

My sister walked in the room while I read Ginsberg
reciting the lines to Jaweh & Allah Battle to myself
sweating in the heat contour of my ugly body on the bed
the room the stench of rottenhumanasscracksemen
Wear these pants, she said holding up a pair
forcing me to wear them over my shorts folding
where it had to be cut so it would fit me and she
chose a shirt to go with it and said Look at you you're
an adult stop dressing so lame so lousy like 
a confused child always in jeans you're so stiff
change your style wear those pants button
that shirt let's show mama it fits you
someday you'll be more mature thinner and
you'll get to tuck those pants in start wearing it
but I'm just a ball of bloodguts boneteethhair
i have spent my youth accepting my doggedness
i have spent my youth delighting in my vile
call me walt shitman jack outofwhack 
call me martin dirtdigger thomas acquiredtaste
i cockroach cocksucker destined to be crushed
and bless you with my innards, o unholy
beauty i love you beauty i met this beautiful boy
i drink his bathwater to cleanse me he steps
on my foot i open my mouth he throws his trash
in me call me immanuel cantgetfucked cantbefucked
call me man made immortal only because he must 
suffer for all eternity given no rest call me 
gangrenousfag ugly as delightful sin