase by mirrorwhy this scene doesn't workkissing the detachable lips of bobby-soxed methodgirlswho keep…

This is

574574 views33 comments33 favs

nothing. But it could be something. I don't know. We'd probably have to agree on at least one thing for it to turn around and face us. Then it would have to be named, set free. We could watch it fly away together. That's a portend to…

Ode to Flannery O'Connor

574574 views22 comments11 fav

Gert sat in the car and wiped at the inside of the window while the defroster blasted at full strength. The shards and slivers of ice that networked across the windshield were just thick enough to hinder visibility. Bane wrenched the door open and shoved

Swinging Bridge (version)

573573 views22 comments00 favs

I see my route home through memory and its cataracts.

"It's the dead of midnight, and Orion wheels round..."

573573 views22 comments11 fav

It's the dead of midnight, and Orion wheels round- With passing road-streams as its parallax, cars More distant from us, as the next one's windows Blocks the view of riders free from traffic lanes; I Am not your window. As you glide, or go to…

A Stolen Pipe Goes a Long Way Towards An Empty Pouch of Nothing

573573 views22 comments22 favs

We were always blowing stale enough air into each other's faces from the smallest roundest tables available looking at each other sideways at the same sad time as the puppet show…

Extraterrestrial Bingo

573573 views22 comments22 favs

Let me tell you about extraterrestrial bingo: it's loud. They put the speakers over my head. And the microphone keeps moving. Most of the organisms here are old. And from another planet. I see a lot of tentacles. A lot of auras and bugeyes. Everyone seems to know the…

I Wish

573573 views00 comments00 favs

I wish I had money I would give it all to you I would give you more than I could imagine I would pull the fetus out of your heart Between my two fingers And glue us together I would glue our faces together too After putting in all my

Angel 1508

573573 views44 comments00 favs

When bees die they die with their wings straight out They die of natural causes and their tiny bodies are bent as though landing on a flower Their wings seem too big for them and they lie scattered about the floor, tilted in dead p

Heart Shaped Charms

572572 views1010 comments1010 favs

He steered to the roadside and answered her question before she could ask.


572572 views44 comments22 favs

The gated community of Dos was named for one of Babbage’s landmark educational figures, Ms. Dos.

Asleep on His Helmet

571571 views22 comments11 fav

He wore a jacket with just a letter; by this conspicuous reserve he hoped to show the others it didn’t matter what you did last year, only who you hit in the here and now, and how hard.

The World of Willy Gregg

571571 views88 comments66 favs

Death threats? Just another mumbling day in the world of Willy Gregg.