that picture of you

by Jerry Ratch


Oh my God!

The question of whether or not we each have a double has been answered. Yours is living in Louisville, KY.  It was you...young you. I already knew it, but seeing your picture just slammed it home. Again.


I knew I shouldn't have told you about that ...you're obsessing, aren't you?


Thank you, thank you, for sending the pic - such intense eyes! Even though I've never forgotten what you look like, I still had a severe case of flashback... I stared at your picture and everything just came pouring thru my brain again. I wish I had more memories to share, but I'm tapped out.  Just too much damn wine back then...


But you wrote something I had to respond to again...


If I had gotten pregnant in 1967 and had your son, how different my life would have been. I would have loved him fiercely and made sure he had every opportunity that would open doors for him to become anything he wanted. I would tell him everything about his father and made sure he loved you, even though you were absent. 


 And one day, after finding you on a website, I would show him your picture from 1970 and prove to him where he came from. And if you wanted to, you would know him by now.


Interesting scenario.  Sometimes I think my mind lives in an alternate universe.

