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18011801 views5151 comments2727 favs

The night my mother dies we'd watched Solaris at the Quad Cinemas Afterward Hauser and I videotape each other, ask probing questions like where do you go when you die, and what is God, and who are you now? …


18011801 views2323 comments2525 favs

You climb on a stool, drink off the first glass without coming up for air. Man, that tastes good!

Feeling Marlene (from OPEN CITY Magazine Number 16)

18001800 views33 comments33 favs

I got your card in the mail via my ex-wife in Saskatoon. On it you wonder where I am, if I am still writing, and if I have any stories I would send for you to look at because you think I should be published, too.


18001800 views99 comments66 favs

Six kinds of crazy, he said. That told me everything. It told me enough.

Oversleeping & Getting in Trouble for It

17991799 views00 comments00 favs

A few people bristled and looked at Jim, but since he was avoiding their gaze, they had no choice but to return their attention to their own table and pretend to pay attention to the conversation they previously had been pretending to pay attention to.

Bus Ride

17991799 views2222 comments1313 favs

Pretty boy looks over at me and grins, got a smoke?

2 Little Paragraphs About Writing

17991799 views1212 comments88 favs

I write in the morning when the world is bendy.

a crushed pepsi can floats down

17981798 views2424 comments2121 favs

These days, even God has a day job.

Death Pays a Visit But Fucks Up

17981798 views55 comments66 favs

We get prepped for the big finale, and we don't want the guy who turns up with the scythe to be Jo-Jo the dog-faced boy.


17981798 views2020 comments1212 favs

We’re friends and all but we’re just me and him friends, we’re not the kind of friends that you bring to supper.

For Rent: 116 Writers Block Avenue

17981798 views2020 comments88 favs

There's a special block in the city, nestled between Mutant Town and Trump Towers.

Briefly, on Dive Bars

17981798 views1010 comments77 favs

Every dive bar has a Max. Max is an elderly man. He wears a dented ball cap. He sits at the end of the bar, right along where it curves and then slams into the wall. You may find it cliché, but when Max enters the room, the patrons actually announce, “

Fifi Climbs To the Top!

17971797 views44 comments44 favs

Fifi is one piece of work, from the Ann Coulter Tits-And-Ass Rattlesnake School Of Broadcasting Venom And Bullshit Like Goebbels...

The Mommy's Girl

17961796 views1313 comments1111 favs

Her mother dressed her like a little girl would dress a doll.

The Light at the End of You

17961796 views1717 comments1414 favs

I'm reading your remains.

Mothering in Real Time

17961796 views1717 comments1212 favs

"If Hillary can forgive Bill, why can't you forgive Dad?" my seven-year-old son wails one night as I put him to bed.

Tyler is learning about girls.

17961796 views1414 comments33 favs

Tyler has a Mars bar in his jeans pocket. It’s warm and soft. He tries to insert it.

Brief Studies of Doomed Females

17951795 views1212 comments77 favs

She is unsure if it will work, despite all her reading of physics and flying carpets and propeller planes. The practicalities of aerodynamics in application remain to be tested.

When Your Poem Becomes Self Aware

17951795 views1515 comments1313 favs

Where will you hide? Because you know it Will seek you out for answers you might Only be asking for yourself. It Will send many students to stand outside Your apartment and chant your name. It will beg you to perform its birth Again to the…

Everybody Needs a Soul

17951795 views1717 comments88 favs

They are running the bulls in Pamplona this afternoon and they have no idea how to do this and they are way too old for this and they want to relive their youth and run the bulls in Pamplona They want to drink like Ernest Hemingway and run

After Dinner/Ice Melts/A Sage in the Copse

17951795 views3535 comments1414 favs

AFTER DINNER Another cycle gone, wasted. She stares into her bowl of full-fat ice cream (just half a cup a day, every day, for fertility). Beside her sits her husband, building a sundae. When he's done she reaches over, picks the cherry off the top, and hurls it into the…


17951795 views00 comments00 favs

But the urge now is to unknow the urgency with which I forgot my self-description.


17951795 views88 comments55 favs

It was beautiful and bright and it felt so real.

Second Wife

17941794 views1515 comments1010 favs

If things continue to go bad for her she will become second wife in six years.

We Must Be Carefully Taut

17931793 views2121 comments1515 favs

In the dread / of night, navigate by the sliver moon

'So I fucked Beavis ... so WHAT??'

17921792 views22 comments11 fav


XAM: Paragraph Series

17921792 views1010 comments66 favs

Grief is to have given freely too unfreely. Grief is to have given one year too many. Wicked is to have wanted it to be given away that way. Wicked is to Sam as duty is to Mother. Sam’s wife is to his friend’s wife as one Mercedes to another.

Loose Lips Sink Ships

17921792 views11 comment22 favs

I asked the Eskimo if he'd ever seen a vagina before. “Because I can show you,” I whispered. Albert Huffman, a recent arrival to Hamden via Alaska, was not, in fact,…

The Inkblot Test

17911791 views00 comments00 favs

“Regard this inkblot,” the Psych says to Worker 168. “What do you see?” Worker 168, a thin young women wearing overalls, peers at the inkblot. “I see a beautiful summer day,” she says. “A young woman, wearing a flowing dress, sits…

One Cent Baby

17911791 views11 comment22 favs

Yesterday, I ripped off Dollar General. Today my baby died. Tomorrow I will file a lawsuit. After all, someone has to pay.