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756756 views22 comments00 favs

Edwin was the last thing I bought. With his uneven eyes and curious leg stumps, he was a must-have. When I showed Edwin to my housemates he was hugged many times, and praised as though he was real. Knowing my housemates, Edwin may have saved some lives…

Unconfirmed Revelation Vouchsafed by Paris

980980 views22 comments00 favs

Poets die every day but are seldom in position to put the experience to literary merit.

Moonlight Thru A Metal Gate

221221 views22 comments11 fav

Like sun-stream through a spider's web I came with nothing left to master, at least nothingtoo abstract. Like moonlight thru a metal gate I emitted what was animal, without ceremony, without fate, only the diagonal, only the hexagonal, only configuration. …

Citronella Socks

932932 views22 comments22 favs

a cat named email..


10031003 views22 comments00 favs

Sunday, May 9, 1773 Sir — The world must at present be perpetual on the primitive state of human nature Conjecture The jealousy and envy boils over a dead weight strangled serpents in the Temple

The Fly On Our Pickle

842842 views22 comments00 favs

I think I know that fly That fly followed us from our apartment on W. 11th St When I opened the door he flew right in and when we left, he flew right out again Followed us on the subway to Times Square Took the Shuttle apparently Followed

Hunting CHUD (for the April Fools Day challenge)

12491249 views22 comments00 favs

CHUD were everywhere.

Tribal Elder

11061106 views22 comments11 fav

"Look at this," she says while thumbing through the guide book, "look at what we can do on Jooga Booga island. Says here, 'Parasailing over the sapphire blue sea, one soars hundred of feet above water-skiers, boaters, and snorkelers, and the picture is b


11331133 views22 comments11 fav

Smiling at stones and chunks of earth pounding in...

The Executioner

859859 views22 comments11 fav

No one knows where the wind comes from, but sure as hell it comes. The executioner glances round the reception area. Nods to himself. Function versus form. Anodyne, instantly forgettable, like hotel rooms. Perfect.


799799 views22 comments22 favs

A likeness borne in silk, rich contours of canvas giving life to the seascape.

'How I Came To Find Out I'm Like Thomas Pynchon and Bruce Sterling' by ... yours TRULY!!! The third born of three. Or four. Or

695695 views22 comments00 favs


The Nurse

454454 views22 comments11 fav

The detective imagined the nurse shake the old man’s breath off his coat as he walked to the bus, shuttering the teak and dust world behind him. He pulled a fingertip along a blue hallway vase, brought it to his thumb, rubbed the grit.

Nothing to Worry About

925925 views22 comments22 favs

The boss has a serious problem--he's too nice for his own good.

The Three Of Swords - любовь среди волков

12301230 views22 comments11 fav

A look flashed across his face as if someone had hooked up his genitals to a car battery.

I am going to shoot you, but first, an Essay

986986 views22 comments22 favs

Quickly enough, it became clear, however, that this was really all about offers you could not refuse, allegations you could not contest, arrests you could not understand and acts you would not survive.

Chinese farmer gets life in prison for evading highway tolls

750750 views22 comments00 favs

Bring me your poor, your tired, your hungry anyone skilled at evading highway tolls Bring me your escape artists dangling upside down in a straight-jacket from the sides of tall buildings Don’t let them starve in the prisons of the world Bri

Truthful Possum

917917 views22 comments00 favs

The possum is sneering with truth. I can smell the blood under his fingernails. He has seen it all, the backwoods distilleries and the back porch propane grilles. He has slept under the beds of whores and kings alike.


973973 views22 comments11 fav

I remembered because the man took us to see the horses. I didn't see something that set off a series of memories. I only saw the stables and the moon sitting pensively below the firmament. I looked at these and there was spaciousness between the moon and the stables and…

Sunday in Dogpatch, circa 1990

10261026 views22 comments22 favs

Inspired by the photographic work of Susan Lipper. Grapevine series, 1988-92.


778778 views22 comments11 fav

CALEBHe'd get up every day,don his clothes and tendto rote ablutions. He tried not to think too much.Because he knew what that would bring --the tethers he lost; failed causes,the last lover, who knew some things.Instead, he kept his eyes straight ahead,marked time,…


949949 views22 comments11 fav

I must say your script is rather impressive. “You will mesmerize a girl in velvet stained garment…” “The channels of cologne fade from a body, eventually.” The girl carousels home with a raspier…

Good Belongs to You

10091009 views22 comments11 fav

I hope you enjoyed the celebration last night. Good things always come to you. I thought your family would never go home. I didn't get to sleep this morning until 2:59, although I had set my alarm to 6:10. I didn't want you to miss your plane. At daybreak,…

Every Headache

986986 views22 comments00 favs

It’s possible that you’re dying. Every headache a brain tumor, your friend once said. You laughed then. Now you begin to see what he meant.

luncheon on the grass

842842 views22 comments11 fav

I had a dream, I remember, where I am in this painting, Luncheon on the Grass. My dress was thrown off and the picnic basket, filled with bread and fruit, is spilled out upon it, and I am sitting nude on my underclothing, with two gentlemen fully dresse

Sonnet II

721721 views22 comments11 fav

When gratitude on lovers' lips rings false/ As flattery by courtly sycophants,/ Take care to well distinguish gold from dross/ So as to gild gladder remembrances.

Sunlight Falling Directly On Her Body

673673 views22 comments22 favs

The fine blond hairs lift slightly along the skin of your arms As you nod, listening to him. The veins On your arms standing up as well I was caught in an off moment because of your skin Because of the way moisture beads up on it The youthful fi

Everybody Be Cool, This is a Robbery!

870870 views22 comments11 fav

Wesley did not rob banks in Banning County. Wesley Roberts was the sheriff of Banning County; robbing its banks would have created a conflict of interest.

Old Flame

21222122 views22 comments33 favs

The receiving line stretched into the lobby of the funeral home, which was decorated with faded Waverly wallpaper, dirty lemon yellow carpeting, and the kind of ornate white furniture I used to want in my bedroom when I was a little girl. The people in th

Guidance Counselors Fight Boring Image by Ghost-Riding Their Whips

580580 views22 comments11 fav

“I was talking to kid who hadn’t applied to college, and I asked him why,” Branson says. “He rolled his eyes and said ‘Why go to college if I’m gonna end up a tool like you?’"