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A Jovial Saturday Sight

877877 views2121 comments1212 favs

No twinkle- so, planet, not star./ And bright, so either Venus/ or Jupiter. I’m guessing, Jupiter.

The Meat Lady

877877 views55 comments44 favs

After all our morals And ethics of distrust Have been ripped out And discussed There’s still the Meat Lady At the end of the day Standing around in the midst of the crowd Handing out her meat In little morsels on a toothpick Af

A Night of Furversion

877877 views00 comments00 favs

Another subject of interest is "furverts"--"individuals who engage in sexual activity while dressed in animal costumes."

The Squirrel that Ate Cincinnati

877877 views33 comments22 favs

The drug that brought me here is orange and opposable as a thumb. Therefore, send me a dollar and I will swim in your beautiful gaze like a new experience. We can be caviar together and create metaphors for the stars.

Edith Head's Heady Day

877877 views33 comments22 favs

Rain dressed for winter, a win, she thought

Things I Like To Do When I Don't Feel Like Doing Anything

877877 views11 comment11 fav

Run up and down the hill shouting Hollywood! Hollywood! Hollywood! Order a penis size enhancer for everyone in the neighborhood. Invent theorems for the unrivalled glory of eggnog. Get drunk on utter futility. Pack my favorite suitcase with tree bark…

The Magic Dolls

876876 views11 comment00 favs

Trees gaining maturity that waited in the sun, in the bursting mornings and long afternoons, became restless now in new night textures. Sometimes the wind that came before the storm seemed to be intelligent, and follow some unseen but labyrinthine pathway. But now it…

Cold, wet and dreary.

876876 views77 comments22 favs

Cold, wet and dreary.The three words that describe Belgium. A country that owns so little identity. Sure, there are the mussels, beer, wafels and chocolate ... But that's about as far as it goes. The lack of identity rules the country, grayness rules the horizon. And…

An Absolute Doll

876876 views44 comments22 favs

“Oh, I shouldn’t complain, I guess, but she did tend to get a leetle bit too caught up in that Hindernet thing, but I suppose that’s something younger people do today. Why, she didn’t even hear me when I would ask her for something! Can you imagine?”

femme fatale

876876 views33 comments22 favs

her knife cleaves a single red hair


876876 views11 comment00 favs

A deserted breeze hangs and waits and talks with staggered shapes in the sky like a melancholic child, held behind and forced to face the wall as better taught and better-tempered children dig for ancient ruins just ou

Peace be with you

876876 views22 comments22 favs

Published in Calamities Press Peace be with you Jesus returned to earth by walking down the middle of…

Semiotics For Sale

876876 views00 comments00 favs

Buy random DNA on the open market and drive a poisoned stake into the heart of darkness.

how to live on coffee and prayers

876876 views44 comments00 favs

The coffee filter rustles like the Pages of your notebook, which Only tires you even more. Make your drink strong to Make up for the lack of resolve In your shoulders, and Your weak promises. The familiar sound of percolation And you reach the…


876876 views1313 comments88 favs

The creatures were thief-walking...

Saturday Matinee, Circa 1961

876876 views77 comments55 favs

We are impressed and cheer them on/ in their struggle against the wild/ and unkempt ravages of nature

Moment to Moment

876876 views1010 comments33 favs

The memory fades so quickly, It makes me wonder if it ever really happened? Then I have to create something new from scratch to fill the space Yeah, there are patterns, and sudden movements that pass for recollections, but couldn't they as…

Please Do Not Blame Me

876876 views77 comments44 favs

I was disappointed with love, and like everyone else, stammered out of love into a place horrified with meaning.

Mind Altering

876876 views44 comments11 fav

She felt like she was turning into someone else, someone who appeared normal. She would be inundated with everyone else's ideas, morphing into an insipid lemming, smiling and bantering about mindless things. She wouldn't even care she had changed...

Bohemian Grove

876876 views00 comments00 favs

“Why, that's the faggotiest thing I've ever heard of!” Richard M. Nixon actually said. But how could he say that? Henry went there. …

Big Top Boogie

876876 views44 comments33 favs

I had the blues. I was feeling down the day the circus came to town. There was cash in my pocket and a bag of weed. I went to the circus with a desperate need to renew my faith in the good of mankind. Perhaps under the big top some laughs I’d find.

gravelortian part 22

876876 views44 comments33 favs

This grey is going to kill me

The Toilers

876876 views22 comments22 favs

In the black not dead of night, she gathers them; slowly,diligently placing the cansand bottles into two large plasticbags strung across a long piece of wood; this is her money work. She is small, but her bodyhas the choreography down:sift, search, lift,…


875875 views55 comments33 favs

his word

High Fives

875875 views44 comments44 favs

They pull up to the curbside and he jumps out to shake the hands in that familiar men’s grasp/shake they do when saluting each other. If that isn’t his daughter it should be, the one sitting in his car, with her door wide open.

New Year's Eve, 1975

875875 views1212 comments77 favs

contacts, false eyelashes, strappy open-toed sandals

Myself in Opposition to You

875875 views11 comment22 favs

The Sunday sunset slowly simmers the sea.

The Woman on the Train

875875 views44 comments33 favs

When I awoke she was there again, the woman with the blue scarf. She was standing by the compartment door, gazing out at the passing countryside, the rolling hills of France. I had seen her before, at the market buying flowers, outside a cafe hailing a taxi,…

Eighth Wonder of Mississippi?

875875 views00 comments00 favs

Lula’s fried chicken should be served on the hem of Jesus’s robe rather than out of a styrofoam box. It’s so good that I kept glancing at the little tray on the steam table, hoping to be hungry again, ready to yank pieces out of the grasp of strangers, to

Agrarian Joys of Ornamental Lawns

875875 views77 comments66 favs

The leaves/ that clung through February/ fall, dung brown,