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Mississippi Blues

14121412 views22 comments11 fav

“Jus’ because a story told right don’t make it true,” he said. “Sometimes the story is there ain’t no story. Sometimes you look way down inside, and ain’t nuthin’ there. Can’t write no book ‘bout nuthin’. Won’t sell none. But them

Driving Through Mississippi Wearing a Chin Beard in 1964

917917 views22 comments00 favs

Ah, the nerve of hot-blooded youth! But the drinking age was only 18 in New Orleans, and we couldn’t resist the call of all that legalized drinking (even though I had fake I.D’s my roommate at Urbana had given me.) You and I had already consecrated

Street plan for a story

10371037 views22 comments11 fav

But behind the shops (and the many pubs), at the back of the narrow cottage fronts which line the wynds are secret courtyards, surprising gardens and more light than ever imagined.

women at the bar

761761 views22 comments11 fav

“First I had two men in my life,” she says. “Now I have no men in my life.” And I watch her adjusting a strap to keep her shoulder bare. It’s the aspiration of flesh to beauty that is keeping us alive. Cool and warm pastels above her bare arm, warm red

The Broken Lily

11341134 views22 comments00 favs

“What was that about?” Keiko asked as she gingerly separated the lily from the wrapping and the baby's breath and examined the flower. Keiko unbound the lily and noticed that the stem seemed strong. The flower no longer needed the support of the wire, and

Death by Dinner

11041104 views22 comments00 favs

I can't believe it's Frankie, but there he is at a table on the far side, just in front of the big picture window. I hold the menu close to my face and peek again over the top, watching as he reaches under the white linen tablecloth to plant…

The Endless Dream of Humanity

521521 views22 comments11 fav

Pigeons are really the souls of what were once beggars in the endless squares of Paris, Venice, or Jerusalem. They are born with the soul of a beggar attached to them. It is stuck beneath their wings. They cannot fly without it, and they ar

The Cats of Spring

505505 views22 comments00 favs

If you’re a mouse with suicidal tendencies My cats can help you to meet your endency.

Wild Oats v. Shredded Wheat

751751 views22 comments33 favs

Written across an old geezer’s sweatshirt At the Farmer’s Market in L.A.


790790 views22 comments00 favs

The formula is fucked.

Hello? It’s Me!

899899 views22 comments22 favs

But I surely did recognize Rayburn Moon; Rayburn and I dated for about five minutes back then

The Ageing Beaver

12421242 views22 comments00 favs

This was just noise now – pure, raw noise, grabbed from their throats and flung high by some sharp claws of violence buried in their breasts. Even from his third floor apartment, they sounded like they were right outside his window now. It was if they h

His Disposition

988988 views22 comments00 favs

"Oh, God. What do we say?..."

Dear Plant Life Magazine

11191119 views22 comments11 fav

I have enclosed a newspaper clipping so you can see I’m telling the truth. I’m in the picture on the far right, standing near a maple tree with my mouth wide open in a scream. On the far left is a rearing horse with one of the local farm kids on it,


938938 views22 comments22 favs

Rob slogged down First as November winds tore right on through him that Tuesday at four o'clock in the morning, letting him know that he was the only man left on the face of the whole fucking planet. Except for an old, broke,…


12351235 views22 comments11 fav

time. Night after night he's up, restless. What if she knew his plans? If only he'd bypass his miscalculations and slip through

Why We Were Arrested

12431243 views22 comments22 favs

We have a responsibility,” she says, “to enrich our local business community while delivering quality products to customers.” She had brought over some application forms for the Better Business Bureau, and we sit at the big table and fill them out, marki

I Know You, Ladies and Gentlemen

862862 views22 comments22 favs

On my way home that first night, I stopped off at a liquor store on San Pablo Avenue and bought a semi-expensive ($2.98) bottle of zinfandel, a real luxury for us. But I figured I would have a paycheck coming and wanted to celebrate my getting a real jo


10881088 views22 comments00 favs

Someone had shown me a page on the internet where writers could have their stories analyzed, seeing whose work their piece was similar to. Normally, I only went on the computer to find apartment listings and pornography.

One Star

811811 views22 comments11 fav

...somehow that light has found me.


11991199 views22 comments11 fav

“Hear that?” asks my wife Amy. Books in hand, we relax on our flagstone patio. A shaft of late-day sun borrows through the maples' leafy canopy and deposits a dazzling, sunlit pool on Amy's lap. …

12:00 Somewhere

938938 views22 comments00 favs

"Time really flies.” “I thought that was only when you were having fun,” he said. “Don’t be an asshole.”

Bitterness: Poem

14601460 views22 comments11 fav

Standing hard at the windowCold clouds move, slowBlue horizon in the distance—It's just a slice of blue.All this beautyI miss it in the bitterness.I'm consumed by the missingThe emptinessThe unfairnessAlways some unfairness cropping upand capturing joy.Glancing high…


502502 views22 comments11 fav

The first thing Noah did, more or less, was plant a vineyard.

Land of Our Fathers

11871187 views22 comments11 fav

He called me one Friday when I was a kid and told me he wanted to go trout fishing. He had dreamt that I was a worm or a fly -- he couldn't remember which -- but he was sure I would bring good luck to the stream. The next morning, before grandma awoke, I


821821 views22 comments00 favs

In the darkness I lay waiting for the day to dissipate then I follow the footfalls that follow

Channeling Dr. Gonzo

12371237 views22 comments11 fav

“We’re on our way to gold country to find the American Dream.” No point in mentioning the huge prairie dogs, the ones swarming and screeching beneath the horses in their Hell’s Angel gear and Nixon masks.

I’m going and I’m never coming back

16571657 views22 comments22 favs

“Nag, nag, nag. This time I’m leaving and I’m not coming back.”

Cleveland Clinic

11951195 views22 comments11 fav

Allie didn't share that moment with Jim. That moment he spoke about whenever they made new friends as a couple— that moment he planned to recount at their engagement party.

Picked Up

913913 views22 comments11 fav

Tucker walked the long and lonely stretch of highway in front of him. The loneliness didn't matter; he had his own way of handling that feeling. The walking, however, was wearing away at his mind. How…