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Paris in the the Spring

12351235 views1616 comments1111 favs

he thought of her / longingly

Fruits of Passion

12351235 views44 comments00 favs

Lifting a pear wedge to my lips, I hesitate and dip it into my bourbon instead. I notice a tiny sphere of liquid, suspended, glistening with the flame of the candle. The sweet, subtle scent tantalizes my senses. Careless, sticky fingers bring movement.…

The Boy from Thuringia

12351235 views22 comments11 fav

“The Boy from Thuringia” is part of a series of stories collectively called The History of Adoption. In it, a middle-aged man sets out rather obsessively to write a comprehensive history of the adopted child. In his attempts to finally begin this im

T.S. Eliot On His Deathbed

12351235 views99 comments66 favs

I guess at the end you’re only looking forward. Or upward actually, since you can only lie there on your back looking upward, straight ahead toward infinity, your mouth in a grimace, with the ghostly pink lips peeled back from the teeth.

Marry That Girl, Solly

12351235 views44 comments22 favs

He had thought of the walk down to Mrs Greensmith’s shop when he and all the men beside him reckoned they’d “had it” that time when II SS Panzer-Division had fought like gods for Hill 212.

A Diminishing Verse on Diminishing Returns

12351235 views1010 comments55 favs

My banker said, "We've millions we can spare,

Capitalism in the electronic age

12351235 views99 comments55 favs

Then I would say to my new friends, “My God, look at all the weight you’ve lost.” Even when they hadn’t lost any. Even when they were fatter than before.


12351235 views88 comments55 favs

It's good enough. Spacious. Then the cards but I am not for cards. Sasha directs the people, helping them, at ease and happy even. Strangers that have found a common denominator in games. A brotherhood and sisterhood I can't understand. I watch. I see green…

Death Hitches a Ride

12351235 views22 comments22 favs

We passed a dead cat lying up against a guard rail, its fur stringing and wet and exposing its bloated skin which had a purple tint to it. Not my work, Death said, smoke trickling out of one eye socket.

Neither star nor killer

12351235 views1212 comments66 favs

I am fantasy

Old Egg

12351235 views00 comments00 favs

He must have been pleased with his composition, as he repeated and repeated and repeated it. Paul joined in the song. Then the children at neighboring tables joined too, until the song rose into a dining hall chorus.

Happy Columbus Day

12351235 views1414 comments1010 favs

Oh to be young and vigorous.

Ode to the Female Gonad

12351235 views2424 comments88 favs

On finding out that gonads are part of the female anatomy as well.

Cover Story

12341234 views22 comments22 favs

Love among the ruins?

Then, But Not Now

12341234 views1414 comments1313 favs

The one-legged crow was back in the yard again today, as it was yesterday and may have been before, but yesterday was the first time I noticed it among the murder while using the binoculars that I often use to bring things closer, things like these iridescent and beautiful…

Who Loves the Sun?

12341234 views55 comments55 favs

beat them with fists and purses.

Gothic Clockwork Apparatus Man

12341234 views22 comments22 favs

an awkward stage between glued popsicle stick marsupial, and mechanical tin foil mammal.

On Socks

12341234 views66 comments55 favs

There’s a hole in my sock, just large enough that my big toe keeps slipping out.


12341234 views22 comments22 favs

When the sky was thinner and water faster, we would chase the falling stars.

A Flam

12341234 views77 comments66 favs

In the blacklight of the storm, mother would tremble, spit and sway as the shutters would clatter and she would give away her balance. It was more than my heart could bear. She would always center her accusation with, “your boyfriend is a rake and a flam.” That…

Tales from the Golden Age

12341234 views66 comments11 fav

Fucking buffalo, the curse of the writer.

Written Six Weeks Before

12341234 views1818 comments1616 favs

March 16, 2006 My mail, e-mail, and phone calls go from the ridiculous to the sublime. Apologies for the cliché, but I can't resist its perfect applicability: In my mailbox today yet another catalogue of boob jobs in bikinis and an invitation to explore…

Curiosity Killed the Cat

12341234 views33 comments11 fav

rocker bogie system

The Dead

12341234 views33 comments33 favs

When i close my eyesI see the faces of the deadI hear their voices The things they said, their laughter The ones i thought would live forever!! Something got them though: the ones who lived fastIt was a drug, some bullets, a disease I thought they would live forever!!Those…


12341234 views66 comments22 favs

cotton balls in your ears do not deafen you to the rocking of your mother's she and the new uncle set forth on the turbulent sea of their maiden voyage.


12341234 views88 comments44 favs

You don't want to knowthe details of my lifethe gossipthe boring moments strung togetheracross the lap ofmy sense of responsibilityit drives methrough the daysdoing this and thatchore, check on the listi am tired and need to stop for a drinkand then, i am filled up for a…

The End of Coffee

12341234 views55 comments22 favs

I am getting twisted like a cruller into the mess I have made of this morning and I am stretching the meaning of morning to way past its boundaries.

Unknown to Me

12341234 views77 comments44 favs

I don’t want to debate polemics while I’m sweaty and naked. I just want my hair cut.

Speeding Down The Freeway Listening To ZZ Top

12341234 views66 comments33 favs

I love going fast. The last bank I robbed didn't know what hit them.


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My sister, Bonnie, is busy with the dishes as I enter the kitchen; I toss the mail I was sorting through onto the table and look around for Sophie, my four-year-old daughter. "Bonnie, isn't she ready…