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903903 views22 comments11 fav

...You do the Math

Cleopatra Goes Shopping

820820 views22 comments22 favs

Cleopatra fills her cart with food and cosmetics until it is overflowing. She proceeds out of the store. The clerks stop running products over their scanners and gaze in incredulity, and confusion.


11071107 views22 comments22 favs

what was she like you ask? smarter than me for instance she could type alot faster. and she didn’t worry constantly about being poor or having a family looking over her shoulder. maybe that’s what she did with boys. 17 years later and she is in my bed

Message in a Bottle

782782 views22 comments11 fav

She eventually learned everyone had their own truth, and some of them were not true at all.


10161016 views22 comments11 fav

In one hand she cradles a cigarette, in the other a glass of red wine. Typically neither of these things would be allowed in here, and on this occasion it was thought that it would be better to let her do what she wanted.

The agreement

12321232 views22 comments11 fav

It felt like he'd just taken his marriage out into the woods, forced it to its knees, and put a bullet through its head. Or they had, together.

The Lonely Snake

18801880 views22 comments22 favs

A solitary snake, his belly full, stretched out in the sun. His uncoiling swept sand and small rocks to the left and right. Ah, he thought, I have the power to move mountains from my path. See how the lowly earth makes way for my comfort.


10041004 views22 comments11 fav

most interesting, i investigate all of this at 1:15 on a thursday morning and consistently contradict my assumptions while simultaneously validating them.

they came to explain the wind

830830 views22 comments00 favs

How we segued from exploring the wind to eating a nitwit sandwich.

Five Million Yen: Chapter 8

11931193 views22 comments11 fav

He finished the omelet and started in on the short stack. He drowned the cakes in syrup. -Never can have enough syrup.

Quay 19

755755 views22 comments00 favs

Through by the sands and the rocks we were going and the lake liquid had tumbled the stones by the thousands so that while the water was still we could see agates and yellow jaspers and other or even the odd and misspent piece of rounded glass green or white safe…

For Colleen McCullough

782782 views22 comments11 fav

She was reading The Thorn Birds. Always on her side, in a pink cotton housecoat. The Buddha rested on his side. And drank milk. We drank plenty of milk, but, being Catholic, didn't know anything about Buddha. I would sit there. Piles of books were around. I…


998998 views22 comments22 favs

No one saw him arrive at the half-moon garden just south of Delancey, no one saw him hang his cage from one of the drainage pipes, but by the time the rest of us got there, the bamboo frame was already covered with silky, golden cloth that reflected the e

A Thousand Miles Away

11181118 views22 comments11 fav

In the house by a kidney-shaped lake, her grandfather was speaking to a stranger about a foreign war that had never ended, had spread close to home.

Mama's Boys

13611361 views22 comments11 fav

A pale face was illuminated by the street light. A voice rasped, “Charlie?” “Do I know you?” “It's Bill.” The side of his little brother's thin face

Van Gogh: Sidewalk Cafe at Night

10971097 views22 comments00 favs

The heart of those stars is a dab of yellow light. The darkness of the blue night appears so deep because the downward strokes of the actual sky are interspersed with a violet that’s almost black,

Putting the Damage On

10321032 views22 comments22 favs

My Thursday head belonged to a former Miss Brazil named Rita.

The New World Act

18261826 views22 comments11 fav

It was said that in order to decrease population— and thus poverty, crime and the growing uneducated workforce in Etherage, New World— they needed to limit, if not abolish, the Social Reform Act of 2013 that provided government assistance and aid to famil

What It Takes

843843 views22 comments22 favs

So tell me what it takes. // My wallet is so fat / I sit lopsided.

Diet Plans

846846 views22 comments11 fav

She positioned the mouse cursor over the word Bikini and double clicked. The hard drive of the ageing work PC chugged into life as an Excel document dragged itself onto the screen.

For You

849849 views22 comments22 favs

Why should you go through that for me?

Death Hitches a Ride

11831183 views22 comments22 favs

We passed a dead cat lying up against a guard rail, its fur stringing and wet and exposing its bloated skin which had a purple tint to it. Not my work, Death said, smoke trickling out of one eye socket.

Alex and Dee Dee

880880 views22 comments00 favs

I was going to write a love poemabout a man named Alex and agirl named Dee Dee, but I couldn'tremember them as well as I wanted. I knew about the time she painted theirnames on the overpassbut I have forgottenthings about them. I don't know what became of…


12461246 views22 comments33 favs

BABY MOUSE She and the baby squeeze into the neon blue star-studded rocket ship in front of K-Mart, a tight fit because the baby's still inside her and the ship is made for under ten year olds and the steering wheel dents her stomach and the baby backs up and…


11651165 views22 comments11 fav

How could you run from me now? The loneliest child in the house

the snake charmer

10111011 views22 comments11 fav

God forbid you should break one of the camps precious “rules,” which were more or less like the Ten F'ing Commandments around there.

Powdered Sugar on Bare Skin

17241724 views22 comments11 fav

At first I thought maybe I was dreaming, or hallucinating from the lack of sleep and a high altitude. I peered out of the small window and thought I saw a man walking stark naked along a path maybe twenty feet from my trailer. He walked briskly into a one


975975 views22 comments11 fav

A meaningful conversation Subdued the huge Toys “R” Us question mark Standing sun-bleached and sprinkler-dirtied In our flowerbed On the patio Explode your fanny pack, A clinking most dangerous The Mysterious: Its …

Terminal Velocity

979979 views22 comments22 favs

...she did wish she lived somewhere in Ancient Rome, and from one of those seven hills, perhaps during sunset, she would resolve to roll down and meet the flaming orb just as it descended so she would dissolve into embers and ash...

Feb 4

738738 views22 comments22 favs

Walking with one giant dog and one tiny one, I didn’t feel at home, but I felt something better.