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Dear Scarlet

12731273 views33 comments11 fav

It’s me walking in on you shooting up in the diner’s cesspool of a shitter, and you trying to conceal the evidence while you’re telling me it’s straight up your first time.

am I still alive, yes

686686 views33 comments11 fav

She read her briefs as she sat at the café table in her smart dark blue suit, and she altered the wording on the briefs in front of her, and she would check the watch at her wrist as if there were a pulse there: Am I still alive, yes. Am I still alive,

Portrait of a Sunday Afternoon

12651265 views33 comments22 favs

Your grandmother has gotten old, in that way where one day you wake up, and you realize that someone you've been looking at your whole life suddenly looks different. That hands which used to gently place band-aids on scraped knees are…

3 Unforgotten Remembrances

12111211 views33 comments22 favs

A useful skill. Tonic immobility. I cannot forget...the first year I was a woman...trying to believe the truth I tell...

The Catch

991991 views33 comments33 favs

His granddaughter, Ivy, sat on his knee looking at an old photo album she found under the couch during one of her afternoon explorations. She made him wipe off the dust and cobwebs before he took her through all the pictures, per normal protocol. The albu

That Which Does Not Kill You (Only Postpones The Inevitable)

11191119 views33 comments22 favs

Harold Smithe awoke that Tuesday morning precisely at 6 am. He did this every day for as long as he could remember. Even on the weekends when his schedule varied. Well, varied slightly. He lay in bed trying to wake up and mulled over the things he needed to accomplish for…

The Truthmobile

14041404 views33 comments22 favs

She's had a magnetic sign made for the side of her Honda, TRUTHMOBILE, simple and elegant. Maybe too simple; she's worried it suggests a religious affiliation.

Cassie Fly

11131113 views33 comments22 favs

...the relatives didn't seem nearly as fucked up as she thought they would be considering...


11841184 views33 comments22 favs

The night we broke into Bron-yr-Aur it was too cold to make love. I said I wasn't horny anyway. You put your hand on my forehead: Are you ill?

Sea Shell

13451345 views33 comments11 fav


The Linguist

855855 views33 comments00 favs

I let the little fingers slip thinking they couldn't stand to hold on anymore. When they were done they said addled and I was left behind in the room with only my hand. I hurt myself trying to picture the pretty girls and they took out a piece above my eye. …

To Kill a Deer

13551355 views33 comments33 favs

On September 12th, 2011, the ban on deer hunting became official. Apparently, the hunting and killing of deer had become too cruel. The ban had been a long time in the making. Ever since man began hunting deer way back in the day—somewhere between a fe

Thanksgiving Carnage

931931 views33 comments33 favs

The game is set, thirty pound gobbler at the center; brined, browned, and buttered to perfection. The players take their places around the table: Reagan’s_Disciple and BraBurner38 sit at the head seats, eyeballing each other over a fizzing bottle of dom

Monstrous Thing

644644 views33 comments33 favs

It's only just a poem. The good that's in us is us. There's a monstrous thing trying to get out and ruin things. To unbalance everything standing on tiptoe. To end the dance. To grab the moment and burn it down flat to the ground. They are…

The Kid Who Knew Something

10751075 views33 comments00 favs

Shannon refused to jump from the castle drawbridge to the gigantic truck tire sunk halfway down in the playground quicksand. He just stood there-arms folded across his chest, bony knees sticking out from beneath ratty cutoffs-in silence, looking to Rollie


11441144 views33 comments22 favs

For a time he documented his facial expressions.


954954 views33 comments33 favs

or. Have you ever contemplated smashing someone's face to The Stooges' Fun House?

The Tote Bag Song

788788 views33 comments22 favs

You can ask so many questions Of what’s it all about You can empty out the closets And roll the mothballs out But no one has the answers It’s all a mystery There’s a bigger picture But it’s really hard to see

Unprecedented weirdness

13771377 views33 comments11 fav

The weird thing was that standing here with himself, or what appeared to be himself, he had got so self-conscious that it was almost paralyzing.


619619 views33 comments22 favs

why were ghosts in wry mirrors feeding on hope?


996996 views33 comments33 favs

I’m reading an article about honeybees as I wait for the results of my blood work at the doctor’s office.

I know a moustache

16791679 views33 comments33 favs

“Hey there!/ Here I am, a fucking moustache!/ I’m the biggest damn moustache/ you’ll ever see


775775 views33 comments11 fav

Last time I heard from you, you had been smoking crack with a hooker in the doorway of city hall

My Neighbor in the Apartment Across the Hall

10781078 views33 comments11 fav

She's an obese woman whose clothes don't fit: shirts that ride up too high her belly hanging out her pants suctioned to her strangely pegged legs. Her ballooned cheeks are always chapped pink her lips little slivers peeled back over small beige teeth like…

Sex in the Hothouse

13391339 views33 comments11 fav

"Heaven-high, choking on our own breath and each other's tongues."

The Chicken In A Can Incident: A Cautionary Christmas Tale

14141414 views33 comments33 favs

Don't feed it to the dog, it has bones, it is a whole goddamn chicken in a can, and I can't stress that enough. Besides one year you gave me a toilet seat for Christmas. I couldn't even eat that Ky

Going on Account

10161016 views33 comments33 favs

I study the architecture of hunger. I listen to intuitions. I have a map of heaven and a map of hell and they are the same map.

"Is Your Stomach Making You Sad?" and Other Conundrums of 21st Century Life

11731173 views33 comments33 favs

The questions we ask ourselves define who we are as a culture. “What is the meaning of life?” “Is there a God?” “Does anybody really know what time it is?” “Where the hell did I put my car keys?” To see what…

The Finger of Love

724724 views33 comments33 favs

Wasn’t that you Giving me the finger Or was it just A dead ringer For the finger of love? Finger of love Finger of love Did you find someone’s dog do On your doorstep last night Something didn’t smell right In the middle of the night


767767 views33 comments33 favs

Two Roman busts have come down to us, both copies of supposed earlier Greek originals, from the 4th. century BC.