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Walking To Gibraltar, Chapter 16: In Which Frank Learns Six Lessons

997997 views00 comments00 favs

He can't breathe can't breathe can't breathe turns the handle can't breathe falls onto the front porch gasping in the cold night air. And Dad is lying on the smoldering carpet in the parlor. And all the kids are upstairs. And he swallows the air. And ever

Timmy's Singularity

997997 views55 comments44 favs

Suddenly, the room was filled with a screaming vortex directed at a pinpoint in the corner. Timmy's bureau was gone and everything loose in the room was flying towards the spot it had occupied. Timmy stood up in horror. He tried to seal this rent by tossi

Elizabeth Karlin, M.D. and U.W.-Madison’s OB-Gyn Chair’s Cash Window

997997 views33 comments33 favs

Sad to tears, not bubbly, ordered as all in Madison, outpatient by Elizabeth Karlin, internist, later a bullet-proof vest abortion provider.

Bar at East Capitol Road

997997 views33 comments44 favs

My friend, drunk, spoke to me / outside a bar where we hung out; / and his eyes were red from tiredness,

This Story Has No Title

997997 views22 comments22 favs

They watch her, scald her skin with hot eyes whose stares run up and down her body like lice.

The Cusp of Leaving

997997 views88 comments33 favs

She waited on the hot, broken pavement, arm outstretched, her thumb a ticket to a distant, refracted horizon. Waves of heat danced like undulating snakes under the spell of a charmer. She pictured herself passing through them, abandoning the green of home for the…

Behind the Ear

997997 views99 comments77 favs

She grew tired of waiting for her husband to give her a flower so she picked one for herself.

Candle Smoke Wishes

997997 views22 comments11 fav

“The minute I stopped wondering about the meaning of life is when I finally started enjoying life.”


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"If only we could all look like that." "Truly lovely … such a perfect face." The gallery was busy that day. But still the man and woman stood.


997997 views22 comments11 fav

Soon the world is on film that is burning.

Birds Fly

997997 views99 comments66 favs

Birds fly and people hurry in the wind and rain like it's a matter of pity.

One Kiss

997997 views99 comments66 favs

"It was one kiss. No tongue. What does that even mean?" Lindley tried to see Leah as any other patient, "What do you want it to mean?" "I don't know," Leah whined, tears welling, "something, maybe. You know I hate surprises." Her sister was not another…


997997 views66 comments33 favs

When nothing's coming in All I have are fragments Cloudy memories Uncompleted projects Disappointments loom large and threaten to define me I am only as good as what I produce And now I feel empty So how do I shine How do I find the spark that…

Model Home

997997 views22 comments11 fav

In the living room of a model home, Mr. Jorgensen lived. He was a mannequin. He spent his days in display windows. He spent his commutes displaying the latest model cars.

In Memoriam

997997 views00 comments11 fav

One by one, cars filed into the cemetery, pelted by the summer rain under a gun-metal sky. The procession moved slowly, a series of brake lights and headlights, too close together, too far apart; there were sedans and SUVs, mini-vans and pick-up trucks, shiny new vehicles…

The Ardennes: Two Vignettes

997997 views1515 comments1111 favs

In the Ardennes for the the first time...

fragments of their lives survive

997997 views22 comments11 fav

Only fragments of their lives survive, like broken Sapphos. I have known them, alleged killer of themselves for the love of a man., but we know this is an invention. The leader of a whole guild of girls, who wrote 7 books of poems. What happened to them

Dürer’s Eve

997997 views44 comments44 favs

The consequences follow from here: the shine of forbidden knowing the apple soon offered to Adam the twined Serpent’s hidden fangs

concession to the shapes of hunger

997997 views66 comments66 favs

(no one need fear timidity in our tastes― / we like trying new things, no matter our hastes!)

Various War Stories

997997 views99 comments88 favs

War Stories #1The Germans didn't like that theJews had such beautiful women.War Stories#2There must have been a war between the good witches and the bad witches. It's the only thing that would account for such troubling times.Woman With Yellow HatWhy did…

Hip-Hop Elephants of the Golden Palace

997997 views22 comments22 favs

Hello floaty word man / suspended in smoke / chortling coughing with collapsing colon / spraying sounds into the day / making it night and ending the line

"Forever You Will Be Mine"

996996 views11 comment11 fav

“Forever you will be mine” she said to me, and of course I did not believe her. She was a romantic and so was I, and such words habitually dripped out of her lovely mouth like honey from the comb, in a never-ending flow of flattery which I am ashamed to s


996996 views33 comments22 favs

The shadows hang fast on the downs this day: And I hang like the darkness, over heath and down; Since the air there is clearer than the clouds, men say, And I'm lost in the country, I shall turn to town. If the heather is restless, then the fete is …


996996 views88 comments66 favs

Now the house is empty of romance except a potted flowering plant from my mother for Valentine's Day. No man has set foot in my museum since I moved here. One man has set foot. The owner's brother to see about the gasket under the toilet. The Comcast installers, twice. The…

Dramarama and Acid Wash Jeans

996996 views00 comments22 favs

Looking down you wonder, when did I eat pineapple? and Am I really this awesome or am I a facsimile of something that really sucks, even if it's that 'it's so bad it's good' kind of thing? Nope, it's just bad.

In the Faraway Places

996996 views44 comments44 favs

It was far away and I don't know how we arrived. There were people about that were involved in getting boats into the water or else playing sports games atop green hills. They told me I should go out in a boat with this guy and that he would take me around the island. I…


996996 views44 comments22 favs

I was sitting there drinking with Paul at the bar, and it was a Friday night and I was I was feelin good. I didn't have to go to work in the morning, and I had a few drinks and food in me, and I able to that on da cheap, which felt good. And Paul…

Nail polish

996996 views00 comments00 favs

Those in the house don’t notice the sweaty woman on their lawn any more than they notice the Ruger LCP pistol she holds limply in her right hand.


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Life to her had come to resemble one of those mazes you find in a puzzle book, inscrutable except by those with exceptional IQs. Mary would run her pencil down one path in search of the passage that might penetrate to the exit, then another, but the paths

Wild Dreams of Reality, 12

996996 views00 comments00 favs

I went out behind Parker's house and saw Darrell's tent set up in the grass. The flaps of the pup tent were open. I could see him through the mosquito netting. He had a Coleman lamp burning and lay on his back in his underwear on top of his sleeping bag.