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Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa is Trying to Say Something to His Mother

12081208 views44 comments33 favs

The songs that she used to sing to him still dance in his head while he wrangles equations. The stars in the cosmos spell out her name.

Facing the Music

12081208 views22 comments22 favs

The spirit bottles line the top of the bar

An Unheeded Return

12081208 views11 comment11 fav

On an over­cast and humid day in August, Jesus—with Dad’s per­mis­sion, of course—decided to make his grand return.

You've Done Good

12081208 views11 comment11 fav

For a fleeting moment, eyes seemed to clear and the man spoke as if he were coming out of the pea soup fog that formed over the lake on spring mornings.


12081208 views00 comments00 favs

For you – because you deserve more effort


12081208 views1111 comments77 favs

When I cook sausages, I am afraid I will not let them sit in the pan long enough, and they will be pink inside. Then, even if the pigs have been handled humanely, I and the person for whom I've prepared this meal will be at risk for some terrible stomach poisoning.Let's say…

A Good Boy

12081208 views77 comments77 favs

...I had a string of Sunday School medals that knighted me a warrior for Jesus Christ of Nazareth...

The Edge of Night

12081208 views33 comments33 favs

The night wrapped its arms around us as we drove west, taking the highway past Medford towards Philly. The kids were asleep in the backseat and we were both counting the mile markers, staring out the windows with quiet eyes. I listened to the drone of the…


12081208 views2323 comments1515 favs

I am long of tooth, too, and when I go, maybe a box with my ashes inside will join the boxes containing the cats’ remains.

End of the World

12071207 views99 comments55 favs

The world doesn'tend just becauseyou want it to.Bonus poems:The Poet(Series 1)by Darryl PricePoet in a TreeYeah, well, it's not up here either. Although the everything and nothing view is nice. Only because it doesn't have any abandoned cars in it. I'm…

Cell Phone

12071207 views99 comments66 favs

Hey, how are you? she squeaked.

How Veetzers Set Us Up For the Zorks

12071207 views11 comment00 favs

We're doomed as a species. The Zorks are coming to eat us. It all started when Joey Cacciatore, the dumbest crook in the history of the world, got Veetzers swarming like blowflies in 1972, and thereby ensured the upcoming…

Marriage, California Style

12071207 views88 comments88 favs

Out the window we could see the parking lot and, across the street, the Bijou Moonlight Laundromat.

Drive-by Neighborhood Fiction Flash

12071207 views99 comments77 favs

It's about dinner time. My neighborhood is in Sa-bur-bia. Driving my gold 2007 Malibu i pass Chick. She notices me and stares standing in front of her house. We were friends about ten years ago. Chick is still divorced. Tall skinny legs. Educated blu-ish eyes. Wet…

Guns in the House

12071207 views44 comments55 favs

Jack would have felt betrayed, and my parents alarmed, had they ever suspected me of playing with Jack's guns, but I found the temptation overwhelming.

Saving Grace

12071207 views00 comments00 favs

It essentially comes down to this: If you have nothing left but paper, all you can really use it for is wiping your behind if you’re in a jam.


12071207 views44 comments44 favs

It was one of those weekday mornings in early spring when Marjorie and I could wander from chapel to chapter house with only security guards for company.

The Writer and the Talker

12071207 views77 comments44 favs

"I’ve always wanted to write a novel. Like Catch-22, something off-beat that would start by word-of-mouth, you know, and become an underground classic."


12071207 views55 comments55 favs

What Did We Fight Over?


12071207 views66 comments33 favs

. . . music and dance, theatrical performance of tragedies and comedies . . . a primeval orientation, celebrating the cultivation of herbs and vines . . . ritualistic use of intoxicants, to remove inhibitions, to liberate participants . . .

In the wee small hours

12071207 views66 comments33 favs

If you're in an airport in the predawn hours, you are by definition a failure. You failed to make your flight; the airline gave you motel money but you're hoarding it

My Own Skin

12071207 views66 comments22 favs

Chubby. Plump. Pudgy. Portly. Bulky. Buxom. Rotund. Ample. Hefty. Corpulent. Zaftig.

White girl/boy angst

12071207 views33 comments11 fav

I’m secretly hoping for a huge bouquet, a fruit basket, a pickle jar of urine in a lunch bag on my doorstep, even.

Mentors & Manatees

12061206 views1010 comments44 favs

The loss of my first mentor came as a harsh blow. Roaming the forest with my dog Rosie just wasn’t the same. Her heart was in the right place, but when it came to armed combat, Rosie just didn’t have the goods.

A Novel Begins...

12061206 views1010 comments66 favs

She was washing the dishes in the sink, (you're not going to start with a pronoun, are you? Give her a name, for God's sake!) Kate was washing dishes in the sink, (where the hell else is she going to wash dishes? In a creek?) Kate was washing dishes (was…


12061206 views33 comments22 favs

I've heard of sucessful marriages where there's very little sex. My heart aches for that kind of love.

Over The Moon

12061206 views1616 comments1212 favs

She was as beautiful as flowers in a dream

You Don’t Know Jack.

12061206 views1515 comments88 favs

Susan said since her divorce three years ago there have been too many Jacks in her life. Seven, if she counted that older guy. She knew that now. Too many. It was the name and little else that drew her to men. She told me the name alone was like Pavlov's bell. It…

Receding Haiku

12061206 views1717 comments1212 favs

love weaves a perforated web between the spikes of longing


12061206 views11 comment11 fav

They sit, they create, they watch.