by Bill Yarrow
Searching for the word which might bring
back better words, I writhe in condign pain
witnessing the cacophony in which she
twists. Once I jogged the pearly perimeter
of Eden, swam laps in the Lake
of Siamese hearts, and hiked the icy top
of Mount Amor. Today the pinkness
of vision is blackened by the debility
of having persisted. I separate my thoughts
into two camps and rush between them carrying
forbidden messages which I burn so as not
to incriminate the pale sender or the ruddy
receiver. There's no daylight in the life to
come when the darkness is not medicinal.
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95 words
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This poem appears in WRENCH (erbacce-press, 209)
The poem appears in Pointed Sentences (BlazeVOX, 2012).
Another nice poem.
Favorite lines: "Once I jogged the perimeter
of Eden..." and "There's no daylight in the life to
come when the darkness is not medicinal."
Ye, I agree with Matthew a good one, Bill, esp loved this line: "I separate my thoughts into two
camps and rush between them carrying
forbidden messages which I burn so as not
to incriminate the pale sender or the ruddy
receiver." fav
Well done, dense with metaphor. I especially like the last sentence. Favorited.