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~switches and shade~

12031203 views00 comments00 favs

  mis-placed       the change           she goes looking for.        her folks        missed another hour...          her worth-while spent wasting        the voice wouldn’t leave the leaves alone.

How did you get your second Silver Star

949949 views00 comments11 fav

No one told us that the LZ was already hot and the last Combat Mobile Team had already been shot down and killed. No, no one told us that. So when we came in below about 500 feet I began to hear that "pitit" sound of AK-47 rounds going right through the f

Game Night

987987 views00 comments00 favs

Randy stood in the alley behind Krasnowski Construction with a loaded gun shoved down the front of his pants. His friend Todd was inside, unloading the safe. And when Todd walked out the door, Randy was going to shoot him in the face.

Alpha Three

780780 views00 comments00 favs

Jerry turned away from the window to face the box on wheels. Its camera would scan his face, looking for the answers.


873873 views00 comments00 favs

I think I have experienced this before: This fractal sigh upon the star-scarped floor, That makes this concrete mock of valley heath- Below the traffic lanterns at the door, Of frigid other flowers lovers ‘queath None but their eyes to.…

Spring (An Overture)

596596 views00 comments00 favs

Demeter's daughter comes to her when swings From green turf, all that keener hearth, whose brown Had been more mournful, in its nuptial's crown, Than all the transit buds that seed each Spring: When I, or we, say lateness brings recall, Of…

Some Advice

890890 views00 comments00 favs

Justify your metamorphasis

The 2nd poem.

11271127 views00 comments00 favs

You came to me In the self made calm Causing quite a storm You want me to rejoice and relax? Not knowing my fears Shall we ever fly?

Blocked (Inspired by Duchamp's Étant donnés)

775775 views00 comments00 favs

I wanted to enter, but was blocked. Before me was a wood door with two peepholes, and through the slits I saw a brick wall, a leather torso beyond resting upon twigs, velvet, glass and “glue” spread, legs wide. Against a…

Oh Captain, Good Captain: Part III

836836 views00 comments00 favs

His hands are just like mine The crook of his nose The green of his glare Pearls of his mouth The soft strength of his voice Those diligent digits The brick of his build The grim complexion of father She fell for familiar A man just like me …


957957 views00 comments00 favs

But she didn't. It would have been no historical anomaly if she had, by the way. She played with the world like it was a toy. Sometimes I wondered if I'd wake up in a box, a victim of live internment, and scream only to be humiliated later by her laughter

Nighttime Dreaming

982982 views00 comments00 favs

"You've fallen out of love with me, is that it? That you'll leave me for another girl, who has bigger boobs and fucks you better than I do."

What was your first Combat Mobile Team experience?

881881 views00 comments00 favs

My first Combat Mobile experience was as the only Specialist in an ATC ("air traffic control") assignment. The rest of the squad were simple grunts lead by the massive Sergeant James T. Adams, Regular Army, the ghost of the Central Highlands. Sgt. Adams m

- excerpt from - Whitehouse 180

839839 views00 comments00 favs

Bloggers venomously characterized Mitt as a "bumper sticker Patriot", the kind of coward who wraps himself up in a flag, puts a bumper sticker on his car, sings the national anthem at the top of his lungs and is the first person to yell out "Freedome Isnt

Truck, Medusa’s Hair Aflame, Young Boy Watches

934934 views00 comments00 favs

Air. But fire against the air. An interruption in the blue sky otherwise. Painted without a spread blemish or problem. Now there is a problem. I am roused from sleep. Sister says, Look. Look. Jacob wake up. What? A truck is on fire. What is? A…


806806 views00 comments00 favs

The sky was painfully blue that day. So bright, so cheerful that attempting to look at it, to probe its depths would cause one's eyes to tear up. There was not a cloud in sight, just miles and miles of blue as far as the eye…

All The Right Steps

11541154 views00 comments00 favs

"I didn’t take my mother’s denial of my dream lightly. I wanted it desperately. I cried and pleaded, nagged and begged. On several occasions, I temperamentally got out of the car at a stop sign and walked. Once, my mother said that I was nagging her so mu

Exit Strategy

813813 views00 comments00 favs

I was still on track to be your average American with a six inch dick and a pair of sneakers.

That Old-Time Religion

838838 views00 comments00 favs

The road to heaven is littered for miles with dead sinners, or more precisely, the sides of the roads are lined with crosses on which the sinners are nailed. It has always been so, since time started ticking for Civilized…

Drummer Boy

875875 views00 comments00 favs

A door slams. The vibrations rattle through the floor, up his legs and into his chest. He can hear the yells, and the tears that mar her voice. Rat-ta-tatRat-ta-tat A door slams. Eyes closed while images of a life he will never live flicker on…

The Mad Ones

813813 views00 comments00 favs

On the parking lot of the bar, two in the afternoonYou notice the battered car, dented up body of a Ford escort,No hubcaps, plastic in two of windows,It yells a story to youA familiar storyHead into the bar2 O' clock in the afternoonIt's a nice, sunny, warm Saturday…

Arcana Magi Zero - c.5

10081008 views00 comments00 favs

Alysia’s eyes turned to Megumi where her sister nodded. Alysia took a deep breath and stepped back. There was a moment’s hesitation, but she felt Megumi’s hand gripping her wrist.

Arcana Magi Zero Arc 2 - c.2

10261026 views00 comments00 favs

Alysia and Megumi made their magic circles, but they stopped short when they saw a young man at the end of the street. Their eyes trembled and their feet moved them back without thought.

Arcana Magi Zero + Pure - c.6

794794 views00 comments00 favs

The cubs from every Clan shivered at his snarl. The Elder’s presence was overwhelming, and level of pressure pressing down upon them.

The Chicken Crisis

865865 views00 comments00 favs

She's sure the chicken is having an identity crisis; it's staring into the full-length mirror, watching itself, a never-ending exchange of eyeball glances between chicken flesh and silver-blasted…

A Jungle Tale

950950 views00 comments00 favs

He awoke with a start. This was not the first time he did so. He couldn't afford these occasional bouts of sleep. And certainly not in the land of the Tsantsa hunters.

Walking To Gibraltar, Chapter 7: In Which Pictures Were All He Could Feel (First Musical Interlude)

848848 views00 comments00 favs

"The Impossible Dream." That time they drove to North Carolina and Ellen threw up and nobody but Dad felt like eating, so Dad stopped at McDonald's and the smell of hamburgers made Ellen throw up again. This time, on Frank.

Girl in 'Nam (Part 2)

934934 views00 comments00 favs

A life in NYC was one I always dreamed of but I found myself turning into a bitter, sarcastic person who was losing the ability to see the silver lining in just about anything.

My Love For You Is Real

13341334 views00 comments00 favs

Caroline smiles before reaching out to touch a shapeless shadow dancing on the wall, closing her eyes as the bumps in the primer serve brail to oncoming dreams.

A Message from Your Local Superintendent Concerning Sex in Our Public Schools

13841384 views00 comments00 favs

Such behavior will result in no disciplinary action only: 1) if all blinds are drawn; 2) all doors are locked; and 3) loud groaning is masked by appropriate use of the volume control on the classroom’s closed-circuit TV set.