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Feline Impediments to a Sunday Nap

522522 views33 comments00 favs

The two cats begin to circle To better make my surface workle. They treat me as (this makes me sore) Floor model in a mattress store.


981981 views33 comments11 fav

okay fine, on the count of three

Edith Head's Heady Day

852852 views33 comments22 favs

Rain dressed for winter, a win, she thought

Annals of the Naked Rowdies #22

10701070 views33 comments00 favs

As they left, Roddy kicked over a statue of a blindfold and half-naked goddess of justice. "I piss on you Justice!" he yelled. The bailiff pushed him out the door as he continued his rant, inaudible.

Intro To the Great American Novel

14071407 views33 comments33 favs

First, the title: How George Bush And the Lovely Danielle Saved Planet Earth From Zork the Galactic Destroyer. A little unwieldy perhaps but still, a grabber. Already you're thinking, George Bush? Saving Earth? Did he die by his own fucking hand?…


595595 views33 comments11 fav

I am cultivating a willingness to devour anything. I will eat a chemistry lab. I will eat a perturbation if I can figure out how to cook a perturbation.

Waiting for Hurricane Dennis, Florida 2005

10471047 views33 comments33 favs

WAITING FOR HURRICANE DENNIS, FLORIDA 2005 With soft eyes, she quizzed, shivered, said: “Where's Dad? Where's Ric? Will you leave me here alone? Are you all going to leave? Where's Peter? Do you feel all right? We're…


11401140 views33 comments33 favs

In a dazzle of emerald softness, it flew out into the breeze wanting for the red apple in the tree just outside my window. The power had gone out, spare change to total meltdown, and the air inside was stifling, thick with mind-numbing languor and mosquitoes. So I…

Shakedown Street

11151115 views33 comments22 favs

The combined smells of ocean breeze, grilled cheese sandwiches, incense and sweat and burning herb that wafted over from Shakedown, along with windblown notes from tinny car speakers all rolled into a potent sensory cocktail he hadn’t tasted in far too l

Breach of Faith

16861686 views33 comments11 fav

You love your wife and would never do anything to hurt her. In thirteen years of marriage you’ve never been unfaithful, never done more than glance at another woman. Until tonight. Tonight you got lucky. Oh God, how you got lucky!

The Astounding Adventures of Cyril Bright

17911791 views33 comments11 fav

Chap. XI: A Place Beauteous of Which I Dare Not Speak And when I had released the spirit from his worldly prison, he did show to me a way that man does not travel, though travel it I did with him until we should chance to see such things as should never be polaroided (and…

My Heart goes Boom

917917 views33 comments00 favs

On his knees in front of the transplant board, he pleaded for his ailing heart, spluttering on its last dying beats, to be replaced with a bomb.


590590 views33 comments11 fav

The work of translation is a braid of light.

Terry, the virgin

10521052 views33 comments22 favs

Terry had an apartment not far from Lake Michigan, where we could stroll to one of the beaches. It was close to Lincoln Park. This was in the summer of 1966. We had to walk up to the fourth floor, and on those steamy hot Chicago summer nights in August,

Golden State

15921592 views33 comments22 favs

The first door on the right is the bedroom. Even if I try to forget; my body remembers and the strength of its yearning fairly pulls me inside. I noticed you left the door ajar. Really you should be more careful.

Return to Porthfeddon

984984 views33 comments22 favs

Once upon a time he'd thought her as cold a fish as her aristocratic husband

Wonder as the Sum of All My Ignorance

714714 views33 comments22 favs

Questions unanswered proliferate/ across the April sky, blue// with wisps of cirrus white.

Patchwork Number Zero

232232 views33 comments11 fav

ITime to flee, when the rain falls new,through whispers coming throughinterstellar solace,the physical impossibility of deathin the mind of someone living. Someone once saidyou can look up everything on TV,that to approach with cautionresults in…

55 Words #1

19731973 views33 comments33 favs

I would roll my eyes, give one word replies or a smiley face.


10891089 views33 comments33 favs

having a bad day

670670 views33 comments11 fav

My mom said, “Carol, why are you laughing?” And I said, “I just saw my last boyfriend and his wife, who got married six months after we broke up, and it’s funny. I mean, I just saw them. They’re in town visiting from California.” And my mom said, “C

Outside Thunder Pallets

11251125 views33 comments44 favs

Carl’s peculiarity of toilet paper rolls is not covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act – he’s looked it up.

Waking Up After a Nap During Election Day

11771177 views33 comments22 favs

He is an exercise in humility:What I cannot have or be. The chances of our meetingand his perfection are darkly astronomical. There are plenty of otherswhose riches I cannot have,why envy him?We are similar in spritbut have different fortunes.It is unfair and…

The Light of Paper Lamps

290290 views33 comments22 favs

Machinery bleeds until a soundlessness confounds,then, like a candle's light through a paper lanternyour womanness passes, leads me,not thru blind eye desires, nor the glow of demon firesbut something powerfully inert. A potent inexaction.I will not cling to your…

Fifth of July

16981698 views33 comments22 favs

On the day my grandmother was buried, my grandfather shucked corn.

The Flight

17071707 views33 comments22 favs

Of course, you're eventually struck by the thought that the house you saw on the hill was not your house and that those children and the dog are purely matter for the strange.

Have You Seen The Globe Today?

912912 views33 comments22 favs

When I Was Young and Beautiful

963963 views33 comments55 favs

I just picked up and went to Rome when I was young and beautiful When I was young and beautiful I played with life like it didn’t matter or exist When I was young and beautiful I never failed Beach nudity Etc Didn’t move me But d

White girl/boy angst

11671167 views33 comments11 fav

I’m secretly hoping for a huge bouquet, a fruit basket, a pickle jar of urine in a lunch bag on my doorstep, even.

The Girls of Spring

11571157 views33 comments22 favs

The girls of spring, they’ll stop your heart When they forsake cosmetic art They practiced back when skies were grey and clouds obscured the light of day.